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Monday, September 20, 2010


Hey all :) I am super happy to be home! I woke up this morning at 5:30am with my migraine back, but luckily, I had my meds at the nurses station, and was able to take them. Thank goodness! I ate a few crackers, took the pill, and went back to sleep. I woke up what I thought was 7am. Since I didn’t have a watch, and there was no clock in the room, I decided to take a shower. When I was done and dressed and make up on, I trotted down to the nurses station to get my hair dryer, and saw that it was 7:15am. I guess I got up a bit before 7am, but not much. It works for me. Hehe.

I didn’t want to wake up my roommate, Antonia, so I blow dried my hair in my bathroom, without a mirror. It looked ok, I think. Ha! When I was done, I went out and chatted with a new guy, Kevin , for a while. Hes from Ruidoso. Seemed like a nice guy. I know that when I first got there, the people were very nice and kind and made sure that I was included, so I wanted to do the same for him. Because it’s the right and nice thing to do.

We went to breakfast at 8:15am, and I actually got seconds. My friends were all proud. I had double portion of eggs, with sugar free syrup on it. Mmmm, tasty. Hehe. I may have to start eating my eggs that way.

After breakfast, we all sat around and chatted for a while. Mara and I looked at the sale ads, and I missed Savers… I’m not a mall girl, by any means… hehe. They did have some cute things, though.

I read in my book, The Mockingjay (Hunger Games trilogy, #3) for a few minutes, and soon it was time to go to 1oam group. I knew I was getting discharged today, but just didn’t know when. Whenever the doctor came to make his rounds, he’d see me, then sign the discharge papers. They were all ready to go.

Group was good. We talked about relationship styles, and how we look at life. It was good to recognize which category I fell into, so I could see my strengths and weaknesses and work with them, not against them.

About 15 minutes before the end of group, the Tech came to get me to see the doctor. Woohoo! He made sure that I was doing good, gave me the prescription for my meds, signed the papers, and I went to pack my stuff. I was going home!

Captain America was in the lobby waiting for me, and I packed my suitcase, left my contact info with my friends, and headed out. It was SOOO good to see him. I was so happy! We stopped at the drive up Walgreens window for my prescription, and headed home. The house was mostly clean, Captain America had gotten me a potted flowering plant for the living room, and there were even some groceries in the house. It was PERFECT!

The kids were home within 30 minutes from church, and we had lunch and hung out. I was SO excited to see them, and I think they were excited to see me too. Hilary came by to say hi, and chatted for about 20 minutes, then headed home. She’s been a huge help to me and my family while I was gone. Thanks, girl!

Captain America and I had made bagel sandwiches for the kids before they got home, and started on making Jimmy a birthday cake. We finished that up, and put it in the oven to bake. We watched a Sunday movie, Testaments, then assembled the cake.

At around 2:30pm, we had Jimmy’s family birthday party. 2 layer carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Mmmm, it looked SOOOO yummy. We lit the candles, sang to him, gave him his presents, and ate the cake. I put ½ of it in the freezer for a later date, and dished the other ½ up. I even had a ½ of a slice. I meant to eat the whole thing, but it was SO sweet. Still, it was good! And the first real sugar I’ve had in a long time. I don’t think anyone finished all of their cake. So no there’s left over cake on the counter. I figure kids can nibble on it for the rest of the day, and I’ll just throw the left overs away at bed time. I already have a whole ½ of the cake frozen, no need for more in the fridge, right?

We’d thought about putting in a movie to watch and nap on the couch, but I’m tired of the TV. It was on the whole time at the hospital, and pretty noisy. I would like some nice, peaceful music. I wonder if I have any….

It’s now after 3pm, and I’m taking some time to journal. I found it very helpful in the hospital, and its something I want to continue. Not only journaling my blog, but journaling some feelings and thoughts and such also.

But I did want to tell everyone thank you for understanding what I went through. I have not yet been online. I decided to take a break until Monday. I didn’t even turn my phone on on Sunday. Or check emails or anything. I wanted to just spend the day with my family and get back into life slowly. So, tomorrow, I’ll go check the blog and see my email and such. I heard that people left such sweet notes and such. Many thanks in advance! It’s nice to know that so many of you care. BIG HUGS!!!


Avis said...

Welcome back Bethany! ^_^

It's good to hear from you again!
Don't worry about blogging.
Health & Family are top priority.

Take Good Care of yourself, Gal! :)

Lotsa Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany, i'm Elaine, Hilarys friend. I know i don't know you, but wanted you to know i have been thinking of you and saying prayers for you and your family. I'm glad you are feeling better, i've been there before and it's not fun at all. Take things day by day and have positive thinking and thoughts, i've found that helps me alot. Big hugs to you!


Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog, and was so happy to see you back and feeling better. Hugs to you and all your wonderful family!

MeltingBeadGirl66 said...

I'm happy to hear you are home with your family.

Keeping writing. You do it well and it seems to serve you well. Words are a passion you express in tones, regardless if they are out loud or not.

helen scott said...

Welcome home Bethany! Glad to hear you are back home, take it easy and relax a little. Still sending love and prayers to you all.

MJ said...

So GREAT to see you back. Take things slowly and remember to stop and smell the roses. Faith, Family, and Friends.... and if you have time later you can blog. Love you girl!


The Steigmeiers said...

Welcome home! Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your family. You have been on my mind and I have have been praying for you. ((HUGS))

Sarah said...


so great to know you're home. I know I don't know you personally, but feel that I have gotten to know you through coming here for your amazing wordart. God works in mysterious ways and what better birthday present for Jimmy than to have you home?

