I had lunch at home with CPT, then I watched some TV. Yeah, that was about it for the afternoon. At around 2:30, CPT texted and asked if I wanted to go to the TX parks office with him to ask them some questions about an upcoming something or another army day with him. Sure, field trip sounded like fun. We stopped for a Happy Hour Sonic run on the way home.
Tom had collected kids from the bus, and I hung with my kids and friends at the Park once CPT dropped me off back at home. Eme had piano lessons with Jenny at 4:30, and I was home by 5:30pm. We had dinner at 6pm (crock pot beans and rice with biscuits), then CPT and Jake and I went to Verizon to upgrade the home phone line. Couldn't leave Jake at home. He was being a bit aggressive.
Jake sat in the truck, and we looked at phones. We didn't want internet on it. And we wanted something that was easy to text with. We ended up getting the LG Cosmos 2, or something like that. It was free after rebate. And I got a $10 pink case for it! My boys will LOVE it! ROFL! I wanted the to KNOW that it wasn't their phone! It's the house phone. You hear that JAKE... It's not your phone. You too, Tom! ROFL!
Then we headed home. Of course, it was the first thing that both Jake and Tom said... Why is it pink? I'm just mean, I think. I thought it was freakin' hilarious. Poor Verizon man. He thought I was SO mean. He really didn't think that I would do it. He really didn't... Oh yeah, I sure showed him!
We put the kids to bed, and I started blogging while CPT read the little boys a story. I'm gonna watch an episode of Grimm while CPT does his bedtime routine. He's got QUITE the extensive bedtime routine - LOL :)
So, night, y'all! See ya in the morning!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the pNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Apr. 04, 2012. Thanks again.
Thank you for your wonderful everday freebie and your wonderful life story's :o).
Wish you and your family a wonderful Easter time!!
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