My head was feeling SUPER congested, so I took a decongestant. Yeah, not so good. I know it was the non-drowsy one, but it wiped me out. I laid back down in bed, and when Captain America got home around 8am, I was struggling to be coherent. He didn't look too good. Kinda like me when I was depressed. Poor guy :(
I convinced him to go back to Behavioral Health and ask for some meds. Cause I know they sure help me feel better. And I was sure they'd help him too. So I threw on some clothes (so much for my nap and shower) and drove him up there.
He got in right away to talk with someone, and I texted with Mandi and Andrea and my mom and my sister and Leslie and a few others. I was lightening fast - hehehe.
After about 45 minutes, he was done, and we had to head over to the TMC to see the BN Physician. We waited over there forever, then Captain America went back to see her. She prescribed him Celexa, which she said worked real good and fast. Sounded good to us.
We waited for our prescriptions, and saw Veronica there too! It was noon by the time we got done at the TMC (army doctor) and headed home. We'd called the Chaplain, and had set an appointment up for 1pm. So not time for lunch out, but definitely time to go home and eat (and shower!) and we both took our "happy pills". Yeah, we were a few minutes late getting back to our appointment, but hey, I looked a lot better - ha!
Captain America dropped me back off at home, and he went back to trainings. I grabbed my truck, and picked up Jimmy from the bus stop. Jim and I went to Walmart to spend his Birthday money! We stopped at Big Lots on the way there, but they didn't have anything $40 worthy. hehe. So we headed on to Walmart.
And let me tell you, a 5 year old in the toy department is NOT fun. We were there FOREVER! Or so it seemed. He finally decided on a Matchbox playset thing, and a remote control Lightening McQueen from Disneys CARS.
We went and looked at some stuff that I wanted to look at, got a few things we needed, and paid. Yeah, the flip flops that I bought for $0.50 were ringing up for $2.50 (and I bought 9 pairs.... you do the math...), but I didn't catch it until almost the end of the transaction, so the chickie just voided the whole order and re-rung it back. It took forever, but she was nice.
We headed home, and the big kids were home from school. They had a TON of fun helping Jimmy build his birthday presents. And yeah, he totally trashed the remote control in the first 30 minutes, but whatever. He's just a rough little boy, I guess...
And here's my new bedspread! It's perfect for fall :)
So yeah, he's feeling better. hehe. We're getting ready to go out on our date night! I think we're gonna go see the Womens Soccer game at UTEP. Free for military, and you can't beat a free activity, right? hehe.
Popping back in here at 9pm. We did leave for our date, and drove over to UTEP, but yeah, we didn't know where the stadium was. hehe. So we drove around campus, and headed back to post. ROFL! But both of us were happy, and laughing, and it was all good.
We stopped for a soda at Howdy's, and headed to the Fallas by our house. I found the remaining curtains that I needed for my living room, and a clock, and a new sweater. I liked it :) I think I'm gonna wear it tomorrow, in fact :) And some unmentionables. I like those too - hehe.
We headed back home, put kids to bed, and realized that my head cold was catching up with me. My neck is tightening up, and I feel a migraine on it's way. I'm taking some decongestant, a migraine pill, and am gonna call it a night. Early :) Because we're babysitting Laurie's youngest kids tomorrow. Cause she's on vacation, and was delayed at the airport. And needs my help. And I'm just nice like that :) ha! And I DO owe her big from when she watched my kids when I went to St. Louis with Captain America.... I think the drugs are kicking in. I should stop before I say something embarrassing :) hehe.
Oh yeah, one more thing :) So we're switching wards (Bishop's already approved it). Our official statement is "We had a family issue that necessitated us moving wards". That's our story, and we're sticking to it. hehe. Y'all don't need to know every detail of my somewhat messed up life, you know. hehe.
Hondo Pass Ward is the ward that we were in originally when we moved here. It's a wonderful ward, and I still know a few people there. We're pretty excited about going there this coming Sunday :) AND, it starts at 11:30am. Woohoo!!! I get to sleep in!!! And my children know how to sleep in and leave me alone in the mornings :) ha! Lucky me :)
It's getting cooler where we live. Hoodie and long sleeve weather. Cause it's only in the 80's now. hehe. I thought you'd all appreciate that - ha! Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I'm so glad that you and Brent are doing better and I know that your faith will bring you through these difficult times. Remember you are loved by so many people - even those you have never met.
Hi Bethany, I love the WA. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.
Glad to see that you're both doing a bit better by the end of the day!!
Thank you for the word art.
What can I not like about this post, besides that you are feeling a cold coming on -- you sound so much better and it's good to know that Brent is talking to someone as well. The quilt was so pretty and dinner looked very yummy. Thanks again for the WA too!!
Thank you for the wordart. I really like it and it will be used. And I'm glad to hear you are continuing to make progress and do what you need to do. That's great.
Glad that both you and Brent are doing what you need to do and talking to people. You're gonna make it, I know. Thanks for the WA.
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Love the change of seasons and the new changes we get. May you and Brent come through the challenges with heads up and your marriage and family stronger. Thank you so much for sharing with us even during your times of difficulties. You're amazing.
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