So Captain America left today on a Civil War campout. I told him that I wasn't going on any more LONG distance Civil War reenactments. This one was 10 hours away. Near Dallas. Yeah, that just didn't sound like fun to me. That's a long time in the surburban with 5 kids. No thank you. SO, he went off to PT this morning, I got the kids ready for school, out the door, went walking with Andrea at 8:30am, and when I got home, he was home.
The captain had given him the rest of the day off. Plus, he gets Monday off. But he's gonna be gone the whole time. Sigh. He spent from about 10am to noon packing up him and Jake for their trip. He'd originally wanted to take Tom, but there just wasn't room in the Saturn. It's a 2003 Saturn Ion, 2 door. Not a lot of space. They barely fit it all in there.
Oh yeah, get it. So he gets it all packed, and he's had the radio blasting the whole time. Brad Paisley keeping him company. LOL! Anyway, as soon as he's ready to go, the car shuts off. Apparently, it drained the battery. Nice. Any of you who have a Saturn Ion 2 door know what this means. The battery isn't under the hood where it should be. It's in the trunk. Yep, the same trunk that just got crammed with Civil War camping stuff. Poor Captain America. He had to unpack it completely to access the battery terminals. I pulled the truck around, he hooked up the jumper cables, and it started right up.
They drove away at noon, and Jimmy and I spent the rest of the afternoon together. It's usually not just the 2 of us :) We had a nice, relaxing afternoon.
The other kids got home at almost 4pm, and I spent some quality time with Paramore and my kitchen. Good cleaning music - LOL! I washed down all the counters, cleaned the sink, and cleared off the mess from the microwave. It's a dumping ground for paperwork. Sigh. Do you have a place like that?
At 5:15pm I started making homemade pizza. I found a recipe that was SO good! I doubled it to make 2 pizzas.
Easy Pizza Dough
2 pkgs active dry yeast
2 cups warm water
2 tps sugar
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp oil
5 cups flour
Garlic Powder
Dissolve yeast in water with sugar. Set aside.
In separate bowl, combine flour salt, oregano (you choose how much you want), and garlic powder (ditto).
Pour yeast mixture into flour mixture, and add oil. Mix and knead until a nice elastic-y ball.
Split in half, and roll out onto a greased pizza pan.
We used ground turkey (one pound per pizza) with a taco season packet. Use spaghetti sauce for the pizza sauce. Much cheaper that way.
Topped with mild cheddar cheese for the little kids, and added green peppers, mushrooms, and diced tomatoes for Tom and I.
Bake at 425 degrees until done. Yeah, I 'm no good with timers. hehehe. OMGosh it was delicious! Yeah, and SO not on my diet.
When the pizza was done, we all sat down to watch a family movie. It's been SO long since I've done that, laptop free. I snuggled with Joe and Jim the whole time. It was wonderful. We watched Aliens in the Attic. It was actually pretty good. The kids LOVED it. I thought Tom would wet himself he laughed so hard at times. Sometimes watching him is almost as entertaining as the actually show. hehehe.
2 pkgs active dry yeast
2 cups warm water
2 tps sugar
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp oil
5 cups flour
Garlic Powder
Dissolve yeast in water with sugar. Set aside.
In separate bowl, combine flour salt, oregano (you choose how much you want), and garlic powder (ditto).
Pour yeast mixture into flour mixture, and add oil. Mix and knead until a nice elastic-y ball.
Split in half, and roll out onto a greased pizza pan.
We used ground turkey (one pound per pizza) with a taco season packet. Use spaghetti sauce for the pizza sauce. Much cheaper that way.
Topped with mild cheddar cheese for the little kids, and added green peppers, mushrooms, and diced tomatoes for Tom and I.
Bake at 425 degrees until done. Yeah, I 'm no good with timers. hehehe. OMGosh it was delicious! Yeah, and SO not on my diet.
When the pizza was done, we all sat down to watch a family movie. It's been SO long since I've done that, laptop free. I snuggled with Joe and Jim the whole time. It was wonderful. We watched Aliens in the Attic. It was actually pretty good. The kids LOVED it. I thought Tom would wet himself he laughed so hard at times. Sometimes watching him is almost as entertaining as the actually show. hehehe.
After the movie, I chatted with my mom on the phone for a bit. She was all excited to tell me about the poster that she'd made. She hung it in my Grandmas house. It was originally made for my house, but there was some differences of opinion about the decorating of my house :) We'll just leave it at that :)
Anyway, check out the pic hanging in my Grandma Ida's hallway. Dang, it's big!!!
Anyway, check out the pic hanging in my Grandma Ida's hallway. Dang, it's big!!!

This WordArt request is from Lisa. She needed something for a layout with her hubby and the TV remote. I'm SO glad that mine doesn't watch TV. Because I just don't think I could give up the remote. Actually, I watch all the TV online. And I'm SO glad that we each have our own computer ( I know, it's pretty sad), because I KNOW that I couldn't share that. LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I love the word art today. That's great. We have 2 remotes in the Living Room & sometimes the problem is that we are each using ours at the same time. Hahaha!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Nov. 07, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Nov [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 08 Nov [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).
Thanks for the WA. In our house, who ever has the remote has "the power" lol
LOVE the huge pic!!! I bet it cost a fortune!
Thanks for the word art...that's cute!
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