Anyway, I took a migraine pill, turned off my alarm, and climbed into bed. And woke up around 7am, still in pain. I went out, and Tom and Eme and Joe were all in various stages of getting ready, and I told Tom that I"d pay him a dollar to get the kids ready, NICELY. Yeah, nicely was a requirement. He assured me he could, and I went back to bed. I used my neck massager for 2 cycles, and fell asleep. And I woke up at 8am, hearing voices. Crap! Did they not go to the bus?
So I went out, and it was Jake and Jim watching a show. Sweet! They DID go to school. hehe. And then I was totally gonna go back to bed, but I realized that my head didn't hurt anymore. So I decided to stay up, and go and get breakfast. And I threw on some better clothes, and printed out my shopping list, and eventually headed out to the Commissary.
And in about an hour, I got all of the food that we needed for the week. And came back home, and the house was trashed. OK, so it was totally trashed BEFORE I went to the store, but it kinda came crashing down on me that it was SO messy.
And the repair guy for housing was coming tomorrow. Sigh. So I put away the groceries, and cleaned up a tad bit. And then it was time to take Jim to the bus. And I came back home, and cleaned up in the kitchen for a little while, and then in Joe and Jim's room for a little while, and in the dining room for a bit. And it looked a little bit better.
And Jake and I watched a movie for a little bit during lunch, and I made my banana cookies. Mmmm, banana cookies smell good :) And yeah, I wore my apron that I made, and it doesn't have quite the same "magical" results as the zebra one.... But at least they didn't totally ruin - ha!
I chatted with Andrea for a bit during the day too. She's decided that I'm her new "in the car on a drive to post" friend! LOL! I'll TOTALLY take it :) Call anytime, my dear!
I picked up Jim from the bus, and finished off the cookies. And very soon, it was time for the big kids to get home. Joe came home around 3:30pm, and I headed out to pick up Tom and Eme at 3:50. About 5 minutes late, because I was cooking. I was making meatballs for the Spaghetti and meatballs for tonight.
I used 1 lb of ground turkey, some garlic, some Parmesan cheese, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, and 2 eggs, and mixed it all together. And then got some water boiling, and dropped little rounded balls of the turkey mixture into the boiling water. And once the outside was cooked, I transferred the meatballs to a crock pot with pasta sauce. I was working super fast, but I was still late.
I found that my headache was coming back, so I popped a pill, then I hurried out the door to pick up the kids, and found that the GATE WAS CLOSED! So I had to turn around, and go the other way! So, instead of being 5 minutes late, I was 15. At least they knew to just wait for me. They're good kids.
We hurried home, changed into swim clothes, and off to the pool we went. I think Tom and Eme really wanted to just stay at home and play on their laptops, but yeah, that wasn't an option. I made everyone come.
Kari and Josephine were there too, and she and I had fun chatting while the kids swam. Tom was in a mood, and the first 15 minutes were bad. He and Jake were fighting, and taking turns embarrassing me in public. But after the first 20 minutes or so, they both played nicely the remaining time. We were there for about an hour and a half. And then we loaded up, and headed home.
And I started the water for pasta, and a load of laundry with the swim clothes, and THEN discovered that while I plugged in the crock pot, I didn't turn it on.... And you know what? Things don't cook if you turn them on! ROFL!
So, when the noodles were done, I added a little butter and Parmesan cheese and garlic, and served the kids. And told them that they could eat the meatballs separately when they were done. Go with it, right?
And I made myself my usual dinner, and then decided that Laundry man needed taken care of. And Jake volunteered to help me. See, it's even worse than you imagined it, right?
And after the kids did their chores, I let them call Grandma and Grandpa on the video phone. And they chatted for a bit, then we decided to do Family Home Evening with them. It was SO nice! We're gonna make it our new Monday night thing! Family Home Evening over the video phone! SO cool!
And then it was time for bed. I helped Joe and Jim get to bed, then let the big kids stay up and play on laptops/watch an episode of Chuck. And I blogged. Kind of. I actually watched most of this episode - ROFL!
And then the big kids went to bed, and I finished up the blog. And yeah, I kept getting distracted. But it's now 9:14pm, and I'm all done. I think I'm gonna watch an episode of something or another, then read in my book for a while.
I've got a busy day tomorrow. I'm swimming in the morning, then Physical appointments for Eme and Joe, then I have to be home at 1pm-5pm for the work order guy. So, I'm gonna clean from the time I get home from the doctor until the dude shows up. I made cookies for him, so hopefully he'll forgive my messy house - ROFL!
I don't know about your kids, but mine sure do this. Heck, I've been known to do a pretty mean pee dance myself! I hate taking the time to go to the bathroom - ha!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
SOOOO stinkin' cute, Sharon!!!
Sorry to hear you had such a bad start to your day, but I'm glad that you felt better quite quickly too. Well done on tackling all the laundry.
I love the LO too. Great piccies
Hi! I love reading your blog everyday!
There is a black column on the left that says "live traffic feed", it is covering up part of the words on the left side of your blog. Not sure if it something you can move or not. Makes it a little tougher to read that section.
Sorry to hear you had another migraine. Hopefully it stays gone.
Great job on gettting thru all that laundry!
You should get one of those body pillows as a replacement "laundry man." They're great to snuggle with!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [23 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
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