Captain America ended up coming home last night at 12:30pm. I'd tried to stay up, but finally went to bed at midnight. I kinda woke up when he came home, but I was pretty out of it. Ha! He came to bed, and I was so glad that he was home! AND, now he could come to church with us in the morning! Woohoo!
We woke up at 9 something, and had everyone ready for church by noon ish. It was a nice relaxing morning. Since the Suburban is out of commission, Captain America took 2 kids in his truck, and I took 3 kids in the Saturn, and we headed to church. And we got there relatively on time, AND were able to get our up front side rows that we like :)
Church was good. We studied Isaiah in adult sunday school class, and talked about being a covenant people in Relief Society. We got out a few minutes early (maybe to make up for the 12 minutes over we went last week - ha!), so I went to the chapel to watch the kids practice for the primary program next week. And ended up chatting with a lady named Charlotte. She seemed pretty cool. She gave me her name and we agreed to try and find each other on Facebook, but I couldn't find her. Hmpf! I'll have to ask again next week...
Anyway, we loaded up all the kids after church, and headed home. I'd started a crock pot of chicken before church, and it was smelling DIVINE! Here's what I put in there:
1 diced onion
1 LARGE jar of pasta sauce
1 Extra LARGE can of diced tomatoes
some Italian herbs
some garlic powder
6 frozen chicken breasts
1 cup of water
And I put it on high, and covered it, and boy, did it smell good. Since it wasn't even 4pm yet, we hung for a while, and the kids got pretzels. And then, at 5pm, we had dinner. I split up the chicken into bite sized pieces, and served the tomato-y chicken stuff over chips with rice on the side. I ate the chicken stuff and a few chips, and a salad. I liked it :) I'm not sure if the kids were crazy about it, but I made them eat the chicken, at least.
After dinner, we cleaned up a bit, and I even got a little nap. That was nice. Then, we watched a movie as a family, and it's almost time to put kids to bed. Thank goodness. hehe. AND, the best part is, that Captain America has the day off tomorrow! Because they worked most of the weekend. SO exciting! I wonder what we're gonna do! Day dates are SO much fun!
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Welcome back... to you. :) It sounds like you are feeling some better. I hope so. God doesn't give us more than we can handle, so persevere. Love to you!
Thank you for the WA!!
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