Anyway, Saturday was a good day. I woke up between 10 and 11am. SWEET! The kids, for the most part, let me sleep. They were in and out for a little while, but I was able to go back to bed, so it was ok.
I helped the kids do their chores, and got the house back in order. It was TRASHED. I don't know how they can possibly do it so fast. It must be some kind of talent or something. House trashing....
Anyway, Andrea called at 11:30am, asking me to come and help her detail her Suburban. The inside part. We realized, after talking for a few minutes, though, that both families were supposed to be at a B-day part for one of Laurie's kids. Phearson. Dang, I"d have to hustle now. I read for WAY too long, and missed out on my shower. It'd have to be a bandana day - hehehe.
We got there about 15 minutes late, but it was still good. The kids got to do a pinata, play a few games, have cake and lemonade, and chicken and mashed potatoes for lunch, and open presents, and have a grand ole time.
We left at around 2;30, and after getting our kids home and situated, Andrea and I headed out to the Verizon store. We stopped at Sonic first, and got a BIG drink. I've had caffeine everyday for the past week, and I could feel my body wanting it. I hadn't had any, so I was starting to feel a bit down and getting a headache. Right before Andrea came to get me, I was in the process of downing a "fake" Dr. Pepper. And I took a migraine pill. I wasn't feeling terribly good.
After Sonic, we went to Verizon. It was a 30 minute wait, so we went to the Family Dollar store to kill some time. Andrea found some Valentine's cards for her kids, and a few things for her little primary class on Sunday. She's such a great teacher!
We finally went back to Verizon, and we learned that we were up next. The little man that helped us probably thought we were DORKS. hehehe. We were keeping him laughing, though! That's gotta be more enjoyable than the grouchy ones they get :)
Andrea activated her new phone, and got a red one instead of the black one they accidentally sent her. On the way home, we were transfering over phone numbers. We got 1/2 way through B before I started getting car sick, and had to put it down. We did figure out this REALLY cool thing though. When people call Andrea, it gives her the choice of 1) Answering, 2) Ignoring, or 3) Sending a Text reply. And they had a ton of pre-set messages to send people. I want that!
My phone was acting up a bit, so the Verizon dude flashed it. Apparently that's supposed to do the trick. My jury is still out on that one, though.
Coming back on post, I seriously thought I was gonna have an accident. I had to pee like there was no tomorrow. Andrea stopped at the gate office, and luckily there was a bathroom there I could use. Seriously, I was in pain, and jumping around on the bench. Too funny :) hehehe.
After that, we headed back off post, and stopped at McDonalds. Andrea bought McChickens and sundaes for the kids. Mine? Yeah, they didn't need anything. We still had Sherbet from Veronica in the freezer, and TONS of chocolate and goodies were consumed yesterday. Yeah, no one in our family needed McDonalds :)
We came back on post, and she dropped me off. I got a text from Leigh, shortly after that, that Eme was having an asthma like cough. Eme had gone to a Movie Birthday party for Leigh (my next door neighbor) daughter Kaleigh's b-day party. Remember the invites I said that I helped her make last week? Yeah ,this was the party.
Anyway, once they got home from the movie, I walked over to her house, and gave Eme her fast acting inhaler. She hardly EVER uses it. Only when she gets a cold. While everyone else would be having a snotty nose, or a little cough, or something little like that, when Eme gets sick, she sound's like she's coughing up a lung. It's really quite nasty :(
Anyway, I stayed a few minutes, and then came back home. I'd put a homemade pizza in the oven, and was afraid that it was gonna burn. Well, it was a little bit crispy, but not burned.
I read for a bit longer, and Captain America came home from his campout. I felt too tired and had too much to do to go out. Our original plan was to go out for Valentines day. Yeah, that didn't happen.
We bathed the kids, and sent them to bed. Jake and Captain America and I sat down and wrote our talks. We're speaking in Church on Sunday about Strengthening Families & Strengthening Marriages. I did some good research, I think.
Here it is, after midnight, and I'm just now tying up my blog/designing. I've been reading again, and it throws off all my routines. AND, I'm still sleepy, and falling asleep. That's not helpful when blogging, you know ;)
Click on the links below to go to my account, and leave some love if you can answer by text on your phone. Thanks!

