One more cracker, one more pill, still more puking, and a little bit more sleep. Since I hadn't gone grocery shopping yet, I had nothing fast and easy to feel my school bound children, so I directed Tom to dress Joe and to have them leave early for school. They can get Breakfast there, if they get there early enough. They were gone by 7:15am. 15 minutes early should be enough time to get breakfast.
I went back to bed. Everyone else in the house (well, Captain America was up and gone at 5:30am) woke up at 8:30am, when Captain America got back from PT (Physical Training - army exercise). Jake started on School, and Jimmy and I spent some quality time in my bed with our friend, Mr. DVD player :) I slept on and off all morning long.
I finally felt well enough for some chicken noodle soup at lunch time, and a few more crackers. At 1pm, I simply HAD to go grocery shopping. Never mind the weakness, the migraine, the puking. We needed food.
I hobbled through the store best I could, taking it nice and easy. Good thing there was a shopping cart to hang on to - LOL! I got all the foods I needed, and got back home in about an hour. But I was SPENT. All my energy for the day was gone.
Jake brought in the groceries, and I managed to get most of them put away before I retreated to my bed. I think it took me 2 hours to recover from the shopping trip. Andrea and I were supposed to make dinner for Adela, and for my part, I bought potatoes at the commissary for Andrea to put in the soup, bought a loaf of French Bread, and had some Chocolate truffles things I'd made on Friday/Saturday. Hopefully she liked it! I tried :)
Kids got home around 4pm, and at 5:15pm I managed to drag myself from my bed long enough to start some hamburger frying and some water boiling. I had Tom watch the burger, and set the timer for the noodles. I went back to bed, and came out 10 minutes later to assemble the spaghetti. Probably not the worlds best spaghetti, but hey, it's dinner.
At almost 6pm, Andrea stopped by to give ME some soup too! Awe, what a great friend! I hadn't tried the spaghetti, but got myself a bowl of the homemade chicken soup. DELICIOUS! I wasn't really hungry, or feel like eating, but I figured that getting it in my system should help.
Captain America and Jake went to wrestling at 6pm, and I directed (from my bed) the other kids to do their chores. Then Joe worked on his homework, and Tom realized that he had a Science Experiment that he was supposed to be working on. He couldn't find the paper that told all the important info, like what to include, when it was due, etc. Nice. SO, I made him use Jacobs homeschool sample lab report to write it up. MUCH more involved and scientific, but that's what he gets for losing his assignment, I guess.
He's doing a science lab about wether using different types of liquids affect the germination process. He's gonna use tap water, lemonade, grape juice, and milk. Should be a good experiment. Now, I have to go to Wal-Mart on Tuesday and look for seeds......
Captain America came home around 8:30pm, and put the kids to bed. Good thing, too, because helping with homework wiped me out again. I don't know if this is still "caffeine withdrawals". It's starting to sound like the flu, or something. No fever, though. Hmmmm.
I was trying to think of an easy WordArt to do today, and this one popped into my mind. I know, I know, there's a TON of requests in my inbox, but I just didn't feel like it today. And I'm SO sorry to ALL of you who have written to me, and I haven't gotten back to you. Between my parents coming, Joe's stitches, and getting sick twice in a weeks span of time, my inbox has been SORELY neglected. All I can say is "I'm Sorry!"
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Hope you're feelin' better ...
This is so cute. I have a son who is always doing an evil laugh. Hope you feel better.
I"m so sorry you're feeling so miserable. Love the WA though. TYVM
This is great! Thank you so much!
thanks bethany... I have 137 of your word far!
I have the PERFECT picture for this... Thank you and I said a prayer for your health... I just got over 7 days of flu...
Thanks for Evil Laugh hope you feel better soon.
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