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by Sharon

by Sharon

by Sharon

by Sharon

by Andi

by Sharon

Check out this SAD little face. I got woken up at 8am with Tom carrying in Joe. I'd let Joe sleep on the couch last night because he was coughing so bad, and apparently he'd woken up crying, and Tom carried him in to me. Poor kid. He said his eyes were on fire. You know how your eyes feel hot when you have a fever? Yeah, I'm guessing that's what he was talking about.
So I got him some meds, and I went to the couch to snuggle with him. And we stayed there most of the morning. Poor little guy :(

We skipped the Insights museum, since Joe was sick and Jim was coughing too (but not the same kind of sick as Joe), so we took the day off and stayed home. Kids played outside, and at friends, and inside, and we did chores, and watched movies, and took it easy.

I decided to
bake bread from scratch, and make it green! For St. Patricks day, you know. hehe.

And then I realized that I was going out for a BIRTHDAY dinner, and that meant that I needed a gift, right? hehe. Didn't put that together until now. Oops! So I wrapped up a bread, and sewed one of those aprons that I've been working on. That's a good gift, right?

And at 4pm, I decided that it was time for a shower - LOL! So I got all ready, and "purdy". And even went with Green eyeshadow. Speaking of Eyeshadow, I had a dream last night that I was in prison, and they told me that I couldn't wear sparkly eyeshadow, and THAT was what I was upset about. Not that I was in prison - hehe.

At 6:30pm, Terra came and picked me up. Jake had directions on what to do. Dinner was already done, and the kids were to watch a movie, and bed at 8pm for the little kids. Joe could stay on the couch so Jake could watch him.
And Terra and I drove to the restaurant. And there was NO parking. Anywhere. So we parked 3 blocks away at KC. ha! But it worked.
And we sat in the car waiting for the other girls, and I snapped a few pics of myself being goofy. Here's Alena's b-day crown that Terra bought for her.

And then we walked down to the restaurant. L&J's. This little "hole in the wall" place, but Alena guaranteed us that it was FABULOUS! We had a reservation, but still had to wait about 30 minutes. So we hung outside. Me and Terra and Tara and Alena and Amanda. Kari was gonna be late, since she'd taken Leo to hockey. And since Joe was sick, I didn't take them to hockey, obviously...

And we finally got our table. And yeah, it was SO loud. Half of the restaurant was a bar, and the restaurant was in the back. And since it was St Patricks day, it was SUPER busy crowded. "Happy" celebrating St Patricks people everywhere. hehe.
I thought this sign on the table was funny. See, Captain America, I'm reserved for you!

And our waiter dude came by to get our drink orders, and GUESS WHAT???

Diet Dr Pepper, baby!!!!!
So Terra gets her DDP, and blows her straw paper at me. And it STICKS in my hair! hehe.

And here's the guacamole plate that Amanda ordered. Yeah, NOT a guac fan...

They had chips and 2 kinds of salsa for us. The green was pretty good, but the red tasted FANTASTIC. Only problem was that it was SO spicy, I thought my mouth would literally ignite! But I just kept eating it and eating it.

And then Kari came, and I had to have her try the red sauce. And I passed it over to her, and then when I was putting it back down, I totally spilled it - hehe. The girls had a good laugh about that. And I wasn't even drinking - lOL! I told them that they just keep me around for Comic Relief - ROFL!

Terra, Alena, and Kari

Amanda, Tara, and I

And here's some nachos that Terra ordered. Yeah, I shared, and ate WAY too much of them - LOL. But they were just SO good, and I'd been STARVING all day long, for some reason.

And here's my beef fajita salad. VERY tasty. The meat was tender and very full of flavor. LOVED it :)

After we were all done eating, Amanda and Alena ordered a slice of Tres Leche cake. OMHeavens, I tried a little taste, and it was SO good. I love it :) And we sang Happy Birthday to Alena :)

It really was a fun time! We laughed and chatted and had a great time together. And then we paid, and headed home. Walking the LONG walk back to our ride. hehe. And Terra dropped me off at home, and everyone was happy and well.
Jake and Tom and I had time to watch and episode of Chuck, and I blogged. Thank goodness I'd pre-blogged a bit, and loaded the store earlier in the day. Yeah for planning ahead!
Joe is still sleeping on the couch. Kari said that it sounded like the same thing that Leo had. 2 days of cough and fever, then they get better. So I'm hoping that by Friday night, Joe is good. I hate to see him sick... Poor baby :(
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
LOVIN' these colors, and SUCH funny photos Sharon!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Mar. 18, 2011. Thanks again.
Nice pics Babygirl. I like the 'reserved' pic of you!! Too bad the pic is a bit fuzzy. Love you!
Sorry to hear my little Joe is sick. And Jim too...
Loved the pic of Boxer...a perfect pic of him!
Thank you.
Love this thanks
Thank you for the fun word art! :)
Great scrap page! Super word art!
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