Captain America and Eme and Joe got ready to go over to Old Ft Bliss for Armed Forces day for a Living History, and Hilary parked at my house at 7:45am. I helped her carry a cooler over to their FRG booth at Armed Forces day. I walked back home, and got more ready for the day.
Tom had to be at Football at 9am, and I was supposed to take Jim and Jake with me. But they convinced me to let them stay at home, so Tom and I headed out. I took my laptop, and designed for an hour on the field. I really wish they'd have had bleachers. Nope. I sat under a tree, on the ground, in white shorts. Yeah, lovely :)
I did get 4 WordArt Packs designed before my laptop died, though. Toms team lost, but I did see them run a touchdown. Good job!
We headed home at around 11:40. Captain America and Jimmy were home getting lunch for the rest of the family. I helped them make sandwiches, and carrots and pretzels and such. He also mentioned he'd invited Larry (his buddy who owns the horses) to dinner tonight. Whaaaaaat? My house was trashed. Very. I didn't want anyone to see my house like that.
So instead of going to Old Ft Bliss with the family, I sent the kids with Captain America, and I stayed home to clean. And I didn't mind too much. I needed to clean the house anyway.
Eventually, Jake and Jimmy came back, and helped me clean some more. We moved around a few things in the dining room, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the living room, and started on dinner.
I defrosted chicken, and let in marinade in Chipotle sauce. Mmmmm. And I baked potatoes in the oven. And green beans. And Macaroni and Cheese. And brownies. And then Hilary came over to borrow a movie. And she brought me Sonic. Because she's awesome :)
We ended up going to the Commissary, so that I could get Hot Dogs and Buns for the little kids. Then when we got back, she tried on my smallest formal. She had a Ball in July to go to. It fit, so she's gonna borrow it :) Yeah for formals :) hehehe. We'll just have to make sure that we get her to the beauty school earlier than I got there.
She went home, and I finished cooking. Captain America and Larry and the kids got here around 6pm, and we ate. It was SO yummy. I had a piece of chicken, and 1/2 a cucumber, some crackers, and an apple. I really liked the chicken.
We ate, and chatted, and the kids played. When Larry left, we noticed a bunch of kids playing outside in the front yard, and let our kids play too. I ended up chatting with my neighbor lady for quite some time.
When I came back inside, the rest of the family was watching Iron Man. We eventually put the little kids to bed, and here it is, 8:38pm. Iron Man is almost over, and I'm almost done blogging. I may have Captain America watch another movie with me before bedtime. Not sure :) (ok, I just designed my freebie, and hooked it up here, and apparently we're going to see Iron Man 2. Because it's the perfect time to see it, since he just watched #1. Or so he says - LOL! Movie starts at 9:50pm. See, it's a good thing I blogged and designed early. Otherwise I'd have been tired at church tomorrow)
This WordArt comes from the Visiting Teaching message from June. A little early, but then, it's never bad to be prepared, right? hehehe. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you for this. I think I will use to to make something for my sisters. It is a good reminder when we get discouraged about your own abilities to change ourselves.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on May. 16, 2010. Thanks again.
This is beautiful Bethany. Thanks so much!
This is awesome! I would ask the author to change "week after week" to "day after day" though. :o)
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