Church on Sunday was good. We got there a little late. We walked in during the opening song. I hate to be late.... Next week, we'll (um, er, yeah, Captain America!) do better. I was having a caffeine withdrawl headache, so I'd had better Sundays. I took a pill before we left, so it wasn't too bad. The kids did fine in Sacrament, and Primary went fine as well. No issues, so it was all good.
Jacob received the Priesthood during 3rd hour of church, and I was SO proud of him. He's getting to be such a big kid. I nice young man. Awe, my baby's growing up! He'll get to pass the sacrament next week in church, I think. You'll do great, Jake!
After church, I put Captain America in charge of lunch, grabbed my cheese and cucumber lunch, and took a nap. It felt SO good. I was exhausted. I'd gone to Katy's on Saturday night to watch Survivor (did you know it started last week???? how did I possibly miss that one???) and a movie she'd rented from Netflix. It was fun hanging out with the girls again. It'd been a long time since I'd hung with them. But, I didn't get home till almost 2am, so I was tired. The nap felt good.
I woke up at around 4 something. The kids were watching a movie, and Captain America had joined me to take a nap. I left him sleeping, and went out. I cleaned up the living room for a bit, and started some laundry. It really was a lazy Sunday afternoon. We had dinner late, read another chapter of "The Hunger Games" (Chapter 8, I think it was), and played a new card game as a family. Pictureka! It was pretty fun. One person turns over the "mission" card, and everyone has to find one of their cards that match the mission. Like it would say "A big nose". You look at your cards and see if you have a pic of someone with a big nose. The first person to lay their card on top of the mission card gets the point.
Captain America and I helped the little kids get their room cleaned (I really don't know how they keep getting it SO trashed), and put everyone to bed. All in all, it was a good day.
This WordArt request is from Rebecca in Western Australia. I thought it was a lovely quote, and thought that the WordArt turned out nice. Different from my usual stuff, but still nice. I hope you guys like it ;)
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Sounds like a funny game to play - I hope it will find it's way to Sweden eventually.
And once again: thank you for all the wonderful wordart you are sharing!
Thank you. You have beautiful word art.
Such great talent! Thank you for saving me the headache of trying to create my own. (Which would be a sad attempt!) ;)
TDY Temporary DutY :o) As a kid I thought it meant Temporary Duty Yonder.
Fabulous word art! Thank you!
Thank you!! :)
Thank you Bethany! This is such a wonderful sentiment/quote. Of coarse, you're talent makes it even better!!!!
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