Woke up at 7 something, and didn't get out of bed until 8am. I got the kids ready for VBS, and we got them on the bus by 9am. Maddie and Lily headed off to the thrift store on post, and Aunt Sue and I followed in my car. Maddie didn't wanna come shopping after the thrift store, so we took separate cars.
We were told that there would be new stuff in the "bargin room", but yeah, there was nothing new that I could see. I found a few pairs of shoes my size for $0.50 a pair, a pair of Gap jeans for Jim, 2 Hot Wheels 48 cars holder, and some books. Books are always good. I lOVED the movie "Timeline", so I figured that the book would be good too :)
We paid, and headed out to the next store. Aunt Sue and I went to CompUSA to look for a micro SD card for the MP3 players. I got one for Tom and he's gonna pay me back, and one for Jake that he can earn money for. And then we went to the Dollar Tree.
And yeah, the bread man hadn't been in yet! Sigh. They had 4 loaves of good white bread, so I grabbed it, but it was still white... Not a white bread fan...
We paid, and headed across the road to Dollar General. I needed chocolate chips. You like how I said that... NEEDED chocolate chips. hehe. But I did. I have bananas in the fridge that need used. And yeah, you can't make banana anything without chocolate in it. I'm just sayin...
And we headed to lunch at Cattle Baron. Amanda swung by my house and picked up Maddie and Lily, and Aunt Sue and I got there first and got a table. Maddie ordered a sandwich, and the rest of us got the salad bar. It was super tasty. We had fun eating and chatting and having a good time.
Anyway, we eventually got it. Our waitress was training a new girl...
Then the kids came home from the bus, and Lily went down for a nap, and Joe and Jim and Ella and Maddie and Aunt Sue and I went over to Amandas house to say hi. We stayed for a few minutes to visit and to watch her make her famous pinwheel appetizers. Oh yeah! Sounded SO yummy!
That's my boy!
We loaded up in the Suburban after Amanda's house, and headed to the commissary. We needed a few staples. Fruit, and cereal, and coffee supplies for Aunt Sue, and a few other things. Then we got to the frozen foods section.
And yeah, we had a major catastrophe in the frozen foods isle. Well, it started there. It ended at the checkout... See, I was gonna be a lazy parent, and feed my kids a microwave dinner for dinner. And I let Jim pick on out. And i knew that Joe would take YEARS to decide on one. Because that's just his MO. So I decided that I'd get 4 of what Jim picked. Corn and Mac N Cheese and Chicken Nuggets. Sounded good to me.
But not to Joe. He was mad. And he was mad at Jim. He was quietly being mean to him for the rest of the trip. Trying to trip him. Or punching him when I wasn't looking. Or hitting him. And finally, at the check out lane, I noticed. And I tried to restrain Joe. And yeah, it wasn't a pretty picture.
Every time I let go of the child, he tried to "get" Jim. Sigh. So I had to hold him in a "straight jacket" hold. I'm not sure what the other people there thought, but it was a tad bit frustrating. But I did a good job staying calm. Sometimes you see kids misbehaving, and then the parents freak out equally, and the whole situation goes to crap. I think I did a good job not reacting.
I took him to a bench and let the bagger unload and bag the groceries. I held him so he couldn't hurt me or escape, then came back to pay. And we walked to the car. And he kept trying to get away. So I grabbed his ear. Because he doesn't go "dead weight" on me when I grab his ear. I felt like a bad mom, but really, what was I supposed to do. I wasn't angry. I wasn't yelling. I was just trying to get some groceries and get the child to the car and home. Sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do.
I managed to get him in the truck, and we headed home. And yeah, he got a spanking when we got home. And he was sent to his room for 2 hours. He didn't get to eat his microwave dinner. I made him eat left over french toast from breakfast. In his room. Away from everyone else.
And at this point, my head was starting to hurt again. I took a migraine pill, and use my back massager on my neck for a while. And calmed down, and felt much better. The kids and I worked on getting the house cleaned. And finally, at around 7pm, Joe felt much better. I gave him a chance to earn his way out of his room. He just needed to clean his room. And he could come out.
We were totally supposed to go to the VBS concert at 6pm, and because of Joe's tantrum, we nixed that idea. There was NO way I was taking that child out in public again. And the other kids didn't seem too broken up about missing it.
At 8pm, Amanda and Margot and kids came over for girls game night. Maddie had put her girls to bed, but yeah, with the amount of chaos going on downstairs, they didn't sleep. But they did stay upstairs for quite a while. hehe.
We played a few round of Scattegories, and had a TON of fun! It's my favorite game, you know ;) We called it a night around 10pm. And the friends went home, and the kids went to bed. I totally didn't get any pictures, either.... sigh. Next time. ha!
I started blogging and watching Psych after the kids were all in bed, and it's now 11;45pm. Aunt Sue and I are finishing up this last episode, and we're gonna go to bed too. Night, all!
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Love this heritage page, Sharon! It looks perfect!
Love your art! Thank you..
My Friday was great.. I finially did something I have wanted to do for about 10 years .. I got my belly button pierced!! I know Not a big deal right.. But I am about to be a GREAT Grandma!!LOL..
Never to late to follow a dream!
Love your word art, but another misspelling! It's Cindi, not Cindy.
One of my fav songs, but you might wanna google her name ... I'm pretty sure its Cyndi Lauper
Thank you, Bethany! :)
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