Howdy! How are things? Good, I hope! Things were good for me today :) I got to sleep in. Mostly. hehe. The kids kept coming in asking me questions. Sigh. But I did go back to sleep each time they woke me up, so that's all good. I ended up getting out of bed around 9:30am.
And Jake wasn't feeling terribly good. No fever yet, but still not feeling all the way right. Sigh. I don't need another sick kid! And I got to talk to Captain America this morning, also! He called, and we chatted for about an hour. He was still on site, but was able to call and chat. So that was good. I miss that boy :) He sounded good, but tired. They're working him pretty hard.
I hung with the kids for a bit, and watched a movie with them. It was a very nice and pleasant morning with everyone :) Terra texted around noon, and asked if I wanted to go for a Howdys, to Jewelry Box, and to lunch. SURE!! I was pretty excited :)
I grabbed a Howdys cup, and out the door I went :) The house was clean-ish, the kids were entertained, and I was gonna go hang with my friend for a bit :)

First stop, Howdys. I went inside with the older girls, and Terra stayed in the van with the twins (2 yrs old)

Awwww, much better!

And then a quick trip to the Jewelry Box! I found a few things. Like this pretty yellow bracelet.

And this yellow hair clippy

And then we headed to lunch. And waited for about 30 minutes, then it was our turn. At Cheddars. It was a pretty good restaurant. Here's me with one of the twins.

Since I'd practically downed a 64 oz of Diet Dr Pepper on the way to the restaurant, I opted for Water. And Terra had some Crystal Lite packs in her purse, so I loaded mine up with Raspberry Lemonade. Sa-weet!

I ordered the Hawaiian Chicken Salad. It was pretty tasty! Tortilla chips, pico de gillo, pineapple, chicken, lettuce, mmmm, it was pretty tasty!

Yeah, I ate the WHOLE thing :)

And then we headed back to post. Terra and the girls dropped me off, and I hurried and baked a batch of cupcakes, then got the little boys ready for Hockey. Tom and Eme and Jake were staying home. Tom and Eme were playing on the computers, and Jake was laying on the couch watching TV. A movie or something, I think.
And off to Hockey we headed. I hung with Kari's hubby Brian, and her daughter Josephine while the boys played.
Josephine and I had fun taking silly pictures of ourselves. And she kept me warm by snuggling with me - ha!

After hockey, we loaded up, and headed back home. And had JUST enough time to frost the cupcakes (spice cupcakes) with Cream Cheese frosting, and cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on the top. They smelled DIVINE! And Tom got ready, and Tom and Joe and Jim and I headed out the door. Jake and Eme, the 2 sickies, were staying home :)
I swung by Howdys first, because I needed a refill. Yeah, I "needed" one. Charlotte was supposed to meet me there, and be my "date". We got to the church a little after 6pm, and yeah, hardly anyone was there. And I didn't know many of the grown ups in the gym. So I went to the kids area. And found my friend Crystal (primary president) there, and another lady from church that I enjoy too. And texted Charlotte to see where she was.
Sick kids. Sigh. Boohoo! My date bailed on me - hehe :) I didn't wanna hang with all the couples in the gym. And, none of them were my "friends". Know what I mean? Ward parties are always more fun with a spouse or buddy.... And I wasn't really in the mood to make a new friend - ha!
So I decided to hang with the primary ladies and the kids. And actually ended up having a pretty fun night! Krystal is a HOOT! I enjoyed hanging with her :)
Here's me and Sister Windell

My face when I realized that Charlotte was not coming...

We fed the kids (about 40 of them) pizza, and then popcorn 1/2 way through. They watched a movie, and played, and really did well, considering how many of them there were - ha! Part way through, we let the kids come and dance with their grown ups. They had a BLAST! Jim got me to dance the Chicken Dance with him, and he's in this bunny hop line here...

Krystal and I snuck out a few times to check on the grown up party. Yeah, I think the primary room was more happening - ha! BUT, we did find this mystery casserole. You can't really tell from the picture, but the meat was still RAW! Seriously? I don't think it was supposed to be like this! And the sad part was that this was all there was left! I hope people don't get sick!!! (And if it was your casserole, I apologize, I'm sure it was wonderful...)

By 8pm, we were ready to go. And I think the other ladies in the primary room were too. hehe. We'd had enough of kids for the night. By 8:30, we were all out of there. And I just KNEW that I was gonna get a headache. My ears felt ouchy. From all the noise. Dang, 40 little kids in one room make a TON of noise!
I chatted with Cobi for a bit before we left, then headed home. Tom and Joe and Jim had had a WONDERFUL time. They grabbed a few sodas to take home, and helium balloons for themselves and their siblings. What sweeties!
We got home, and put the little kids to bed, and Jake and Tom and I watched 2 episodes of Chuck. Yeah, since 2 of the 5 are sick, I think we're staying home tomorrow. Plus, if Jakes throat hurts in the morning, I may have to take him to the ER to get some meds. Poor thing :( Being sick isn't fun.
So here it is, 10:50pm. I need to decide whether I'm gonna go to church with part of the kids tomorrow, or just stay home. Decisions, Decisions...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I LOVE this one!!! Thank you.
Thank you so much. This is great! Hope Eme and Jake get better and the germs aren't spread any further.
Thanks for the fab word art. I hope Eme and Jake feel better soon.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [28 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Wow this is fabulous! Thanks Bethany.
I LOVE the amt of Howdy's cups you have. My mother has probably the same number of QT cups because she looooves their crushed ice! :D
I'd say you have a few howdy's cups! LOL Thanks for the great art!
Thank you for sharing this story. I wonder if you also want to try family tree to trace your family heritage. The printable trees on are much nicer than most of the websites online. Thanks.
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