Anyway, I woke up at 7 ish, said prayers, and got the kids ready and out the door. And I SO wanted to go back to bed, but I had WorkOut group at 8:30am. And I was leaving the neighborhood at 8:15am.
So I got myself and Jim all ready to go, and went over to picked up Kari. She was coming to Exercise Group too! Terra was gonna come, but didn't wake up on time. She's gonna try to come on Friday.
We had about 8 ladies at Exercise group, and had SO much fun. Krystal brought her projector screen, and we did Zumba in the church gym. With the lights down low so we couldn't see each other so well. ROFL! Luckily, I was in the back row. Because I sucked, big time! But I had SO much fun. My white girl hips SO don't move that way. I just kinda hopped around and flapped my arms. But I got a GREAT workout! So it was all good :)
And Jim and the other little kids had fun playing in the nursery, and running around in the church. I think I'll bring Jake next time and let him supervise, if he wants. He likes playing with the little kids :)
And we headed home. I dropped Kari off at her house, and went back home. Jake was still working on school. Jim got a few minutes on the Wii, and I chatted on Skype with Captain America for a few minutes. Then it was time to put Jim on the bus.
Check out the MESS that the construction guys have made on Robert E Lee BLVD between Jeb Stuart Rd and Pleasnton Rd. Kinda making a mess of everything...
So I picked up her and her son (morning pre-k, and Jim is in afternoon pre-k) in the Ion, and we headed off to the West side. I was totally planning on getting NOTHING from Savers, just browsing, but, for some reason, they had a lot of $0.99 tags. And I just had to get a few things. Jim and Joe both got new coats, and Eme got a new dress and a new pool wrap. Jim got 4 new pairs of pants, and Joe got a new pair of pants too. And I found a few new tops. And a skirt. And I really don't have room in the closet for them. I think I need to go thru it again. You know, once summer hits, I can take all of really warm clothes out of there. That'll help :) hehe.
Anyway, we paid (yeah, Amanda just bought a few books. That's SO what I'd planned on doing, just getting a couple of little things!), and headed out to lunch. But stopped at a little store next to Savers first, to give it a look see. Jake wanted a fan, and I wanted to see if they had one there. Nope.
So off we went to lunch. Olive Garden. SCORE! Check out how incredibly windy it was!
And passed out the new clothes to the correct kids, and put on a new shirt. LOVED this one. It was all soft and flowy.
Tom and Jake got in an altercation at one point. I looked over, and Jake punched Tom in the face. Time for mom to step in. Apparently, Tom had kicked Jake in the balls. And before that, I don't know what happened. I was gonna pull them both out and have them sit on the side, but Jake kept being SO mouthy that I just pulled him out, and let Tom continue to play.
Jake was gonna walk home, but the wind was SO bad, he stayed and sat on the bench. And eventually went back inside the water, on the other side of the pool. There was this mom in the pool with 2 little tiny kids, and I could just FEEL her judging my rowdy boys. Oh well. Judging them isn't gonna change anything....
And, Joe, of course, was the first one done swimming. The poor child has no body fat to keep him warm. Isn't he adorable!
I got 6 6 packs of light bulbs. There! I wasn't gonna run out anytime soon - hehe. And swung by Terra's house to borrow her little Light Bulb replacer tooly thing. I don't know what it's called, but it was FABULOUS!
I stood on 2 bar stools to reach our HIGH ceiling fans, and used the attachment thingy to get them changed.
And I replaced a bulb in Joe and Jims room, and in the bathroom, and it was all good. Pfew! That was a TON of light bulbs! The kids finished up their homework, and just as I was about to put the little boys to bed, my mother in law called, and we chatted for about an hour. The kids were super excited about their "extension" on bed time - hehe.
Carol and I had a fun time chatting and catching up, then it was time to go, and put the kids to bed. And Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of Chuck, and I started on my blog. And now it's 9:44pm, and the boys are in bed. And I'm done blogging, and am gonna watch a show. Then go to bed. So that I can wake up, and start another FABULOuS day!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Hehe, what a CUTE hat! Lovin' the greens in this layout!
Thank you for all your wonderful word art.
I can't wait to use this one-thanks!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Mar. 08, 2011. Thanks again.
Cute word art! Now I'll repay you by giving you a bright idea. *lol*
Your skin looks painfully dry. Being a Texas girl myself and now living in frigid Minnesota I have had serious issues with dry skin. Mine is made even worse because I have terrible psoriasis. I've used every type of lotion out there, including numerous prescription lotions with all of them barely helping. Then due to an insurance change I had to switch dermatologists and she highly recommended "CeraVe" lotion or cream. It has something in it that forces the moisturizer down into the skin layers instead of just sitting on top like most moisturizers. It is a bit pricey, but oh so worth it. I use the cream on my feet, knees, and elbows and the lotion everywhere else after my shower each day. I will never have icky flaky skin again! You have to get it at a pharmacy and it is with the more medicinal type of lotions. I can usually find it at Walgreens if they aren't sold out. Apparently I'm not the only one who swears by it. I was so impressed with the lotion and cream I started using their facial moisturizing lotion as well and it made a huge difference on this 45 year old Texas sun damaged face. I call it miracle lotion. *lol*
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [09 Mar 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thank you for this cute WA!
enjoyed catching up with your day Babygirl...even it we have 2 boys who want to fight like that. Do what you can you!
Very lovely word art! Thank you so much.
I LOVE this one! Thanks so much!!!
Thanks so much for this great word art! :)
Yes love that hat :)
Thank you fro the freebie :)
Try not to let judgmental people like the lady at the pool get to you, Bethany. First of all, her kids were little, so she hasn't dealt with older kids yet and also she has no clue all you and your kids are dealing with in having your husband away. Try to dwell on all of the people who love you and the ones who do nice things for you. Hugs!!!!
Thanks for the great word art. You're one of life's nice people. :)
Great word art! Sounds like my life! LOL
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