I find it interesting that you have to speak on something you don't even live. Your husband is never home with you and when he's not working he's off camping without the rest of you. You go off with friends constantly and leave your children alone - at all times of the day or night. How is this strengthening your marriage or family? The reason your husband asked you to speak is because he probably forgot to get someone else to do it amongst working all those hours and camping.
Oh, and please stop telling us how often you don't shower. It's gross. Maybe if you actually spent less time out with the girls or watching all kinds of crap on your computer you'd have more time to shower and pay attention to your kids so your house isn't always trashed.
Reading your blog I thought not to take shower every evening before bed-time is an American habit. Here in Europe, we often shower in the mornings TOO. For example, it's unimaginable not to wash our hair min.every 3 day.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Feb. 14, 2010. Thanks again.
Re: Comment #1
Wow! Ouch! I find it interesting that someone would actually post such statements and under the name of "Anonymous". What's up with that? Do people think they can say anything they want just because no one knows who they are? (You know, like Las Vegas? Where "What goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas". So fine up-standing citizens can go there and be sleazy? No one needs to know and it's really OK? I think not.)
I believe in civility and common respect in life. You put yourself out there (with great sweetness and honesty) and therefore invite peoples comments. People read your blog and then comment. That is all part of the process. If Anonymous is so disturbed and distraught about your life, perhaps she should not read your blog. I think that would be good for all of us. In fact, I think it is interesting that she is so very angry and unhappy. Wonder what's up in her life.
I really came here to say thank you for sharing your wonderful word art. But I get upset with nasty and intolerant behavior. I have trouble staying quiet in the face of a bully.
So thank you and Happy Valentine's Day from me!
Bethany - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have posted what I did. It was wrong of me and I'm truly sorry. Please forgive me.
Bethany, you can set up your blog to monitor the comments that come across...that was just wrong of them to write.
I wonder if Anonymous 1 and 6 are the same person?! Funny how people judge others. Before one judges another family, they ought to put their family in order first. Really? You really going to post that Anonymous 1? Really? What sad pathetic life do you lead that you have to attack someone elses? To me, you sound jealous. Jealous that she has older kids who can watch themselves. And jealous that her b.o. is not so bad that she can go without showering everyday. You must suffer from horrible b.o. and therefore jealous that you have to shower everyday, maybe? Really? What is wrong with your life? You may want o fix you and your family before attacking others.
So what if her husband likes to camp. I an tell you that if mine liked to camp he would be going by himself too because I hate camping. But there are things my husband does by himself and things I do by myself. And yes, we leave our children too when we want to go out. It's an advantage of having teen children.
Get over it Anonymous 1. If you are so disgusted in what Bethany does then stop reading her things. And have the decency to tell her who you are. Does it make you brave to hide behind "anonymous?" I think I'll try that too just to see how brave you really are. By the way, get a life or at least fix your life!
I love that you it like it really is...I am mother of three and work full time out of the house. The reality is that sometimes you just run out of time. I love that you talk about missing showers, feeding the kids crap for dinner, plucking your face and all the other things that are REAL. I miss showers, too, I pluck my face, and sometime I hold strong to the belief that fries are a vegatable. Other times I have it all together...but you never know what each day will bring. You just got to go with the flow. Keep being real!!
Wow. I can not imagine attacking a person like Bethany. She is a full time mother, makes this beautiful word art for everyone, and is an active member of her church where she surves countless hours because it is important to her. You want to see my house, because I have three teenagers living here, and I will tell you it has never been spotless. I am happy if the dishes are done and put away and my bathroom is clean. When I see shoes by the front door, that means that my kids are still at home with me. When I see books on the couch, that means my children have done their homework, and when I see a dirty dish that means my family was fed. Maybe your spotless house just symbolizes the emptiness of your life. Parents with nannys have spotless houses too. I go out with my friends too on fun non girls tims, and I am so grateful to my husband when he takes the kids camping and allows me to have a lazy weekend at home. Before you are so quick to judge, you should face your own life, because no one is perfect, and I think those imperfections is what makes an amazing family.
OooOooOoo...the best place to pluck the face is on a sunny day in the car! I always have tweezers in my car!
Bethany - Your talk was good, even if someone didn't think so! LOL!
