We actually got to chat on Skype for a bit! It'd been (or seemed to be) a long time since we'd got to chat! He's been working a ton. Poor guy. He sounded in pretty good spirits, though. And it helped me feel better, though. I've found that a day or so before my period, I get all melancholy. And feeling a little blue. So talking to Captain America helped me lift my spirits :)
And after I was done chatting with him, I didn't have enough time to shower. Sigh. I SO wanted to shower. hehe. But I had to get Jimmy ready for school and for his Physical. I just threw on some workout clothes, and was good to go - hehe.
He and I drove to the TMC, and waited in the waiting room until they called us. I filled out the paperwork, and then it was our turn. We went back to get Jim weighed, and his height, then went to another room for blood pressure.
Happy faces
And then Jim had his physical, and I got the last of the paperworks that I needed to turn in. And we headed out. And stopped by the Shoppette to grab me a soda and Jim a hot dog. But, the soda machine was STILL out of order. SO not cool. I got Jim a hot dog, and an apple, and drove him to school. And checked him in, and headed back home.
My girl Charlotte had a dentist appointment today for herself, and I watched her little boy, Stu. He's SO adorable! He was sleeping when she dropped him off, and he stayed asleep on the couch for about an hour. SUCH a doll!
And then Charlotte came back to pick him up, and I went to pick up Jim from the bus. And chatted with Maggie while we waited for the bus, and decided that Jim and I would go over for a play date. We had SUCH a fun time visiting in the backyard!
Thanks, my dear, for having us over! We REALLY had fun! And then it was time for me to go and pick up the kids from AQ, and as Maggie was driving us home, Jake texted to say that Tom and Eme had just come home, no AQ. Even better!
Jake wanted to have Hannah and little Jacob over to play, so Maggie and I went to the commissary to pick up a few things that she needed. Kid free. She was pretty excited.
When we left the house, Jim and little Jake were playing in Jim's room, and Hannah and Jake were sitting at the dining room table coloring. SO stinking cute!
We headed to the commissary, grabbed a few things, then headed back home. She picked up her kids, and I started on dinner. Frozen pizzas from the commissary - hehe. The kids were SO excited - ROFL!
The evening passed pretty quickly, actually. I took a few pictures of myself, and DANG, I looked bad - hehe.
Her daughter came out before my kids, so she headed home, and I went inside to retrieve mine. And then we were off, jamming to music the whole way home.
And we put the kids to bed, ran the dog around the yard for a bit, and Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of Chuck. And it's not 9:49pm, and I'm gonna watch a little show, then read my book for a bit.
I think I had too much caffeine today. That Carls Jr Diet Dr Pepper always affects me bad. I wonder if there's extra caffeine in it - hehe. I feel a little jittery. Next week, we'll be at the church instead of Carls Jr. So I guess I can load up on DDP at Carls Jr ever 2 weeks, right? hehe.
Tomorrow, I'm hiking with the girls, then Maggie and I are gonna go to Walmart and Lowes to get supplies for our craft party on Friday. She wants to make one of my Jewelry holder things :) Should be a good time!
Then hockey in the evening, and it's my day to load my store. Busy, busy, busy!!!
I thought this one was HILARIOUS! hehe :) And actually, all those goofy pics I took today with Jim would be PERFECT for a layout - ha! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Sharon, my dear, this one is PHENOMENAL!!! Love it!
If I were on the committee to nominate someone for Mom of the Year, you'd be my pick! It sounds like you guys have so much fun! Oh and I love reading about another diet soda addict - mine is Diet Pepsi, but still, can't live without it and every time I try to quit it doesn't work for long. So here's to us!
Thank you!!!
What a cute word art! Thank you! :)
Thank you!
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