Woke up at 7am, after having gone to bed near 2am. Yeah, I was tired. I wished I could have slept longer, but motherhood was calling :)
I got up, got meds for kids, got breakfast, got movies, got whatever else people needed, and got myself dressed. Maddie and I were going to the thrift shop at 9ish am. We took Jimmy and Lily, hopped in my truck, and off we went. Jake was watching the kids who stayed home. We brought 2 strollers for the kids, and Hilary met us there. No one else on Facebook decided to come and play :( Ok, ok, so maybe it's because they live WAY far away to come and play, and not because they didn't want to. Cause you all would have come and played, right? hehe.
I found a few good things at the Post thrift shop. Like this hat. Everyone needs one, right? hehee.
I ended up getting a shirt, and Eme got a few shirts, and Joe and Jim got an outfit, Jake got a shirt, and I got some shoes. I think that was it. It was $3.53. Not too bad :)
And here's Jimmy playing around in the cheap section. This was while his pain meds were still in effect :)
I got some more curtains for the kids rooms, since the other set got lost. Yeah, how do you possibly lose curtains.... sigh. I think that's all I got there.
Next, we stopped by Hilarys house to get some lunch, then headed to Goodwill. I found some shoes and a shirt I was thinking about getting, but ended up putting them back. Maddie got a few things, and Hilary found some sweat pant things.
We paid, and Maddie and I walked down to the Dollar Tree, and Hilary drove her car. Cause we had sleeping babies, and didn't wanna wake them to put them in a car to just take them out again. Strollers are a beautiful thing, you know :)
I found some plastic army men for Joe (he want's them for his b-day), a b-day banner, and a few other thing. Molassas cookies were on my list too. Mmmm, I like them :) I even had one with my afternoon snack.
After the dollar tree, we drove over to the Northeast side and got a soda from Circle K (Diet Mt Dew), then headed back home.
Me in the car
Ella took a nap, and I helped Eme and Joe, and Jake and Tom clean their rooms. Jimmy laid in my bed, took some more meds, and felt much better. The poor little guy.
I set up my laptop in my room so I could do some work, and left the kids to cleaning their rooms. I'd helped with the big parts, and let them sort the smaller junk. Crazy kids.
So as I was hanging up curtain in Eme's room, I found her missing ones. Sigh. And the boy's missing green ones. Now I have a buttload of curtains. I hung up one pink, one green, and one purple one in Eme's room, and I really liked the look of it. What do ya think?
Also, Jake and Tom were saying how their bottom sheet (full) didn't fit on their bed, and that they couldn't get it to fit. I'd already put Eme's on, so I knew it fit. When I got upstairs to help them, they'd pulled it SO hard it had ripped. Sigh. I guess that bed has a queen bottom bunk. Oops. My bad. Now I need to go get them a different sheet set for the bottom. I think I'll go to Walmart and get one, since the Fallas ones seem to be a bit cheap.
It's now 4:32pm, and Captain America just texted and said he's on his way home! Woohoo! He's got a baseball game tonight that we're planning on going to. We'll see what else the night holds :)
OK, blogging part 2. LOL! It's now 10:07pm, I just got my wordart designed and hosted and linked up, now I'm finishing off my day in blog :) Gotta love it ;)
So I decided to start dinner at 5:15pm. I didn't really have anything to fix. I desperately need to go grocery shopping, but loathe to go. Andrea, hon. Why did you move? You've been my grocery shopping buddy FOREVER.... Sigh. On a positive note, their offer on a house in North Carolina was accepted, and they move in on the 17th! I'm SO excited for them :)
Anyway, so I have no menu, and no menu food. So I just started throwing stuff together for a stew. It looked pretty tasty.
I added a big can of diced tomatoes, and some chopped green onions. I diced up 3 yellow squashes, and a serving size of whole wheat spaghetti, broken into tiny little pieces, and let it cook until everything was tender. And some salt. I added salt.
Me, grouchy, because my food is taking WAY too long to cook...
We dished it up when it was done ,and took it to the game in plastic containers. I liked it. I let
Tom eat most of my potatoes. I did eat a few, though. I counted it as my carbs for my re-feed portion of my diet.
We got to the game a few minutes after it had already started, and sat and watched. Maddie brought her girls, but didn't stay long. Ella stayed to play with us, and she took Lily back home. Captain America's team won 16-1. Woohoo! It resembled nothing of a playoff game. They manhandled the other team. It was almost embarrassing.
We came home, got the kids to bed and situated, and Captain America and I headed out to go exchange the curtains. I got shorter in the blue and longer in the pink, like we needed. And we got some pencil sets for the kids for their first day of school. Captain America wanted to get it for them. A special treat from dad. It was cute.
AND, I found the cutest shirt on a mannequin early in the day, and when we went there tonight, I showed Captain America, and we took it off the mannequin, and bought it - ROFL! Sorry, Fallas, but there's a nakie mannequin in your store now :)
Ignore the no make up and tired face. I promise I'll fix myself tomorrow - ha! They have no trying-on room at Fallas, so I had to just slip it on over my shirt - ha!
BUT, I did notice that they had Halloween stuff out. WHAAAAAAT? It's only the beginning of August. Are you kidding me? I guess it IS the next commercial holiday. But still...
So in the few minutes before we headed out to Fallas the 2nd time, I hopped online and grabbed a few minutes of the Scrabpookgraphics chat. And they were talking about one of the Summer Soiree challenges. SO, I'm making a WordArt to go with that!
It was a challenge to scrap 7 things inside of your purse. Hmmm, what's in my purse...
1/2 package of saltine crackers
Captain America's phone (oops)
Circle K straw wrapper
Sugar Free Life Savers Wrapper
Packet of Raspberry Vinegar from Subway (to use as salad dressing)
Ha! And me, being me, decided to make a WordArt about it :) Especially for Studio Gypsy (Lisa). Hope you like it, girl!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

My daughter LOVES purses. They are her favorite thing and she is so particular. Now that she and her husband are recently out of college, with 1 toddler, another baby on the way and working at entry level pay, things are really tight for them. I have been thinking of sending her some "me" money for a personal treat (everyone needs one once in a while LOL). This word art will be perfect for the card. Thank you so much for sharing!
I love your work and I enjoy reading your blog. thank you so much for sharing it. =)
I'm glad someone else has strange stuff in their purse. Mine never has girly stuff. Camera, mp3 player, mini composition notebook (decorated of course), 9 extra gig of SD cards, thumb drive, change, and a lot of pens. I don't keep my wallet in there! LOL
Thanks for the super word art!
wonerful sentiment. I know just which stamp I am going to use it with. Thank you so very much
HAhaha great wordart! thanks so much for sharing!
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