Sweetie Pie-
Keep up the good work on your blog. You did a great job on your talk. You are such a super mom. I would be in a mental institution if I had to be a mom and do what you do. Keep doing all the good stuff that you do.
And for your readers, for the record, it was the Bishop who assigned the talks for this week. He asked you and I to speak, not me. I wouldn't have chosen this topic for us, as it's a very difficult topic. A lot of people are sensitive to it. Especially strengthening marriages (singles, divorcees, widows, etc.).
Bethany~ I love you and know that you are an amazing mother and wife!!! It is hard to do all that you do and keep sane. People have no idea what others lives are like, so it be wise for all of us not to judge!!!you rock
Thank you for sharing your day with us and for sharing your word art. I Love your real live and that you write from the heart so that we can see the real woman that you are and not some fake person. If people have a problem with real people maybe they shouldn't be reading your blog. May God Bless you and your family today and always. Love from a friend in Oklahoma.
Thanks Bethany for being you.
Bethany, Just wanted to show you the VT message handout I made with your wordart. It was perfect to find your WA. thanks again for sharing all. Check it out:
(sorry, I don't know how to post a link in a comment)
I love your blog. It's REAL! Don't change a thing. You are loved by your family and readers!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
I don't want to start an e-peen contest here on Bethany's blog, but you're more than welcome to hit up my blog if you feel the need to anonymously hurl insults.
"I'll talk some jive. I'll talk some jive like you've never heard."
Bethany there was no call for anyone to leave a message like that. I love to read about your life. Having a son-in-law in the Army and a daughter that got out this past November, I chuckle over what you all have to do. You do a fantastic job and give us a freebie everyday. I love reading how you manage to get everything done. I hope the other lady stops reading your blog. I could not find a law that it is mandatory to read it or accept your freebies. Keep up the awesome work. I am proud to sign my name.
Sheryl Pierce
A wise old woman (my granny) once said, "Unjust criticism is simply jealousy in disguise." :) Keep being real. I enjoy your blog.
I think that if anonymous has an issue with what you write on YOUR blog then she simply wouldn't come and read it. I am a mother of 4, a grandmother of 4 and I own a buisness. I have also been married for a LONG time. I can tell you that if you dont take some time away for yourself you are nuts,lol. I would just delete and ignor the petty coments. Maybe the writer should spend a little more time with their family and not worry about what you are or are not doing.
"Reading your blog I thought not to take shower every evening before bed-time is an American habit. Here in Europe, we often shower in the mornings TOO. For example, it's unimaginable not to wash our hair min.every 3 day."
Everyone is different and making such a general statement for millions of people? Yeah, I can see why you wrote it anonymous.
I am European too and I know people of all different kinds of shower routines, as silly as that sounds.
Personally, I never shower at night, but rather in the morning, and only every second day if I didn't get all icky or dirty.
Thinking all Americans do this-or-that because of one persons routines is like thinking all Europeans don't shave because Nena (99 Red Balloons) never did. Silly.
oh, my goodness that is so sad---why oh why! That was a day that was suppose to be for love---yikes---hope this person who obviously knows a little too much about you realizes that to harbor these feelings isn't doing them any good! Man--I love you though and know that no one is perfect but to point out particular imperfections isn't nice---really that just isn't nice!!
How nice of Brent to post a comment for you! What a sweetie! Your life is a whirlwind and makes me tired reading about it sometimes :0), but keep it up, girl! Sent with hugs! :0)
OK, it's me again. I hadn't read your whole blog before I responded; and I just wanted to add that I think it's terrible that you felt you had to defend yourself, but then realized that you just needed to VENT, and I'm sure you feel better now that you got it out of your system. And, also, especially in the winter, it's NOT good to bathe every day - it dries your skin out. So, there, anonymous! lol
Bethany, I think you're awesome and amazing. And obviously the problem lies with Anonymous not you.
I read your blog almost every day. (I admit I'm sometimes lazy and skim through to the word art. I adore your word art (which I hope you know because I'm also too lazy to thank you for it every day.)) Anyway, we lead very different lives and I find yours fascinating. I'm closer to twice your age than I am to being the same age as you, I have no children, and the only time I can be found in a church is for weddings, funerals, and the baptism of children of favored friends. You do things differently than I would and sometimes your thinking puzzles me. Other times what you write about is educational. Like eyebrow threading. I'd never heard of it before your blog.
