Bandana girl. hehe. Here's my picture that I took of ALL of my many bandanas. 38 to be correct. I played a game on Facebook last night, and yeah, I need to work on rules. ROFL! It took a whole day to complete. Next time, I'm putting a time limit for guesses. I'm not good with long time games. 30 minutes to an hour would be best... LOL

I woke up on time this morning, and even showered! Be impressed. Seriously :) I listened to a conference talk while I got ready, and here's the finished result :)

We got everyone ready, loaded up, and headed off to church. I finished off my day old Howdys 64 oz DDP before the meeting. LOL :)

And Jake was actually GOOD during church! We brought a few scripture "readers" for him to look at during the Sacrament part. And it worked! It was comic book form, and seemed to keep him entertained enough. Thank goodness! And the other kids were good too :)
After Sacrament, I put kids in their classes, and was asked to fill in as the assistant Sunbeam teacher again. Those little kids are SO cute :) We did Sharing time, singing time, then went to class time. First stop, Bathroom. Cause the 64 oz needed to come out - ROFL!
We had a short lesson about bugs, then grabbed out the playdo. Kids LOVE playdo. Heck, I love playdo - hehe. We had SO much fun :)

One of the kids made me a man! Yes, I need one - hehe :)

Next, it was snack time. Water and fish crackers. It's funny, because I subbed last month when they learned about fish, and I taught them to dunk their goldfish into their water. Yeah, they were STILL doing it. ROFL! Yes, parent, you can thank me now....

They all wanted their picture taken with me....

After snack, they cleaned up, and were given a piece of paper, a crayon and a sheet of bug stickers. And I taught them how to put stickers on their faces. Yeah, they wouldn't try it, but I sure had fun - LOL!

I think the real Sunbeam teacher was a ready to be done when it was over, but I'd thoroughly enjoyed myself - hehe. Being the sub assistant is a wonder job - LOL!
We gathered up all the Harty Kids, and headed home. And changed clothes, had lunch, and did a quick round of chores, then watched a movie. And yeah, I didn't last long. I eventually moved to the bedroom, and took a NICE long nap. Oh yeah, gotta love sleeping :)
And I so needed one of these when I woke up - LOL!

And soon, the doorbell rang, and the coolest, bestest, nicest, most wonderful family in the WHOLE world had brought me a HOWDY'S!!! (Not that I condone shopping on Sunday...)

Definitely the way to finish up a Sunday afternoon - hehe. I cooked Pigs in a Blanket for the kids (because we'd done popcorn for lunch, and I didn't think that lunch and dinner of popcorn would be appropriate...)
After dinner, we watched Dante's Peak, then I put the kids to bed. And Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of Chuck. And I"m gonna put them to bed when it's done, and read for a bit. And then sleep, and the new week will start. Wish me luck :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Lovely, Sharon, just LOVELY :)

That WA is the cutest! Thanks :) xoxo
I suspect the kids really liked having you're a fun girl to be around, it seems! :) thanks for the WA you share. :)
My kiddos would gladly let you come do Sunday School with them! ;) They get bored so having you around would keep them amused! I'm so snagging this wordart, I have plans for it!! :) I wanna get to the park this week if the hubby stays home long enough and get some family shots done, but if not, I guess I'll just do shots of me and the boys....
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Apr. 11, 2011. Thanks again.
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