Anyway, got up at 8am to Jimmy SCREAMING. He was awake, I think his throat was hurting, and he wasn't dealing well with Joe teasing him. Wasn't dealing well at all. We got him his antibiotic and his pain meds, and he was much better. And had a talk with Joe about teasing the poor post-op kid. hehe. Poor baby.
Captain America and I hurried and got ready, and he and Jimmy and I headed up to the school to register Jim for pre-k. Eme was still at the Nouhan's house, so it was just Jake and Joe and Tom at home.
We brought the stroller, so he didn't have to walk around, and packed some popsicles and gogurts and waters for him. He was content to sit in his stroller and eat. :)
I started on the paperwork, and it took FOREVER. Why in the world do they need all that information? My poor hand was killing me by the time I was done. AND, apparently Joe and Tom and Eme didn't get re-registered last year (and they don't automatically do it), so I had to fill out paperwork for ALL 3 of them, too. Sigh.
What seemed like HOURS and HOURS later, we were done. Captain America had a MRI at 2pm, and needed to go get some meds from the hospital at noon before he could take the MRI. So we got to the hospital parking lot, and he checks his phone, and realizes that the appointment is NEXT monday. Oops. hehehe. BUT, we have to go and pick up a prescription for Jake anyway, so we go inside, wait the 30 minutes in line to get Jakes meds, and head back home.
But since I'm starving, we swing by the hospital cafeteria first. OMHeavens, I liked the food! See that salad? It was only $3.30. And it had about double the meat you'd get from burger king or McDonalds. And the meat in the container was $1.40 for turkey, and $1.40 for beef. I thought I'd be able to eat it all, but my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I brought it home for dinner.
I decided that Captain America needed to bring me back to the hospital for a lunch date again soon - hehehe.
So we got home, and decided to clean the kids room to make room for the bunk beds that we'd got from Leslie. The kids SAID that they'd got their rooms cleaned, but yeah, they weren't. We moved everything to the side, and vacuumed real well. And got the upstairs bathroom cleaned, and the stairs, and the hallway. It looked a lot better when we were done.
Leslie and John were gonna come and show us how to build the bunk beds, but John got tied up at work, so we decided to do it in the evening instead of the afternoon.
Captain America worked on getting some carpet in his old truck, and I looked for the mysterious smelly smell in the garage. See all these plastic totes? I moved them all, one at a time, and smell tested inside each one. Nothing smelly. I was worried that it was gonna topple down on top of me. It was a TALL tower, and some of those boxes were heavy :)
And see how sweaty I got. That's NASTY! Girls shouldn't sweat like that, you know...
It was left over night. Taco bake or enchiladas. I had the left over meat from lunch and a cucumber. Around 6pm, we all loaded up in the truck and headed to Captain Americas game. We were a bit late getting out of the house, and I had to stop at the Shoppette for a drink. And 2 slushies for the kids to share. And some suckers. Only the essentials, you know :)
Here's a pic of Captain America getting walked to first. He scored on the next play, I think it was.
Which is probably why they called the game when Captain Americas team had a 20 point lead... Mercy call at 23-3. WE didn't get to see much of the game, since we were a bit late, and it got over early - ha!
So we decided to do a photo op for a while :)
We put kids to bed, and at around 9pm, Captain America and I headed out for a soda. We drove to the Northeast side Circle K for a Diet Mt Dew. Oh yea :) Here's my favorite Circle K
We were there WAY too long. Especially since Captain America has to get up at 4am in order to be to his place on time tomorrow.
But we did have fun shopping there. We found all sorts of cool stuff. Like these plates - hehehe.
And blueberries for under a dollar. Can't pass that one up :)
Anyway, we FINALLY had everything we needed, and headed to the register. And it took FOREVER. Cause they never have enough cashier's. Our lane had 6 people in it, and it was short. Captain America went to the bathroom ,and I stayed with the cart, then I went to the bathroom, and he stayed with the cart, and we only moved 1 person in line. Sigh. This was gonna take FOREVER. The line was never ending...
Somehow we managed to get to the front of the line, paid, and was on our way. We got home, up all the stuff away, I put Jimmy on the couch from my bed, and just now gave him another dose of meds. His throat was hurting again. Poor baby :( He's really doing a lot better during the day, though. I had to scold him for running around today - hehe. And I had to buy him more popsicles, because he's eaten all of them. Which is a good thing. That means he's staying hydrated :)
It's now 1:27am, and I'm sleepy. I'm going to the thrift store with my sister (and whoever else wants to join me) in the morning, and maybe a quick trip to Fallas. I need full sheets for the bottom bunk bed bunks. And the sets are cheap there. And maybe a new upstairs bathroom shower curtain and rugs. We'll see about that...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Great post! My goodness, girl, I got tired just reading it! lol Thanks so much for the freebie!
Thank you for the great word art. Glad Jimmy is doing better. I remember sitting on the bleachers for a ton of softball games and many mercy endings. LOL
thanks so much for the word art that you post for us. I just entered a card using one of your word art sentiments and wanted you to be able to see it. I also put at link to your blog with it. Thanks again for your art.
I remember bleachers & softball games - when I was 7 or so, I used to go to the ones at the Navy base my father was stationed at on Okinawa...
More recently I've been to Stake YW softball (and volleyball and basketball) every Saturday for years. I prefer watching to playing myself.
I know all about the endless lines and "hurry up and wait!" When I got married my brand-new husband and I had to go to the Presidio in San Francisco to get me an ID card and shots to go to Germany. That was when I learned NEVER to go anywhere without a book or handwork to do.
Thanks for the wonderful word art I really enjoy it and your blog.
I have to smile to myself at teenagers who are so anxious to "grow up". Little do they realize that adulthood, among other tings, is comprised of rules, someone (in-laws, boss, government, etc.) telling you what to do and interminable lines and waiting while following those rules. But this is good. We are a nation of laws and are good at following them. We live in an organized society as a result.
The moral of the story is: Never leave home without a distraction (something to do) in your tote. Great topic for some life journaling. Thanks for the inspiration and the word art.
I want to go to YOUR walmart! The ones around here Blueberries are over 2 dollars and notebooks are a dollar. *sigh*
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