I don't want to judge you but if I were pressed I'd say you're refreshingly honest, hard-working, fun to be with, a good mother, and a great wife.
Well, I love your blogs! I know quite a few people have defended you...but I wanted to say that I read your blog every it is a inspiration for me. You are a mum to many children, and you still manage to have your life too! I work full time and have two boys, and I stuggle with looking after me! My weight and spending time with friends...doesn't always happen.
You still find time to do the mum stuff, that never seem to find time for. I think you have found the perfect balance in your current life. And I think you should be proud!
"Anonymous" shouldn't read your blog if they think like that, and especially if they think they should actually take the time to write something like that!!!
Don't worry about the phone, I am sure andea will understand (I have done the phone thing myself - murphy's law).
Chin up! and know that you should be proud of you and your family!
Reharn Morris
Thank you! (PLEASE ignore the hurtful and hateful statments from the first "anonymous" statment. People feel that they can say what they want as long as they are protected, and since he/she didn't give their name, they obviously don't want any feedback! GRRRR! That makes me so mad!)
Ok I leave comments as anonymous but only because I don't this account or that account or even my own blog, but I do at least leave my name. I like to think that we can all have our beliefs, standards and principles. And I also like to think that we have the right to disagree. So whether I agree or disagree with you Bethany, YOU have the right to your beliefs, standards and principles. Thanks for sharing your life and wordart. Love Sandra McCreight
Not that you need another poster coming to your defense (it's obvious you have many friends who love you), I just want to say that I enjoy your blog! I read it just about every day and I love reading how in depth you are! I'm a mom of 6, with a son who is old enough to babysit and I relate 100% to what you said! I love that I have a little more freedom now. I work very hard as a mom, and sometimes I need a break! In fact, sometimes, your blog inspires me to get out a little more! I think the sacrifices your hubby makes is awesome! I've also had my husband in a bishopric at one time, and it is a lot of work on both sides. And I think it is very cool that you let your hubby have his hobby! My hubby's hobby is WOW and there are evenings when he is lost on his computer and I'm lost on mine, and it's totally okay! We still know we love each other!
Anyway, just wanted to say that I think you're awesome! Keep up your blogging!
Just wanted to say to anonymous no. 1.... pffft! Get a life yourself.. and you wouldn't be so critical of others. Geeeeez...
Bethany I am a loyal blog stalker of yours. LOL Sadly I don't reply much to my blog writers.. but had to today. I have been following your blog for a couple of years, and honestly I admire you and all of your desire to accomplish so much in each and every day! You are a whirlwind of creativity, honesty, love and activity! I think you are awesomeness, and always seem to be doing the very best that you can with such a positive attitude. Life gets in the way.. and you are never shy in sharing with us when this happens to you. I love that you admit this to us all of the time.. yeah.. you keep it real. Don't ever stop... it's completely endearing.. and makes you extra sweet!!
Thank you oodles of zoodles for all of the truly fabulous wordart gifts. I treasure them.
A Canuck fan.....
DiAnna :) :) :)
I personally feel sorry for Anonymous. Surely that did not make her feel better to be so hateful and rude. I just love your blog. I grew up with a Mom that was always pulled in many directions. We grew up on Scrambled Eggs and pancakes a lot for supper. Still love it today. Anonymous is hateful to judge you. I would of deleted know how your blog readers feel about you. Don't fuel her sickness. Mary Ann, Texas
I missed reading yesterday so I missed the whole brouhaha. Wow. I find it interesting that your critic didn't choose to leave her name! Apparently not wanting anybody to challenge her, huh? Keep on keepin' on, Bethany! You're an inspiration to other moms out there, you really are. I just LOL when I read that you didn't shower. I SO know where you're coming from! My problem is hot flashes so if I don't shower, it's nasty. LOL. Love you!!
I would love to see a Text Art on Melody N.'s Post quote: When I see shoes by the front door, that means that my kids are still at home with me. When I see books on the couch, that means my children have done their homework, and when I see a dirty dish that means my family was fed.
I love it!!
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