Aren't my kids cute!

We came back home, and Jake was doing fabulous with his school. He was almost 1/2 way done. I worked on my menu for a while. I had it broken down by food type, but decided that it would be better broken down by isle. And yeah, I've been to the commissary enough time, that I knew which foods were on which isles, the order of the isles, even where the food was located in the isles. hehehe.
Captain America went jogging, and I helped Jake with his school work. I cleaned up my room a little bit, and cleaned up the house a little bit.
So when I told Captain America I was going out to lunch with the girls on Tuesday, he was jealous. He said that he wanted to go to lunch with me, and we made plans to go on Wednesday. We went to Applebees, and got the mix and match lunch special. I had the Grilled Shrimp and Spinach salad (mmmmm), and the Turkey Club Sandwich. It was SO tasty. Then, because I'd met my goal weight, we got the Chocolate Chip Ice Cream monstrosity. It was SO good. Warm chocolate chunk cookie, piles of vanilla ice cream, hot fudge sauce drizzled all over it, whipped cream, and Oreo cookie pieces sprinkled over the top. Good thing we shared it. It was WAY too big for one person. In fact, if Jim and Jake would have been there, it would have been better. I ate too much as it was :) Mmmmmm. This picture is for Katy. See, girl, I do eat - LOL!

And Captain America and I in the car. We were FREEZING. I think I need to get a jacket. Funny, you'd think that 70 would feel good. But after being used to 100 degree weather, I'm ready for gloves and long johns!

Next, we went to Wal-Mart. I had to get a rag mop and bucket. I really think that they clean the floor the best. My poor little sponge mop is dying. hehehe. We got more Protein powder for Captain America, ziplock baggies, tin foil, vanilla, and a few other things.
Next, it was back on post, and to Captain America's old battery headquarters. He needed to get a paper signed. We then went to the Hobby Shop (mechanic) and got the truck. Then, it was off to the commissary. I showed him how I had my list all organized and such, just in case he had to come shopping without me. He didn't think that sounded like such a good idea - ROFL! I'm sure he didn't..... I switched around a few of the kids' meals (took out the Stroganoff and stew, and added in potato casserole and Hawaiian haystacks), and still came in $35 under budget. Yeah me!
Next, it was home, unload the truck, fix dinner, and get Captain America and Jake out the door to Scouts. I did manage to read 1 chapter of "The Hunger Games" to the kids before they had to leave. All in all, it was a good day. Busy, that's for sure, but good. Now, it's 8pm on Wednesday night, and I have to design 4 more WordArt packs. I sure hope I have some creative energy left in me - hehehe.
Well, here I am again. 3:14am. Needless to say, the evening got more exciting. Hehehe. Katy called, and said that the girls were all at her house. Woohoo!!! I got there a little after 9pm, having not designed yet. Crud. I had the quotes picked out, though. That's a start, right? I left a post in the forum telling the "powers that be" to hold a place for me.
We had SUCH a good time! We learned a few dance steps (that was SO fun), ate a few cookies (well, I smelled them - after my GINORMOUS dessert today, I didn't need any cookies), and hung out. We watched a show called "Horders", or something like that. About people with hording disorder. The lady with the 50+ cats living in her house. And all the dead ones she didn't know about. OMGosh it was nasty. Yeah, we all wanted to go home and clean after that - hehehe.
So, I got home at 1am, and Captain America WAS STILL UP! He was working on a Civil War reenactor project, and watching a Civil War movie. So, he worked on his project, and I designed. I guess we'll both be tired tomorrow. Ha! Who am I kidding. I'll be tired tomorrow, and he'll sleep in. The joys of truly being able to be on vacation. I've gotta get the kids ready for school, then we're walking at 8:30am. And I wonder why I ended up sick - hehehe. That reminds me - I should go and take my antibiotic pill.....
I made a WordArt pack with the months of the year in it, in this style, which is being released on Friday. I thought this would go PERFECTLY with it :) Enjoy!

I love how you have done this. Thank you for this wordart.
Nine slices of french toast on the griddle? I can only fit six on mine. I have griddle envy now. LOL
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