I got up at 7:20am, and got ready. My "formal" hair was passable for one more day, so I just put on new make up. I looked pretty good for not having showered - LOL.
Anyway, after I got ready, I went out and got the kids ready. Eme was coughing so bad, I let her stay home with Captain America, who was sick too. Jim and Joe and Jake and Tom and I left for church at 8:40am.
Sacrament was good. Primary went by fast. Hilary was sick and not there today, so I missed my buddy :( Singing time was pretty fun. We played "football". The kids answered questions about the song, and for each right answer, the football went closer to the goal line. Then they got to sing a fun, active song that was written on the back of the football. It was a good time :)
After church, we watched the end of the movie that Eme and Captain America were watching (Spirit), then had lunch. The kids had bagel sandwiches, and I had chicken and cucumbers. We watched a Doctor Who episode, and got on with the day.
I went and took a nap (hehehe), and Captain America did some projects around the house with the kids. I woke up at almost 4pm, after a cockroach climbed on my foot. Yeah, not the way one wants to be woken up. NASTY! I hopped up in a daze, and it took me a while to recover - hehehe. I'm laughing because it doesn't help to cry...
I went outside, and helped Captain America (by that, I mean supervised) move some boxes around to the shed, and we started the coals. I went inside, and made twice baked potatoes out of the left over baked potatoes from yesterday.
For dinner, the kids had pork steaks, twice baked potatoes, and left over mac and cheese from yesterday. I had a turkey brawt and some salad. SO yummy. I just love BBQ-ing.
I read a few chapters of a Goosebump book to Joe and Jim before bed, then tucked them in. I drove Captain America up to the battery to get his truck, then came back home. I started working on some Cub Scout stuff after that. I'm trying to come up with a 12 month plan to earn their rank, including the Faith in God program. I finished up the Wolf tonight. I"ll work on the Bear and Webelos later :)
Captain America went outside to hang the screening on top of the patio. He climbed up there, used boards to move around on, and nailed it down. Yeah, you couldn't pay me enough money to do that - hehehe. He did a good job, though.
I brought my laptop outside, and re-worked the kids' menu for food, and the shopping list. I'm all set for grocery shopping tomorrow ;)
So here it is, 11;13pm, and I'm done blogging, and done designing. I'm watching part of Taken (don't mess with Liam Nielson. He's TOUGH in this movie - hehehe), then I'm going to bed. I'm sleepy, despite my nap :)
This WordArt request comes from Julie. I got an email from her today, and didn't feel like digging through the 600 messages in my inbox. Sigh. Stupid inbox. hehe. SO, for all of you staying home for vacation this year, here's a WordArt for ya :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Love today's wordart :) With the exception of a couple of small camping trips, that will be us this summer! Thank you for sharing your creations with us!
thank you!!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on May. 17, 2010. Thanks again.
This is just perfect for Me, I rarely go on Holiday now.
I just Love how people Invent new terms as required, I find Words like this Funny:)
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
what a fun word art... ty
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