So, 7:20am came VERY early this morning. I didn't go to bed last night until 3:30am. hehehe. I had fun, though :) We watched "The Imaginarium of Dr Panassiam", or however it's spelled. It was VERY odd. I fell asleep a few times. Yeah, strange movie. I won't be watching it again :)
Anyway, after a 2am trip to Walmart, and then designing a handout for our primary activity, I finally went to bed. And woke up 4 hours later :)
I got the kids in the shower, fixed myself, dressed the kids, fed the kids, printed out my invite for photocopying them at church, gathered my things, and headed out. We made it with 8 minutes to spare. And got our seats that we like. hehehe. Actually, a family at church is moving this week, and I think we'll take over their row - hehehe. We can see Captain America better from that angle. Cause he sits up front, you know ;)
Anyway, church was good. Primary went well too. Sacrament meeting went over, so it messed up the times of primary a bit, too. I ended up not having time for Singing Time. We did practice the Mother's Day song, though. That worked.
We were home by 12:30, ate lunch, and folded some laundry. Remember ALL that laundry on the couch? Well, I'd separated it the other night, and now was the day for folding. Jake and Tom and Eme folded and put away their own, and I folded Jim and Joe's, and they put it away. I helped Jim and Joe clean their room a bit, and they finished it off.
I hooked my computer up to the TV, and we watched a few talks from General Conference while folding laundry. It was a nice time :)
Captain America got home at around 1pm, or was it 1:30pm. He cooked lunch, and I ate my lunch with him. We put on a movie for the kids, Nim's Island, and Captain America and I took a nap. I slept from 2-4pm, and it felt SO good. I woke up, and read a chapter in one of my recently updated fanfics I like, and went to help the kids cook dinner. Jake and Tom like to help. I taught Jake how to make spaghetti.
Captain America woke up at 5:30pm. He and I cooked our dinner, and ate it. The kids were playing outside, but it was getting too windy, so I had them come back inside. They all did their chores, and they got the house back to clean again.
Captain America and Jake drove across town to see the guy who's fixing Captain America's old truck. The other kids and I watched some Doctor Who, then when Captain America and Jake got home, I put the little kids to bed, and we watched the episode with Captain America and Jake and Tom. It was a nice evening :)
Here it is, 10pm, and I'm sleepy. Early bedtime for me, me thinks :)
Hilary gave me this saying, and I thought it was SO cute. So I made up a WordArt for y'all! Hope you like it :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Cute wordart, but you have a mistake in it hun, you missed out a h, it's whether the weather - hugs Crystal xx
hee hee I like this one!! Thanks, Bethany!
Great wordart and would save it to go with my recently expanded collection from your 'sale' but, as Lukasmummy says - you've misspelled a whether ... it's got an 'h' after the 'w' - unless the US spelling of it is different to the UK, as some spelling does differ.
The Imaginarium movie was definitely weird.
Cute wordart!
This is so cute! Thank you! :0)
That's indeed one awesome quote. And wonderful WA!
Great for those days the weather turns on you, but you still (have to) go out. :)
After reading these comments, I'll better wait until you come with the corrected version. (I just know you will, after you've had a good nights rest)
Heehee... Seems a Wether is a castrated male goat or sheep.
Not that I'd have know, being Dutch. So thanks to Lukasmummy and PeeJay for the heads up! :)
Yeah, a "bell wether" is the lead sheep or goat (yes, castrated) in a flock - it wears a bell so the other sheep (or goats) will follow. "Whether" is the correct spelling, as in "Whether the weather is sunny or cloudy, we will go to g-ma's house".
i do love this WA, so i hope you will consider correcting the spelling of the word. It's just too cute to miss it because of a spelling error. Very clever!
Thankyou Bethany for all your wonderful pieces of have a wonderful talent for putting words together to tell a story for us to us for our stories....Bev (havachat).
Thanks for the correction! I knew you'd come through! :)
I've always had a bit of an obsession with weather, possibly because I do a lot of photography but I find it endlessly fascinating. Needless to say I absolutely love this wordart!
Thank you for this great word art
Thank you so much for this.
Oh- this is reallky a tongue twister! Very creative WA and font paly. thanks for sharing
Thanks so much for the fun saying and word art.
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