Captain America loaded up all of his gear, and headed out around 8:30am. They were gonna be gone till Monday ( thought Friday, at the time), but would be on post. But couldn't come home. Sucks, huh? He was gonna see if maybe the kids and I could meet him at the PX, or a park, or somewhere durning lunch or dinner to visit. We'd never experienced one of these training before...
Anyway, I was feeling kinda sad when Captain America left. Not super down, but just lonely. Such is to be expected, I guess. He did say he'd text and see if he could come home for lunch. Sweet!
I sat around and didn't do much after the kids went to school. Hilary texted at some point to see if I wanted to go to Sam's, and as much as I wanted to sit around the house in my jammies and do absolutely nothing, I agreed. I recognized that getting out of the house would be good for me.
So I got Jimmy on the bus, and headed to Sam's. She had a few things to get, then we went to Walmart, since it's right next door. I got a few things that I needed, we hit Howdy's for refills, and we headed home.
I got home just a few minutes before Captain America was able to come for lunch. Sweet! They'd got things set up, and were back on main post. He also said that they were gonna get to sleep at home tonight! Woohoo! AND, if training went well, that they'd be done on Friday, not Monday. Althought I hadn't realized it was gonna be Monday. Good deal, either way!
He stayed till around 1:30 or 2pm, and headed out again. I was feeling a bit better knowing he was coming home tonight.
I went to Bassett Center Mall for a quick trip to Jewelry Box for some Pink accessories, and was able to get home before Jimmy got off the bus.
We spent the rest of the evening at home. But first, check out this manniquin we found at Bassett Center. TOO funny!
I stayed up WAY too late on Facebook after Captain America went to bed, and working on my blog, and making a freebie. And it's now almost 2am. But I'm gonna get to sleep before that. I know I will. hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Thank you!
Thankyou for the word art.
Thanks sweetie, love the Tears and God bless you, Lori
Thanks so much!
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