Here's Jimmy, in the garage. What a cute little guy :)

And Jake. With Joe and Tom playing a board game in the background. Really don't know when this was taken. Maybe last Sunday? Hmmmm.

So I woke up at 6am to Captain Americas text. He was about 3 hours away, and thought it was 7am my time. He was being sweet, and telling me that he loved me, but oh boy was I tired. I was expecting him at 3am, so I didn't sleep real well.
I laid in bed until my alarm went off at 7am, then got up and got the kids off to school. I was supposed to go grocery shopping, so we were out of everything. I ended up making the kids a protein shake for breakfast. With bananas and hot chocolate mix. That's a little bit better than my mozarella cheese dinner - hehehe.
Captain America and Jake got home at around 8:30am. They looked SO tired. Jake went to the bathroom, then went directly to bed. Captain America hung out with me for a few minutes, then went to bed too.
Jimmy and I hung out for about and hour, then Laurie and I headed to the Mall. She needed to get a new hand held mixer, and the Kitchen Aid ones were on sale at Kohls. There was a brand new one that just opened by our house, and I'd never been.
Well, once we got there, we realized that the sale didn't start till Wednesday, but we weren't about to let a good shopping trip pass us by - LOL! With 2 toddlers in tow, we headed into the store.
We found the clearance racks, and found a bunch of cool stuff. A bunch of funny 80's stuff too. LOL! Seriously, who needs stretchy lizard print skinny jean pants? Really? What does one do with those? hehehe.
I found a few cute shirts, though. One teal, one purple, one with skulls and crossbones, and a skull black zipper jacket. I LOVED them :) Laurie got a few tops and some jeans. Let me tell you, taking 2 little boys to the fitting room is something else - ROFL!
Next, we went upstairs in the elevator, and looked at the kitchen stuff. They have some nice things! I was looking at the toaster ovens, and realized that I've never had one. Anyone have any opinions on Toaster ovens? Needed? Good? Just wondering. I've gotten by 33 years without one. Maybe I don't know what I'm missing - hehehe.
Next, we went and paid (did you know that Kohl's offers a 10% military discount? Score!), and took the little boys to the play area. Most malls have them. OMGosh, they were SO loud. They were being monsters. It's was too funny. Well, I'm sure the other parents didn't think it was funny, but Laurie and I did. LOL! At least they weren't at our houses growling and loud - ha!
Next, we went to lunch at the food court. Laurie and I got chinese. I haven't had chinese in SO long. Like since Christmas time when we went to Sprinfield Oregon to see Glenn Beck in the theater for his Christmas Sweater thingy. I'm pretty sure that we ate at the food court, and my dad and I got chinese. Or maybe that was another trip with chinese. Either way, it was when I lived in Oregon. And I moved to Texas in January. So it's November now. Yeah, that's a long time :) Sorry, tangent.....
Laurie got the noodles, and I got the rice, along with our meats/veggies, and split with each other. I wish they'd let you get a little of both. Know what I mean? Anyway, it was yummy! Jimmy and Rowan and Spencer (Laurie's hubby joined us for lunch) had Wendy's. Mmmmm.
After lunch, Spencer took Rowan home, and we headed to The Jewlery Box. Everything's a dollar. FABULOUS store. We got the 6 for $5.50 deal. Of course, I found more than 6, so I did the 12 for $11 deal. LOL! SO many cute things!!!
We went to a few more stores, then headed home. It was SO much fun. Laurie, girl, I'll shop with you ANYTIME you want. That was a great day :) Next time, I'll get lunch!
Jake and Captain America were awake when I got home. But just barely. Jake was starting on school, and Captain America was catching up on emails. They both still looked pretty tired.
The other kids got home at almost 4pm, and we worked on chores, and homework, and played for a while. I sat down to do the bills. Sigh. I hate the bills. I really shanked it in October. We spent WAY too much money. All of the extra money I earned in designing. But that's why we have a plan, so I did out the budget, and decided what money needed to go where, and we got back on track. We still have a good chunk of money in the savings account, which is a first for us. We've NEVER had a savings before. Amazing how good it feels.
I re-heated the shepherds pie for the kids at 5:45pm, and made some pancakes too. Tuesday is DEFINITELY gonna be shopping day :) We need food - hehehe. Captain America left for work (crazy, I know. He had the day off, but had to get some stuff done in his office - oh the joys of being on salary), and I let the kids watch another episode of Survivor. Episode 4. I've seen up through 4.
While they were watching that, I was chatting with a friend from when we lived in Chicago. He's having a rough go of it, and I hope that I helped him feel better. His wife and I were friends while we lived there. They're good people.
I put the kids to bed at 8pm, and continued to facebook chat until 9pm. Then facebook freaked out, and I took it as a sign that I needed to do my work - LOL.
I took a few pics of my purchases from today. Nice, eh? I got all 4 shirts/sweatshirts for $16 total. That's $4 a piece. Not bad :) And the jewelry was a dollar each. I love a bargain!

Yeah, and Captain America, if you read this (I know you don't most of the time, but you really should! hehehe), I need a new jewelry holder. You said you'd make one for me January of last year. Sigh. It's clearly not January anymore. Heck, it's almost not even 2009 anymore. I need a bigger jewelry holder. Please, honey! Pretty please :)

I wasn't really in the mood to dig through my inbox to find a quote, so I posted on my Facebook wall "I need a quote". Well, within 1 minute, I had a quote. Thanks, Alyson, for helping me out! AND, it was a great one :)
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG File, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
(The 4shared link now goes to the 4shared account. Go figure - LOL!)

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Nov. 10, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks bunches again! (The 4Shared link isn't working, it goes to the account ... just FYI!)
I live in the town where the little boy with cancer lives! I was shocked to see you talk about him. Our post office can't keep up with all the mail. All that love and support from strangers is just amazing and I hope it can ease their pain. I can't imagine....
Thank you!
Thank you, very cool quote/word art. Good luck on getting your new jewelry holder!
You definatly scored some bargains!
I made my own necklace holder. I bought a largish corkboard, painted it black, and put a row of pretty metalic push pins along the top. It looks great! [e-mail me for a pic :o) ] It could be used for earrings too i spose. Or you could make a nice cork [or fabric] board and put it in a nice frame for the earrings :o)
I look forward to every single one of your word art creations. You have a true gift. I was wondering if you have done anything about unconditional love? I wish I had a quote in mind for you...but figured I might ask.
Have a happy!
Thanks so much for using my quote. Karma is a pretty cool thing.
Thank you for another great WA! I love your stuuf.
I thought it a little ironic as I was reading your post and you mentioned you cousin in Oregon that had the story of the boy with cancer. I live in Oregon, as does my cousin who also has this story posted on her facebook, which is where I first learned of it, too. I really wanted to send this boy some Christmas cheer, but wondered if it was just another sad, but bogus, story floating around the internet. But when I came to leave a comment I saw the one above by "Laura" and found out it is true. I'm glad she posted that, so I can now go ahead and make a card to send to this boy and his family. And I thank you for posting about it here to begin with! God does work in mysterious ways! Praise Him!
Thanks again, Bethany!
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