Well, good and bad news. I slept like a baby. But when my alarm went off at 7:30am (the real 7:30am, cause it worked), I accidently hit Dismiss instead of Snooze. And totally fell back asleep. Crap!
I woke up at 8:25am. And church started at 9:00pm!!! Which meant leaving the house at 8:45am. Holy cow, gotta work fast!
I threw my hair up, wiped off the make up circles under my eyes, put on some lip gloss and a dress, and went out to see what kids were doing.
Eme was awake, and I had her get dressed, same with Joe, and woke up Tom and had him throw on some clothes. Jim wasn't feeling well (he's woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me his tummy hurt), so I had Jake stay home and watch him, and at 7:45am, the other kids and I headed to church.
I scarfed down my yogurt on the drive there, and chugged a Diet Dr Pepper. And had 2 more for during/after church. hehe. And some sugar free chocolates too. And my breakfast apple. And my supplies for singing time. Prepared, aren't I - ha!
Here's my stash under my row at church.
Soon Sacrament was over, and I headed to primary. Charlotte is the piano player, and SUCH a great girl. Ever meet those people who you feel like you've known for years and years and years? Instantly? Yeah, that was Charlotte. She got a kick out of me sneaking my soda behind the piano. And I shared my "on the way home" soda, so she had one too! I even did the cough while opening the soda so no one could hear. ROFL!
And I had them crumple up the paper, then on the count of 3, I had them throw the papers at me, like a snow storm. They got a kick out of it! And then I picked snowballs off the ground to choose the songs. It was pretty fun.
Then it was time for Senior Primary. And I'd been smiling and goofing off so much, my zit/ouchy on my face split, and started bleeding. So I tore off a little piece of paper, and stuck it on my face. Sexy, right? I told the kids that I was starting a new trend, and that it would make them cool - ROFL!
We loaded up, and headed home after church, listening to the primary CD of the Article of Faith songs all the way home. I know 1-10 super well. 11, 12, and 13, not so much. I need to work on those. The primary kids are trying to learn them all this year, and I was helping Eme.
And then we got home, and headed inside for the afternoon.
And had crazy dreams the whole time. The only one I remember now is that Captain America was away on trainings. Strange.
And I had the hardest time waking up. I came out, got Jake and Eme working on Dinner (French Toast), and just laid around for a while. And it was after 7:30pm when I finally made myself dinner. Silly time change is messing with me.
We watched one more episode of Lilo and Stitch the series, then I sent the little kids to their room to watch a movie, and Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of Chuck, and I blogged. And it's now 9:02pm. And I think I'm gonna watch a movie. Designing would be good, but I think I'm too sleepy. Maybe I'll just go to bed (but probably not - ROFL!)
Spring Break is this coming week, and we have activities planned every day. Terra and I are taking some of our kids to Savers. Tom has never been, and want's to go and experience it. And since it's Monday, it'll be sale day. My goal? Not buy anything for myself. Let's see if I can do it - hehe. And after noon ish time, we're taking the kids to the pool. Should be a good day :)
I designed this WordArt a few weeks ago in response to a photo that my girl Terra put on Facebook of her 2 year old twins devouring a cake in the kitchen. It was sitting on a cooling rack, and they snuck in there, pulled it down, and ate the entire thing. Stinkers, huh? hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
hehe, what a cute little cake face! ha! Thanks, Sharon!
I absolutely love reading your blogs and your word art. I am just getting into digital scrapbooking. You crack me up!
Glad to know that I am not the only one the time change is messing with. Thanks for the cute wordart.
Thank you! :)
Your lovely Let Them Eat Cake Freebie has been handpicked for Freebie Scrap Garden Today. Come See!
Thank you for the freebie!!
Jodiann, FSG
Your blog today was a riot. Thanks for the smiles -- and for the cute, cute Word Art. You're the best!
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