Much love xx

Joy said...

Welcome home! Glad your back and feeling better! Remember take
one day at a time.

Dinphy said...

Good to see you're back home with your family! You sure 'sound' a whole lot better.
Take good care!

Jules said...

Good to see you back, in more ways than one! Take it easy, and look after yourself.
More hugs from the UK.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Bethany

I'm Izabela and I've been following your blog for a few months now. I felt like a dear friend was gone...so I'm super excited you are back. I pray for you so God gives you the strenght and courage to continue getting better with each day. You are wonderful and beautiful and there are a lot of people that care about you very much...keep strong.


Sabrina said...

Welcome home! I am so glad you are doing better and on your way to being 100%, maybe 200% better. We have missed you but Hilary did a great job keeping us updated on you. You take care of yourself, we will be here when you are ready. Hugs and Love from Tennessee.

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad you are back too! You have the most amazing friend in Hillary and I can see how much Brent loves you by reading what they wrote. If you are going to read all your comments, you might be here for awhile! ;) We couldn't help it, we had to pour our love and support out on you as well.

Kristi a.k.a. Kristi8004 said...

Bethany I am so glad you are feeling better and are home with Brent and the kids.
The blogging can wait, I just came to get an update on you and see how you are feeling and was happy to hear you were home.
Keep your head up and take good care of yourself!


Unknown said...

Welcome home!!! Hugs and best wishes from Savannah!!!


Welcome home Bethany! I'm sure your home now is complete with you. I can imagine how your beautiful family missed you tremendously.
God bless!

Tress said...

Welcome back! So glad you are on a better path and finding tools to manage life. Sending big hugs and lots of best wishes your way!

Anne said...

Sooooooooooooo glad to hear that you're home again Bethany. Hilary kept us up to date while you were away which was great. Concentrate on yourself and your family long before your blog family. Big hugs xx

Belle said...

Happy Homecoming! :) I hope you take all the time you need and enjoy your family. Your journey has been helpful for me too. Thanks for sharing your feelings and thoughts. (((hugs)))

madfam said...

Welcome home, Bethany! I'm so glad you're feeling better. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. It takes courage to let people in on your life and to be authentic and real. It's a great gift that you're giving, because in return it inspires and allows those around you (and your blog readers, like me) to be courageous, authentic, and real as well. Hugs to you, your family, and Hilary.


Ruby M said...

Glad to hear that you are home and well on the road to recovery. Best wishes, You are a strong lady and I have no doubt that you will continue to recover and grow.

Anonymous said...

Bethany ~

Taking a day off from "life" and spending time with just your family & friends is a great way to cut the stress! Good for you! You should continue this from now on. Your family will love it, too.

I am so very glad that you are home & comfortable. What a blessing.

Be well, take care of your inner self & I'll keep you & your family in my prayers.

D :D

Scrappin Gramma said...

Welcome back hun
we so miss you
Keep your chin high--
we are all here on your side
standing right by you

big hugs

jknapp00 said...

So glad that you are feeling better and are home with your sweet husband and children. Just be sure to take care of yourself - get enough sleep and eats - so you can take care of your lovely family. Still praying...

Sue said...

Great to know that you are home and doing better! Take your time and get back into things slowly. Remember one day at a time. Take good care of yourself!

Mom2mykids said...

I'm so glad you're back home! You "sound" much better, even though we can't hear your voice at all. Take care of yourself, take some time off if you need to, and just pop in and let us know how you are once in a while. We worry, ya know!! Hugs and prayers!!

Manda said...

Welcome back! I am so glad you are doing well and are at home with your family again. Sometimes we all need to step back and take a long look at our lives to be able to truly get back on track. It is most certainly a process though. Again, I am so glad you are feeling better && so happy to have you back!!

Jennifer said...

Welcome back! I'm glad that you are feeling more like yourself--good for you for taking a step back from blogging--I'm so grateful that you have such a wondeful support system in your family, friends, and faith. You have truly touched many lives just by being yourself, and we all love you, even though we have never met! Thanks for your light and gifts. You are beautiful inside and out, Bethany, TRULY!

SharonKay said...

So glad you are home and doing well, Bethany. Missed you. Still praying for you and your family.

Allanna said...

We're glad that you're back! And that you had such a great homecoming day!

I'm so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Bethany, glad to see you are feeling well enough to be home and definitely take your time to get into the blogging... but you've been missed.. You're so lucky to have a great husband, family and friends.. big thanks for Hilary keeping us in the loop. Take care love Elizabeth Wilkinson

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're back, and that you're eating and taking care of yourself better. Keep it up! We want to keep you around for a LOOOOOOONG time!

Sue said...

I'm glad you're back home. It's great your husband and Hilary (and others, too, I'm sure) have been so supportive.

Keep taking care of yourself!

SweetDaze said...

THANK GOD! I just saw the news and I am so relieved. What a loving support system you have. I have been long worried and praying, even though you don't know me. God Bless and please keep taking baby steps.

Rufus said...

It was sooo smart of you to take the day to be with family only! while blogging is great, (and we love ya!) it should come wayyyy down the list after taking care of yourself, your super family, you hubby, and friends. We'll be here when you get back. Take your time, ease into it, it's certainly nothing to stress over. So glad that you are doing better and home with your loved ones.

wilma730 said...

So glad you are home. Take care and follow the doctors orders.

kathymack56 said...

Bethany, I am so glad you are feeling a bit better. Many prayers and hugs sent your way.

Callista said...

Welcome home Hun !
It's wonderful to hear such positive words from you - keep on going and don't fall back into old behaviors! You stay in my thoughts :o)