Hey, all! Good morning :) I woke up on Monday morning at 7:30am, and got ready for the day. Jake had to be to the drop off location for Purple Camp at 8:30am, and the VBS bus started picking kids up at 8:45am.
Jake and I arrived across from the Shoppette at the Leaders Reaction Course at 8:20am. We got him all signed in, and his meds all signed in, and I was ready to go. I told the lady in charge that he was feeling a bit anxious, and she had a junior counselor go and hang with him. I told him to talk computers with Jake. hehe.
And off I went. I sure hope he had fun! He was NOT looking forward to it. His MP3 player was dead this morning, and he was counting on having it on the trip to camp. So he was a little more on edge than he should have been. Poor Jake. I really felt for him.

I headed back home, and we took the kids to the bus drop. And waited around FOREVER for the bus to come. The kids got a little frisky, and mine were throwing rocks in the road. Sigh. It was hard to keep them all in line. When I'd get one straightened out, a different kid would act up. Sigh. Hopefully the bus comes fast tomorrow. hehe.
Here's Joe

And Lily. But she didn't get to go to camp with the other kids. She was hanging with the girls today!


Maddie and Aunt Sue


I had a couple of SUPER cute pics of Jimmy and Ella, but after posting them, I realized that there was TOO much personal information on them. Those 1st grade and under needed their names, addresses, phone numbers, and such, pinned to their shirts. And as much as I love you all, I don't want you stalking me.... hehe.

And finally the bus came, at 9:30am.

We headed home, grabbed Maddie's car, picked up Amanda, and off we went! Slug Bug!!!

It's Monday, and you know what that means..... SAVERS! We headed over to the East side, first stop, Savers. Today, Orange tags were 99 cents, kids clothes were 50% off, and Mens and Womens were 30% off. Booya!
I got some jeans for Jim and Joe, and some school shirts for them. And a new dress. See Amanda and I with our dresses? hehe.

After shopping for about an hour, we headed to Olive Garden. It was Maddie and Aunt Sue and Amanda and I, then Liz from the pool and Chrystal (Amanda's neighbor - and, by the way, she has a kid a year older than Jake that was at Purple camp too!). It was a nice little group :)
We had Soup and Salad, but with a twist. For $2 more, you can get a whole panini! Oh yeah ;) It was SO stinkin' tasty!

Liz and Chrystal

Maddie and Aunt Sue

Amanda and Baby Cole (Chrystals kid)

We had a lot of fun eating and chatting and just having a good time. Thanks, girls! I had an AWESOME time today :)
We came back home, and had about 40 minutes before the VBS bus was supposed to be there. I organized Jim and Joe's closet a bit (got rid of the old/too small clothes), and then headed to the bus stop.
And waited. And waited. And waited. Aunt Sue and Boxer came too. Lily and Maddie went to the park. Eventually, Aunt Sue and Boxer headed back home (it was SUPER hot), and I joined Maddie at the park. Then the bus FINALLY came, a good hour after it was expected.
The kids got off, and I think they'd had fun, for the most part. Tom didn't get to be in the same group at Dylan (Liz's kid), but Grant was there (from school). Everyone else seemed to have or make friends there.

We headed back home, and the kids relaxed and had some free time. Maddie laid down with the little girls for a nap, and at 3pm, Aunt Sue and I headed out to Big Lots. We needed cases for the MP3 players. And I knew that Big Lots would have them a heck of a lot cheaper than Walmart would. hehe.
We got 'em, and I found these AWESOME straws, at 50% off! I keep saying that I need bigger straws for my Howdys cups. Well, I finally found them. hehe. And we headed back home. Very quick trip.
See, big straws, huh??? That's a 64 oz drink. But it looks puny!

We re-heated the chili for dinner, ate, then let the kids have some more free time. My truck was ALMOST out of gas, so Aunt Sue and I ran up to the Shoppette real quick for a fill up. Well, as fast as you can fill a 34 gallon tank... I grabbed a soda, and got free Twizzlers for buying over 8 gallons of gas.
And then, the cops showed up! But not for us, thank goodness. hehe. I was snapping away pictures, and then an officer started waving his finger at me, like I shouldn't be taking photos. At least he was smiling. hehe. I put the camera away real fast - ha!

We swung by the library to take back the overdue books, and stopped by the on-post salon to check out Acrylic nail prices. And booked an appointment for tomorrow at 11am! Oh yeah! And, I made sure that Aunt Sue could get her's done for 1/2 price. The place at the mall wanted to charge her $30 instead of $40 for only one hand! So rude! If you only do 5 fingers instead of 10, you shouldn't have to pay more. The place on post said that they'd do it for $20. I'm excited about getting them done. Never had acrylics before! I just want them short :)
And we headed back home. Between 7 and 8, we got the kids ready for bed. And straightened up the house a little, and did some chores. I left Jimmy and Joe watching a quiet movie, Eme on her computer, and Tom watching TV, and the little girls sleeping, and we headed to Walmart. For some school supplies. Amanda is the QUEEN of price matching with ads!
We got glue for 10 cents, 24 box of pencils for 10 cents, paper for 50 cents, good scissors for 50 cents, rules for 1 cent, folders for 15 cents, and spiral notebooks for 20 cents.

I liked this pool dress!

Maddie and I

Oh yeah, and Amanda and I took back some things that needed returned. Like an extra bike lock, and a mini blind that didn't fit my window, and some black out curtains that were a valance instead of a curtain (lol), and some toole. And I got money on a gift card.

But the best deal of all was the Snickers, Peanut M&M, and Milky Way bars for 29 cents. hehe. I got one for each of my kids and myself. Score! hehe.
We paid, and Amanda helped us with our price matches. The little guy at the register was super nice about it. And home we went.
Jake Skyped as we were pulling out of Walmart, and we chatted with him about 1/2 the way home. Well, chatted may be overstating it a bit. hehe. Mostly we just made silly faces at each other. He seemed to be having a great time at camp. Not grouchy or upset like he was this morning. Thank goodness!!!!

We got home, got kids in bed, and I sat down to blog. Aunt Sue and I watched an episode of Psych, and here it is, 11:33pm. And it's time for sleep. ha! Tomorrow, we're getting kids on the bus around 9am, then nails at 11. I think we might try and do the pool tomorrow, too. Not sure what else is on the plan :) Should be a good time, though!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks~
This one is marvelous, Sharon, my dear! GREAT use of brown/teal! And I love the old people! hehe :)

Thank you for the word art!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Aug. 02, 2011. Thanks again.
Hi Bethany, I love your word art, and thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. I also feel like I know your family through your hilarious blogged antics. I pray for you as you work through single-mom-ing while your husband is away and I pray for him that he will come home safely to all of you.
thank you for the wonderful freebie. hugs sammib
Thank you so much, Bethany! :) Have a beautiful day!
Thanks for the great word art!
Thank you so much for sharing!
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