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Hey peeps! Hope your Thursday was fab! Mine was pretty dang good :) Woke up at 3:45am to Captain America phone. Mandatory Recall at 5am. They were doing an urinalysis or something like that. Either way, the phone went off, he was talking, the lights went on, and I woke up. But, I did get to eventually go back to sleep, so it was all good.
I woke up at normal time and said my prayers (oops, forgot to read scriptures - adding to "to do" list...) and got kids ready for school, and out the door at 7:30am. And I sat down on my computer for a little bit, then went and got ready for jogging.
And yeah, I didn't know if Laurie was gonna go, but I actually WANTED to go reguardless. I had Jake loan me his earphones, hooked them up to my Muse on my phone, and off I went. I walked to Old Ft Bliss, and Laurie did end up meeting me there, and we jogged. She's faster than me, so at some point, I told her to jog ahead, and I slow boated it. But I kept going. I ended up jogging mostly and walking a little bit. Not too bad! More jogging than yesterday, so I was happy. It felt good.
We came back to my house, and Rowan and Jimmy played for a few minutes and Laurie and I chatted. Then they went off to wherever they were going, and I jumped back on my computer. And got Jimmy ready for school. And to the bus. And then the TV was free, and I got 0n my good laptop, and designed the last WordArt I needed to design, and was done.
And Captain America was home at 11:30 for lunch, but called back to work. So he was here long enough to cook his lunch, and back he went. Hmpf!
At noon, Jake and I got ready and headed out for the afternoon. We knew we needed to be back at 2:30 to pick up Jim from the bus, so we hurried. I needed to go to Target to look for Emelines horse toy she wanted. And yeah, I took a VERY long, scenic way. Down Trowbridge that turned5 into North Loop Drive which connects with 375, and got off at Montwood Exit. Yeah, I DID know where this Target was. I just didn't know it was called the Far East Side Target. Hmpf! Their website threw me off...
Anyway, Jake and I went in, and went to the toy section, and yeah, no horse like she wanted. Grrr. I guess one option would be to order it online. I know they have it there. I hope Eme's not too disappointed when she gets home from school.
I knew that right down the road there was a new Walmart, so Jake and I got back on 375 and headed down the road. And drove to the parking lot, but it wasn't completed yet. So we got back on 375 and took the loop back to 54. To the Transmountain Walmart. Where we'd gotten Jim and Joe's Toy Story 3 tee's. And got 2 for Rowan. We got out of Walmart for under $7.00. That's not too bad, huh?
And headed to the Dollar Tree. To look for plastic army men. And yeah, they had Firemen, and Police men, but NO army men. Grrr. So we went to Fallas. Because, maybe, sometimes, Fallas has stuff like that..... OK, it was a stretch. But they DO have toys.
And I found a few shirts that I liked, but didn't buy them. I carried them around for a while, though. Maybe I'll make Captain America take me back and we'll re-find them. hehehe. But they had no army men.
And Dollar General was right next door, so we went there to look there. And they had ONE bag of army men for a $1. So I got it. And we headed back towards post.
And actually stopped at Sonic on the way home. Because Circle K only has 32 oz cups. And I wanted a 44 oz. BUT, I forgot to ask for easy ice, so I probably only ended up with 20 oz. Whatever. hehehe. AND, they got it right this time, and it WAS diet. Thank heavens.
We drove back on post just in time to get Jim from the bus. Here's Jake and I in the truck at the bus stop.
Captain America and the boys are supposed to go to Father/Son sports night at school, and I'm supposed to go to an FRG meeting tonight. We'll see how it all goes. LOL! AND, Captain America's supposed to be home by 5pm. Yeah, we'll see if that happens, too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
OK, it's now a few minutes to 7pm, and I'm sitting here on my computer while my kids watch a movie. Captain America got home in time to take Joe and Tom to Sports night at school, and the rest of us stayed here, had dinner, did chores, and are now watching TV.
And I grabbed my old laptop and played on facebook. And loaded one product in the store (the rest was on my other laptop....). And checked emails. AND, went through the over 1000 emails in my inbox. And I went through, and got the inbox to 520. ALL PERSONAL EMAILS..... Ladies, how am I possibly gonna respond to ALL of these..... It goes back all the way to March of 2009.... Holy Crap!
Needless to say, I'm feeling a bit anxious right now. I need some deep breaths. hehe. As soon as this movie is over, I'm putting these kids to bed, gonna load my store, and relax for the night. Cause that gets my emails answered, you know. ROFL! No wonder the inbox is at 520. hehe.
And, fast forward to 8:08pm. Captain America and the boys came home (they had had a FABULOUS time - I asked if Captain America took any pictures, and he looked at me like I was crazy and said "We were playing sports, I didn't have time"...... hmpf!), we did family prayer, family scriptures, put all the kids to bed, I did a little laundry, and I loaded my store. VERY productive evening. hehehe. Now I'm gonna sit my butt down on the couch (laptop free) and watch an episode of Fringe. Or Lie to Me. Or something like that. With a blanket. And maybe some hot herbal tea. Cause that sounds like a good plan. With my slippers. Cause I love them :) Can you tell that I'm smiling JUST thinking about it? hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
4shared version has been updated with the corrected spelling as of 5pm MST on Friday, October 22, 2010.
ummm, pardon me, but shouldn't there be an extra "i" in cruisin'? :)
Oops! Yep; it's spelled incorrectly. We love you anyway Bethany! We all make mistakes!! xoxo
Thanks so much for the word art! BTW, I'm shooting you an email about that gadget that recovers data from a damaged hard drive, if you still need it. Just sending it to your gmail address that you have listed on the blog.
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Awwwww, thank you for fixing it Bethany!! Big Hugs!
Awesome word art packs you have! Thanks for the freebie as always.
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