And the thought of food reminds me of chocolate berry chili vomit....
Oh yeah, and I totally forgot to tell you about Tom yesterday. So he never shows up after school. Turns out, he went to Ross Fit, the after school PE thing, from 3-4. And his coach lets him leave a few minutes early to get in the gate. But they locked the Jeb Stuart gate by our house at 4pm or a few minutes early. And he couldn't get in. So he had to walk CLEAR around to the Robert E Lee Gate, like 4-5 miles away... And it took an exta hour... So he didn't get home till 5pm... So yeah, that's where Tom was. And I was so sick, I didn't even notice really. I'm SO sorry, Tom. Bad mom moment...
Anyway, I awoke VERY rested and not nauseated at all. So I decided that it must have been a reaction from the root canal. Right? Cause you can't get the flu for 5 hours? I don't know what it was. I have very mild diarreah, and I puked like 3-4 times. I don't know what it was. But it was gone. And I was glad.
I skipped Seminary, got up at 6:45am, and got the kids ready for school. Tom left at 7am, and we had family prayer right before he left. I walked the other kids to the bus at 7:15am, and chatted with the girls. It was SO cold outside! Check it out!
Anyway, Kari was gonna give me my weekly massage to get rid of all my knots (since my Topomax makes my Prozac not work as well and my stress comes out in my shoulders and neck), but her hubby was still home for another hour, so I decided to go home and clean and organize my house for a bit.
I got it looking pretty good, showered, and decided to test out this Pin that I'd found on Pinterest a while back. About getting your dingy cookie sheets cleaned. Looks pretty good, right? With just Baking Soda and peroxide??? Too good to be true? I was gonna give it a whirl!
And it looked like this when I was finished...
Oh yeah... Not so much.
Who needs sparkly baking sheets anyway, right? So around 9am, I headed over to Kari's house for my massage, and she got my knots all worked out. And I felt SO much better! I headed home, and ended up sitting in my car in my garage for about 20 minutes texting people. hehe. Singing to my iPhone all the while. I'm such a dork, I know.
Finally, I went inside, got ready, and headed to Amanda's house. I brought my computer, and started blogging. We both just sat there working on our computer stuff, watching silly court TV shows. Kari came to pick me up at 11:30am, and we headed to Yoga.
And we found out that our favorite yoga instructor, Megan, was quitting! We were so sad :( She was so relaxing and yoga-ish... Now we were gonna have to go to yoga with John. Eh... He's not my favorite. But he's better than no yoga at all, I guess...
After yoga, we headed back to Amanda's house. Kari dropped me off, and she headed back home to change. She agreed to come on a Walmart run with us! It was gonna be fun - hehe :)
One of Amanda and my favorite thing to do is take pictures of people while we are out and about. Like this dude. Really? A clown? At Walmart? hehe.
Finally, I went inside, got ready, and headed to Amanda's house. I brought my computer, and started blogging. We both just sat there working on our computer stuff, watching silly court TV shows. Kari came to pick me up at 11:30am, and we headed to Yoga.
And we found out that our favorite yoga instructor, Megan, was quitting! We were so sad :( She was so relaxing and yoga-ish... Now we were gonna have to go to yoga with John. Eh... He's not my favorite. But he's better than no yoga at all, I guess...
After yoga, we headed back to Amanda's house. Kari dropped me off, and she headed back home to change. She agreed to come on a Walmart run with us! It was gonna be fun - hehe :)
One of Amanda and my favorite thing to do is take pictures of people while we are out and about. Like this dude. Really? A clown? At Walmart? hehe.
We dropped Kari off at her house, and I got out to help with groceries. But she was able to get all her bags on her own, so I totally didn't need to. I set my drink on the middle arm section because all the drink holders were full, and when we got back in, it got knocked into my seat!
And then the lid popped open, and it spilled EVERYWHERE! Oh crap!!! At least Amanda has leather seats! We were freaking out trying to get it out. It was a 44 oz-er, too! We hurried over to my house to shop vac it, but a towel was sufficient. Good thing things dry fast in the dessert of El Paso! I'm SO sorry, Amanda!
We got the mess cleaned up, and my grocery stuff put away, and headed to the bus stop and to get my car. We collected our kids, chatted for a bit with the moms, then headed home.
I got stuff all ready and prepared for Cub Scouts, decided what all I needed to do, and got myself ready. See, I really should put on make up all the time, huh???
A little before Soccer got over, Kari headed home and picked up Justin, her 15 year old. He was gonna come to Scouts with us and help me teach the boys about the Flag. How to fold it, how to display it, how to respect it. Sounded good to me. Crowd control. hehe.
So me and the 7 kids headed out to Church. We did our little gathering activity, where we made the Ghost. And ate apples with caramel dip. Well, they did. That just looked painful to me.
Then we did the opening ceremony. Then we worked on the flag stuff. Then the Texas Flag stuff. Then talked about bowling rules. Next den meeting we're going bowling. Then we headed outside.
Outside we did the standing long jump and the 10 second sprint. And played a little bit of soccer. Then came back inside and cleaned up and had closing prayer. I think the boys had a ton of fun!
We loaded up and headed back home. It was close to 9pm before I had my kids near bed. It's now 10:15pm and I'm exhausted. Wednesday nights are rough in the Harty household. Very tough. I need to get a better routine down, I think. hehe.
In the morning, Jake has a nutritionist appointment at 8:20am. And then Kari and I are going Hiking. Should be a good time!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
GREAT layout, Sharon! Love the skulls! Great take on the Sound of Music!!!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Oct. 20, 2011. Thanks again.
Thanks for the "musical" word art the last couple days! My oldest has his first band concert tonight so I should get some use out of them! By the way, watch out for that Texas stomach in the DFW area it's really up and feel awful one day, good the next, then bad the next and so on for 4-5 days. Yucko!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [20 Oct 09:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
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