So, we stretched with the group, then started walking. Once we got past the brutal beginning hill, the kids were supposed to jog. Jake did ok. Fast walk most of the time. The other kids? Not so much . Seriously, I wasn't even sweating. Except for my arm was sore. I was practically pulling Jim up the hill the whole time. It really gave me an eye opener about how out of shape my kidlets are. We'll have to work to remedy that one.
Captain America passed us jogging down while we were still on the up part. He said he'd go get the truck, and pick up the slow kids. We got to the top (well, as far as our group was going), then turned around and jogged back down. Captain America got there shortly, and I dropped off Tom and Joe and Jim. Eme was jogging, as was Jake, so I hurried fast to catch up. It felt good to jog. Granted, it was down hill, but I felt pretty good.
After we got to the bottom, the kids stretched with the coach again, and had water and granola bars/oranges, our family loaded back into the truck and drove the whole way up the canyon. There's some cool caves up there, and our plan was to hike to them. WELL, we soon discovered that it was WAY too dangerous for small kids. Tom and Jake would probably have been fine, but Eme, Joe, and Jim. Not so much. They were disappointed, but they were safe. That's the last thing we needed, to loose a kid off the side of the mountain.

Here's a freebee for y'all! I thought it turned out really pretty. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

SO beautiful, Bethany. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Sep. 20, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you for this wonderful wordart. Your family hike looks like it was great fun -- a memory that will last forever!
Love the photos of the kids on the ground!!
Great wordart! Many thanks.
Your children are still young but all are overweight. You need to have them do sports on a regular basis and adjust their diet, no more sweets! And then looking at it, what we become in terms of overweight is not so much our own responsibility but often that of our parents.
Very nice. Thanks for sharing your photos and your wonderful talent.
Another goodie! Thanks so much!
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