The kids and I watched Saturday Morning Cartoons in my bed until about 10am. It was SO nice to stay in bed and be lazy. I think they had fun too.
Then, I got up and started cleaning. I swept everything in the living room into a big pile, and same with the dining room. BIG piles. Sigh.
I decided that the computer stations were all messy looking, and needed fixing. I unhooked ALL the components, and put them separately on the kitchen table. Then, I arranged the furniture where I wanted it. Bookshelves in the corner, white dresser next to that, desk next to that. Other direction was another desk. So it makes an L shape. 2 computers on one desk, 2 on the other desk. I know, too many computers. Remember the "no sharing" thing I have going on. I think my family has it too :)
Somewhere in the middle of the re-arranging, Andrea came by, and we went to track down the Fire Department people to set up a "Go See It" (field trip) for the Tiger Cub Scouts. We finally found a phone number, but couldn't talk with them until Monday. Next, we went to the Dollar Tree to get some decoration for Sam's Cross Over ceremony that evening.
We stopped by the Commissary on the way home to buy some melting chocolates for a project I was working on for the Crossover. I got some Boy/Cub Scout chocolate molds a while back, and wanted to make some for snacks at the Crossover.
We were home by 1pm, and got lunch for everyone. Joe wasn't feeling terribly well, so I let him sit quietly at the computer and play on Eme and Tom got to go to a Birthday Party for Laurie's oldest daughter, Elise. It was a Harry Potter themed party. It was ALL little girls. I told Tom that he didn't have to stay if he didn't want to, but he just shrugged and said that he wanted to stay. He's no dummy - LOL!!
I spent the next few hours baking. I baked 48 German Chocolate cupcakes, and made 35 Scout chocolates, wrapped in red celophane with red, gold, and blue curling ribbons. OMGosh, they were SO cute. I also did dishes as I went, so it didn't get too messy in the kitchen. Aren't you proud of me!
Those chocolates were pretty trick to make. First, you had to melt a white-ish chocolate to put in the raised areas. But just a little bit. THEN, you had to cool it. Then you fill it with the rest of the darker chocolate. And cool it. I had 3 molds with 6 chocolate spaces each. I was in and out of the freeze SO many times today :) I was a cooking machine - ROFL!
So Jimmy was playing on on Saturday, and as I'm baking up a storm, I hear this song in the background. "Every dinosaur poops". Surly I'm hearing it wrong. I listen a little closer, and it REALLY sounds like their saying poop. I stop what I'm doing, and ask him about it. Sure enough. "Every dinosaur poop". Why must we have a song about it? Now it's stuck in my head. What am I supposed to do with that? LOL!
Anyway, enough with the poop talk. Can you tell I have boys! LOL! Here's what the chocolates looked like when I was done. Aren't the cool!

We left the house at 5pm to head to the church. I didn't have time to feed the kids, so I grabbed a brick of mozarella cheese, and cut everyone off a chunk. Sigh. Not my best meal, that's for sure :) hehehe.
When we got to the church, Brother Soderborg had already been there to set up the night before. So the chairs were already done. Sweet! I set up the refreshment table, making it look all pretty. Girls are good at that, you know :)
Andrea and family showed up a few minutes later, and we hurridly decorated the area. Blue and Gold and Silver and Red. It really looked good! We directed the men to bring up a TV and DVD player from the library (basement). I'd made a video collage for Sam the day before, and it looked pretty good. Or was that Saturday that I made it? Don't remember. The days all blur together - hehehe. I did pick out a song by Nickelback, "If Today Was Your Last", for the music on the video. It was pretty cool.

It was a wonderful ceremony. Brother Soderborg does such a great job on stuff like that. I think that they Reays were very pleased with how it turned out. Afterwords, there were TONS of snacks. Cupcakes, mini cupcakes, several kinds of cookies, some chips, soda. Sigh. What a great meal for my children.
After cleaning up, we headed home. It was 7pm ish. We swung by Burger King on the way home, and got some of the Jr Whoppers and fries. We watched part of Pink Panther 2 while eating our nutritious dinner, then I stopped the movie, and put the kids to bed.
Sunday morning will come bright and early. We have our Primary program for church. All the kids get a speaking part, and sing a TON of songs. It's always adorable. I'm getting there early to get the seating arrangement set up before hand. I think we're gonna tape names on the seats. That way, it'll go a little smoother.
Plus, I'm teaching Sharing Time. It's all about serving our family. Perfect to introduce my family (growing up) tradition of The Thankful Turkey. Historically, we'd make it out of an old Cereal Box. BUT, I'm gonna print it out for the kids, let them color it, and take it home. THEN, if they want, they can glue it to a cereal box, and fill it up with things they are thankful for over the month of November. THEN, on Thanksgiving day, you open up the box and read all the things your family is thankful for. Sounds good, right? Lets hope I can fill up all the time I need with it - hehehe.
Here's 2 JPG's of my Thankful Turkey. The leaves are all cut out and glued on the back. I used a paper bag (lunch sack sized) and it worked perfectly. And why is it blue, you ask? Well, um, er, I ran out of black ink in my printer, but the color is working just fine. LOL!

So since it's always my goal to make a WordArt out of the Visiting Teaching message for the month, I sat down to do it tonight. Then I realized that it was November. That means that the Visiting Teaching message is a "Your Own Choice". Sigh. SO, I selected a quote from on of the talks that looked good to me. Hopefully it looks good to you too :) hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks1

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Nov. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
That is the funniest song! Apparently, my kids know that one too. They started singing it when I played it!
Dang, you make me tired just reading your blog! Thanks for the word art, and hope you have a restful Sabbath today!
I love the word art, and what a nice gift to your hubby.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 08 Nov [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 09 Nov [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).
Thanks for the wordart, you're Ah-Mazing!!
Okay, this wordart hit me hard today! I would almost think you made it just for me! Thanks!!!
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