Awe, vacation :) Gotta love vacation! I was so sleepy last night while I was blogging, that I hope it made sense. hehe. I could have been just going off and making up stories - LOL! I was THAT tired :)
My phone died in the middle of the night, but luckily, my 2 weeks of seminary paid off! I woke up, on my own, at 5:45am. A little late and off schedule, but better than 9 am, right? We got up, and got ready. And were packing and loading the car by 7am. And charging my phone!
We went and had breakfast at the hotel's buffet. We paid $20 for the two of us, including tip. And it was SOOO tasty! Everything you could possibly want for breakfast was there. With a southwest flavor to it. Captain America's plate looked so spicy I didn't even wanna touch it. Mine was definitely the white girl version. hehe :)
We turned finished up eating, turned in our key, and took some photos in the parking lot. The grounds were really quite nice!

Don't fall in!!!

I totally had contacts on today, but my right eye has been bothering me lately. Not the eye itself, but the upper lid. I don't know if I have an ingrown hair or what? But the contacts irritate it more than no contact. If I close my eye real tight, it feels like someone is pressing on a bruise.... If it gets worse, I'll have to go and have it looked at...
Anyway, here's some more pics of us over by our car.

Captain America wanted this particular picture on the sign. hehe. Queensryche is one of his favorites!

It's about a 30 minute drive from the hotel to the Temple. So off we set. And as we were driving up to the temple, I tried to click a picture of it. And wouldn't you know, THESE got in the way. It's as if I meant for it to happen. hehe.

See how excited I am to be going to the Albuquerque temple!!! It's my first time inside of it!

We hurried on inside, and decided that we'd do some sealings today if there were openings. We haven't done any since we got married! It would be nice to witness a sealing again :) Anyway, we did manage to get in with a group doing sealings, and had a FANTASTIC time. Going to the temple always fills you with such peace and love and good feelings. Especially with my lower dose of Prozac. It's SO much easier to feel the spirit when you're not all drugged out. hehe. I like it. I liked it a lot :)
Anyway, at 9:30am, we were done with the sealings, and changed ,and went outside to take some photos. You know how I am with the photos!
We started off near the fountain, but the sun was SOOOO bright! It was totally in our eyes ;)

And then we wise up, and moved to the shade. Much easier to smile if you're not squinting!

Isn't the temple beautiful???

America took this photo, and I just LOVED it!!!

Crazy fly away hair - hehe. It started off good, and got progressively more out of control as the photo shoot continued. hehe.

Oak trees are Captain
America's favorites, so he wanted a photo in front of it.

We got as many pictures as we could take (hehe), then we headed out. Isn't the valley beautiful??? Love New Mexico!

Slug Bug!!!

We stopped by Beehive clothing, and saw that they had scriptures there. We decided long ago to give the kids nice scriptures for their Baptism. And Jake was the only one that got some. Oops. So we bought nice quads for Tom and Eme, and some cheaper ones for Joe. And we'll get him better ones when he turns 12. He's not responsible enough for $50 scriptures at this point. hehe. We also got some prints to frame and hang on the walls :)

The woman in front of us was doing returns, so it was taking FOREVER... But we eventually paid, and headed out. Here's the spot that Jake was hiding in when we went to the temple last December. Did I blog about that? How he ran away and hid in the bushes in the dark??? Sigh...

Next stop, Deseret Bookstore. We wanted to get the kids' names engraved on the scriptures. We were going all out - ha! It was gonna take 20 minutes, so we walked around the bookstore, and picked up a few gifts for our friends. And some books. And a few other things. They have a rewards program there, and I texted my mom and asked what her number was so that she could get the points. I don't shop there enough to make a different. There ya go, mom! Got you some points. hehe :)
We got the scriptures, and paid, and headed out.

And the new Nashville Tribute band CD. It's all about missionary work. It was pretty good! They came to my mom's stake a few weeks ago and did a fireside. She said they were super awesome :)

Captain America didn't wanna travel home in his church clothes, so he went into Whataburger to change. And grab me a Diet Dr Pepper. I stayed in the car and chatted with my mom. He came back out, and we decided to just eat here. It was noon already. Where did the time go???
Mmm, Diet Dr Pepper!

We got a shake, and Captain
America got BRAIN FREEZE!!!

Captain America's triple layer hamburger. Totally loaded. Don't tell him how many calories it had. He was thinking about 400. Um, yeah, no...

Mine was the Bacon and Tomato burger. Super tasty. A little bit too much mustard, though... Still good!

And then we were off. Here's me, driving the first leg home. Captain America napped, and I listened to the CD. Until I got sleepy, then I turned on my Glee Soundtrack, and belted out some fine tunes! That's always good for staying awake.

We stopped in Truth or Consequence for a Soda break, and switched drivers.

Then I took a nap, and Captain America called his dad to chat. I woke up around Las Cruces, and Captain America and I chatted the rest of the way home. It was 4:30 or 5pm by the time we got back. We swung by Kari's house and picked up the kids. And I gave her her "thank you" gift, and the men chatted for a bit, then we headed on home.
The kids were excited to see us. We gave them their souveiners and their scriptures and such, then cleaned up the house for about 30 minutes, then had dinner. Jim and Captain America headed out to Walmart to get some Hot Wheels for our race tomorrow, and a few other things.
I took a bath, and blogged, and watched 2 episodes of 24. Yeah, we're gonna have to clean a bit tomorrow. The house is trashed. Except for the living room. It's looking pretty good...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, sweet one! Thanks, Sharon! It looks great :)

I love it! Thank you:)
Thank you so much! :)
Thank you! I LOVE your work!
Your Temple pictures are Beautiful..
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Sep. 04, 2011. Thanks again.
I'm so glad that you and Brent got to have a special trip together. :)
I'm also glad that you're doing well on your Prozac now.
Thank you for the terrific word art. Hugs!!!
You and your husband are soo cute! Looks like you saw some beautiful scenery!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [05 Sep 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
one of my very favorite movies! thanks.....
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