So it was one of the longest days..... EVER! At least I got to sleep in. Sleeping in is good :) I woke up at 9am, just at Tom and Captain America left for Golf. No, football. hehehe. Where did that come from - LOL! I think I'm tired - hehehe. We weren't even talking about Golf. ROFL!
I got ready and went to the commissary with Hilary. Well, "ready" is a relative word. I put on jeans, and a hoodie, and socks, and flip flops, and pulled my hair back. That's about as good as it got. :) Hilary had on the same, and a CUTE ski hat. It was COLD this morning. 57 degrees. Buzzy! I'm not liking the cold weather. I thought I lived in the desert.
I let the kids play electronics, and headed out. I got everything that I needed, except for tortilla chips and diet soda. Essentials, you know.Captain America uses tortilla chips in his taco salads, and he eats them EVERY day for lunch. So I guess it is essential.
Hil and I went to Sonic after the commissary, and got Diet Dr Peppers, easy ice, and headed back to my house. I paid Jake a dollar to carry all the bags inside the house, and Hilary went back home. It took me about 30 minutes to get everything put away, and at about that time, Captain America and Tom got home. We cooked lunch for everyone. Leigh's kids were over playing. Kayleigh and Noah. After I got home from the commissary, I'd made them all turn off the electronics, and go outside and play. They were all having fun in the backyard.
Around that time, Captain America and I went out to the garage to clean it. He thought it was gonna be a 2 hour project. I knew it was gonna be longer, but I didn't know it was gonna be as long as it actually was. Sigh. ALL DAY LONG!
We moved ALL of the stuff out of the garage (yeah, not an easy task). Where did all of that crap come from, is what I wanna know - hehehe. It took hours and hours to get it all out. Leslie's oldest son, Devon came down to help us at one point. Thank goodness! He helped with all the heavy lifting. We found quite a bit of stuff to throw away. And people came by and took quite a bit. We got rid of all of our old dining room chairs. Now there's a dryer, and a WHOLE bunch of food storage, and a few other things out in the trash pile. We'll see if there's any takers :)
We stopped at 5:00pm to cook dinner. And started back up again at 6pm. I was wearing out fast. My poor back was hurting, and since my calories have been reduced with my diet, my energy level was waning. I wandered over to Leslie's house for a few minutes, to see her new furniture. Looked pretty good!
When I got back, Captain America was still working on the garage. I was done with that, so left him and the older kids to it, and went in to clean the kitchen. I wiped down all the countertops, and the sink, and mopped the floor. It looked pretty good when I was done.
I rearranged the living room too. I just wasnt happy with the current arrangement. Too crowded feeling. I moved the TV to a different spot, and shuffled some of the furniture. MUCH better. Captain America wasn't crazy about the configuration, but he didn't say much :) He did say that it did open up the space more, and he liked that. At least he found something good about it. Because I'm not changing it - LOL!
There were about 8 loads of laundry on the couch, so I sat down and folded them. ALL of them. The kids had already gone to bed, so tomorrow after church, they have a date with the laundry. A date to put it all away :) LOL!
By this time, it was 10:30pm. Captain America came in from the garage, saying he was done. WOW, that was late :) He was exhausted, but said that we still needed to go to Walmart to get the last of the groceries. I could tell that he wasn't up to it. He looked pretty tired.
So I volunteered to go so that he could go to sleep. OK, don't be thinking I'm all noble. hehehe. Hilary and Laurie were at Laurie's house at 10pm hanging. I wasn't gonna come, because Captain America and I were supposed to go out. But the garage messed up all the plans. So when he said he wanted to go to bed, I decided to go with the girls. After the movie, I'll go to Walmart.
So here it is, 12:07pm, and I'm just finishing up. Now off to design, then I'll finish the rest of the movie :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 14 post on May. 02, 2010. Thanks again.
Socks and flip flops?
57° is COLD?? I had to laugh because we here in Spokane, Washington haven't even gotten UP to 57 yet this year! Two nights ago the overnight low was 30°, and with the wind chill factor, it felt like 18° (Now THAT counts as cold!).
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us and I especially want to thank you for the tutorials on downloading PNG files and recoloring Word Art - I've been trying to figure that out for a while now and you may very well have just solved my problem!
Thanks again,
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