Hey girls! What's up? Thank goodness it's Friday! Or at least, that's what I was thinking when I woke up - hehe. I was sleepy again, but got the kids ready for school, out the door, to the bus, and I went back to bed. And woke up around 9am. Feeling SO much better.
I hopped in the shower, and got ready for the day. Showers are a good thing. hehe. It was almost time for Jim to get on the bus, but I had some errands to run, so I got Jim dressed, and left Jake in charge of getting Jim to the bus, and I headed out. Off to get gas in Captain America's car.
I chatted with my mom while driving and getting gas (on the Bluetooth, of course), then headed to the PX to get my pharmacy refill. It didn't take very long in line. And since I was near the food court anyway, I decided to grab a Diet Coke from Burger King. Sure, it's Diet Coke, but it would have to do - hehe.
And then I headed back to the car. And called Terra, to see if she wanted to go to Family Dollar before we headed to the Outlet Mall. Sounded like a plan to me :)
So I went home, dropped off my car, made sure that Jake had gotten Jimmy to the bus, gave him the burger I'd picked up at Burger King, and waited for Terra to come and get me. And had Jake take a picture of me in my outfit.

And off to Family Dollar we went. See, a blog reader, Sherry, had contacted me a while back, and said that she had some Family Dollar gift cards that she wanted to send me. She'd won them, and didn't have a Family Dollar near her. So she sent them to me. What a SWEETHEART! Like a mini shopping spree - hehe :)
Terra noticed these, and I thought they were funny :)

I decided to use the $$$ to get Easter Basket stuff. Thanks, Sherry!

We also decided that we were gonna have an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. Doesn't that sound like fun???
And we finished up at Family Dollar, and headed back to post. But swung by McDonalds first, so the twins could get some nuggets. And Terra and I got lunch too. I got 2 side salads, and 2 burgers. Then took off the buns, and tore the burger into little pieces, and had my salad. And got a refill of Diet Coke. I guess it was to be a Diet Coke day... hehe.

Then we headed back to post to pick up Laurie and Kari. Laurie was supposed to go to lunch with a friend, but her friend was sick, so she was free to come with us. And Kari ate lunch at school with her kids, then met us back on post. So off we went.
And my nose was SUPER drippy, so I thought this would help. Sometimes I don't think Terra knows what to think of me - LOL

We picked up Kari, and the Laurie and Rowan, and headed over the mountain. Aren't Terra's twins ADORABLE!!! Kari kept them entertained and happy with Fries and Nuggets. LOL


First stop, Carters. Well, first stop for everyone else was Carters, but first stop for me was the bathroom. LOL! Between the 3 sodas, it was DEFINITELY time :) Then I met up with the girls at Carters.
This is the twin that likes me :)

And Kari's twin...

And both of "our" twins were playing here, and then they traded places a few times, and we didn't know which was our twin - ha! We had to have Terra tell us which one to take. LOL!

After Carters, we went to the Jewelry Box, and found a few things, then headed to the Kitchen Store. But stopped so the little kids could play on the ride on toys for a bit. Here's Rowan.

OK, so not just the kids played...

Love you, Superman!

The kitchen store was pretty cool. I ended up with a measuring spoon and a cookie press (to replace the one of mine that broke). But thought that this "make your own soda" stuff was pretty cool!

And my contact had been having issues all day long. And in the Kitchen store, it finally got too bad. That's why I bought the measuring spoon. I had contact solution in my purse, and I was gonna take out the offending contact. It really was starting to hurt :( So when we got back to the car, I took it out, and even though I couldn't see so well, it was SO much better :)
And the twins fell asleep almost instantly.

See, there's my contact. Besides the skum on it, it had make up on it too...

We dropped Laurie off at home first, then Kari, then Terra dropped off me. Soon, the kids were all home from school, and Jake wanted to go to Walmart to spend his babysitting money. So, I decided to take everyone. Because, apparently, I'm crazy. hehe. So we all loaded up in the suburban, and headed across town. Jake wanted to go to the Montana Walmart, because the LEgo toys that he was looking for were there, or so said the website.
And on the way to Walmart, we stopped at Goodwill. Eme wanted "new" tennis shoes. So I found some for her. And I got some sandals. And Joe got some tennis shoes. And Jim got some Sunday shoes. And Joe and Jim both got cleats for Baseball in the spring. And my grand tota was $27. Not too bad, huh?
I didn't buy these, but thought they were hilarious :)

We loaded back up, and headed to Walmart. Here's my 5 kids :)

I let Jake and Tom go off on their own (they had a phone), and Eme and Joe and Jim went to look at the things that I needed. And we ended up in crafts, and I found this AWESOME pattern for an apron. And 2 other things of fabric that were on clearance. I'm gonna sew tomorrow, I think :)

We eventually made it to the toys, and the kids got to look around for a bit. Jake picked out a few little Lego sets, and we headed to the check out. I gave Tom a dollar and had him go to McDonalds and get me a big soda. Diet Coke, gag. Oh well. It was soda :)
Here's what my kids were having for dinner! hehe

And we headed out.

My prize for taking 5 kids to Walmart.

And they were SUPER grouchy in the car. Tom and Joe were fighting SO bad. I eventually had to move Tom to the back seat. And he was still annoying Joe. See my face? Yeah, NOT a happy camper...

We were driving RIGHT into the sunset, and I could hardly see. It was REALLY hard to see the stoplights, and my eyes were hurting. So I turned off onto a side road, and took an alternate route home. Well, it ended up being a HUGELY long way home, but hey, I could see :) We just plugged in my iPhone, and sang with the songs all the way home :)
When we got home, I had the kids do chores, and we cooked dinner. Pizzas in the oven, and Jim and Joe had microwave dinners. And we watched Lilo and Stitch 2. Jake and Joe worked on building Jakes legos, then the little kids went into their room to watch a movie, and Jake and Tom and I watched The Sixth Sense. And here it is, 9:30, and the movie is about 1/2 over. And I'm done blogging. And gonna turn this off, and go watch the rest of the movie :) Night, all!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awesome, Sharon! Bet that wasn't fun to clean up, though - hehe :)

CRAZY! I really don't like days when the kids have school off and I HAVE to go to the store with them. Two isn't so bad. Three is a nightmare, so I can't even imagine five. YOU ARE SO BRAVE!
I love your new outfit. I think it's great that you stay so busy every day and that you really spend a lot of time with your children and even make time for yourself.
Thank you!
Awesome word art - and it's the time of day to say what's for dinner? Sheesh, I can't even imagine figuring out that problem for 6 people - I can barely even figure it out for my husband and myself! Go Bethany!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [06 Mar 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
I've downloaded quite a few of your freebies, and have also purchased some of your wordart. Just wanted to let you know that your work is awesome, and I appreciate it!
Love the word art! I have the perfect pictures to use for it. The soda machines are great - we have one & it really cut down on the money we spend on soda.
Thanks so much for the cute word art! :)
You look great in that striped shirt and black skirt! Love you!!! Brent
Very cute word art! Thanks so much for sharing:)
Your kids had one of my favorite quick dinners. I have great memories of Totinos pizza on the "fine china" when I was growing up. Of course, the fine china was a paper towel! LOL
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