I woke up when it was time to go home, and we headed back to post. We had family prayer, and Tom headed to the bus. Then I got Jim and Joe and Eme off to the bus. I was supposed to go walking right away with Kari, but got distracted talking with the girls at the bus stop. LOL. I'm like that, you know.
I excused myself, and headed back home, got Jake off to the bus, changed clothes, and met with Kari. We walked our 4 mile loop, and headed back home. We changed clothes real fast, then went and picked up Kim, and headed to Fallas for our quick Fallas shopping Trip. Kim had never been there before. And what a shame that was. LOL. We were about to fix that.
We looked around for a while. I found some socks for the kids, and some socks for me. And a travel Scategories game! My favorite game! I was pretty excited. hehe :)
We shopped for about 45 minutes, then paid, and headed back to post. We dropped Kim off at her house (she had a Dr's appointment to get ready for), and Kari and I headed out to the TMC. She needed to go and pick up Leo's physical. I waited outside for her, and she went and got it. It took a little bit of arm-bending, but she eventually got the doctors assistant to find it.
Then we headed over to CYS main registration. Kari got Leo's paperwork all turned in was ready to sign the kids up for Basketball. She got her appointment, and I put my name on the list. I was called 2nd.
I got Eme and Tom and Joe and Jim all signed up for Basketball, and Eme signed up for Piano Lessons, and Tom signed up for Guitar lessons. Lets hope that there's enough of me to go around. hehe. We shall see. And we'll see if it all works out schedule wise. LOL.
Kari and I finished up, and we headed home. I dropped her off, and we had about 30 minutes before the bus. I took a quick shower, and got ready for the day. Then headed off to the bus stop. Showers can be so nice :) hehe.
I got the kids at around 12:45pm, and we all headed home. I had lunch, and we had some free time. I did get a 45 minute nap, and then we watched a bit of Warehouse 13 episode together. I texted with my friends for a bit, and soon it was time to go to Parent Teacher conferences. Did I forget to mention that it was early release day for the elementary school, and that's why the bus came early? hehe.
My conferences were at 3:15, 3:30, and 3:45. Kari said she'd watch my kids for me. Super nice! Her hubby was home sick, so he was watching her kids. Otherwise, we'd planned on swapping babysitting. It's sure nice to have friends, you know!
I got there in time for Jim's conference, and his teacher said that he was a great kid. That he had it all. Looks, and height, and charm. ROFL! She always enjoyed walking down the hall holding his hand. Um, yeah, he's quite the lady's man... hehe :)
He had mastered all of the goals that he was supposed to, and as doing SO great! Good job, Jim!
Next, on to Joe's class. I'd never met his teacher, Ms Kloss. She was a super nice lady. She was telling me that Joe is doing a lot better now that earlier in the year. He had a super slow start. He's having a bit of a hard time focusing, but doing much better.
He's doing better in math, but still needs some help in reading. She encouraged me to help him and encourage him to finish projects on time. He is a very good kid, though. Yeah, he is. I like Joe too :)
Then I hurried over to Eme's teacher. And I managed to wait outside the wrong teachers room. hehe. See, in the 4th grade, they tag team teach. And I guess Walters was her primary teachers. But Forti was the one I waited to see. Oops.
Forti just LOVED Eme, though. Said that she wasn't supposed to have favorites, but that Eme was DEFINITELY her favorite. ha! Eme is such a sweetie :)
So I finally ended up in the right classroom, and it was a repeat of the first one. Mr Walters loved Eme too. Glowing report. She got 100% in 4 classes, and a 99% in another. Straight A's across the board. She's a great kid. Wonderful. He said she was so great to have in class. I love my Eme!
I headed back to post, and Kari had taken Joe and Jim to the library. I picked up Eme and Tom and Jake from the house, and we headed up to library too. Amanda had FINALLY gotten back, and was there with Austin, and Kari was there too with her kids (and part of mine). It was a good time :)
The moms chatted, and the kids watched the movie. And played on the computers. And hung out. After the movie, we loaded up and headed home. And had dinner and got ready for Soccer and did homework and chores and such. We didn't really have a lot of time.
Jim and Joe and I headed up to Soccer at 6:15 ish. Jim had practice, and Joe needed to do his homework. And I needed to supervise him...
Kari and I hung for the hour, and after Joe worked on his homework for a bit, Leo and him played. Josephine and Jim practiced, and Kari and I even got to see Terra for a bit when she stopped by after going to the car wash. It was a nice evening.
We headed home at 7:30pm, and I got the kids ready for bed. Kids did chores, and the house looked decent. It's now 9:30pm, and all the kids are in bed, and I'm done blogging. Yeah for the evening being over. hehe. I've been watching Warehouse 13. It's such a great show. And I've been STARVING all day from the exercise. Might need to consider that a little bit more... hehe.
Tomorrow, we may go to school to "exercise" with the kids in PE. It's red ribbon week, and they're encouraging the parents to come and work out with their students. Then Jake gets out early for Parent Teacher conferences. We have Soccer for Eme and Joe and Leo, and Scouts tonight. Should be Pack Meeting. I need to get a hold of Kristal and see what's up. Should be a good time.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, so sleepy! I feel like that so much, too! hehe. Great one, Sharon :) Love it!
Been awhile since I've visited, took a while to read and catch up! Hope ur honey is safely home soon! Thanx for the fab wordart sayings I picked up. Enjoy your weekend making memories to share! :)
Ahh, the perfect WA for my birthday today. I think I'll go take a nap...
I so love that you are such a well-rounded spiritual Lady! Thanks for the fabby word arts that you give away, you are a blessing! I pray your hubby comes home safe to you so very soon!
Many Blessings, Deborah/JoyfullyOrange
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