I went to the church with Andrea at around 10am to decorate for the Ward Halloween party. We set up chairs and tables. 7 tables on each side, 10 chairs to a table. Then we put table clothes and doilies and centerpieces on each table. It took us about an hour and a half to get everything situated just right.
When we were done decorating, we decided to swing by McDonalds and get a dollar soda. Mmmmm, soda! Wanda and Karen (two ladies from church) joined us. We had SO much fun sitting at the tall tables at McDonalds, drinking soda, munching on fries, and chatting. It was a GREAT way to spend 3o minutes. We had a good time :)
Next, it was home to the family. The kids were all playing computer, and Captain America as cleaning his guns. Everyone was in the dining room, playing and having a good time. I brought my computer in, and designed for a while. While we were all doing different activities, it was nice to have everyone in the same room.
At around 3pm, I went down to Andreas house to show her some of my old Halloween costumes for her to try on. Snow White, a peasant, an 80's outfit, and Cesear for Ryan. While there, her mom-in-law and her convinced me to come to the post Craft Sale with them. Yeah, it took a TON of convincing. There was a TON of neat stuff there to look at. Fun times!
We were home by 4pm, and then it was a mad dash to get everyone ready in costume. I helped Joe with his Jedi robes, put Eme's hair in pig tail braids and painted on Cat eyes, nose, and whiskers, turned Jim into Frankenstin with makeup, and transformed myself into a witch. Green face, black hat, long gray hair, pointy black shoes, pink/black striped socks, cape. I was pretty cool!
Captain America was a Civil War Union soldier (ha! a Yankee!), Jake was a Sith Lord (Star Wars), and Tom was a knight. We loaded up in the truck, and headed out to the church party. Our plan was to stay for about 45 minutes, then head home.

Here's my friend, Laurie, holding a new tiny baby (not her's). She's Bride of Frankenstine. I guess that means she's Jimmy's wife - LOL!

And Captain America I told him, Look Hungry for the picture. This is right before our food showed up - LOL!

We ended up staying for a bit longer. They had a "mystery" dinner. Servers came around to your table, and gave you menus with choices on it. All the utensils, drinks, appetizers, and main course dishes had funny names, so you were just blindly picking your items. It was pretty fun.
First was drinks and utensils. I ended up with Root Beer, a straw, a napkin, and chop sticks. LOL! Since I don't drink sugar soda, I gave it to the boys, and shared Captain Americas water with him. The big boys ended up with Milk - hehehe.
Next was appetizers. Captain America, Jake, Tom, and I ended up with some YUMMY cheesy potato soup. It was pretty good. I was SO starving that I actually ate the Green Olives that I ended up getting. And I HATE green olives - hehehe. The little kids got crackers and pretzels and cheetos.
Next, Main Course. Jim and Jake and Joe got Hot Dogs. Eme and Captain America got Chicken Pot Pie stuff, and Tom and I ended up with an enchilada dish with rice and beans. It was pretty good, and I was quite good with the ole chop sticks. LOL!
As soon as our table was done with food, we jetted. We came home to go trick or treating in our neighborhood. We'd failed to leave out our candy (oops) and grab the stroller, so we sent Jake home to do it. We'd stopped at the Reay's house (Andrea and Ryan). We had originally planned to go trick or treating with them.
We let the kids go to our neighborhood houses, and visited for a while with the grown ups. At one point, Andrea and I wandered a few house down to see "The Scary Guy". There was this guy, dressed up in a dark scary costume, laying in his front yard. As the kids would get close, he'd be real still, then slowly stand up, and drag his shovel after him as he inched towards the kids. OMGosh, it was scary and funny to watch the kids all at the same time. They would SCREAM and run.
Jimmy wanted NOTHING to do with it. But he was giving out good candy, so I carried him kicking and screaming up to see him. Yes, I know. I'm probably gonna give him nightmares or something. hehehe.
We stopped at Adelas house to say hi, and found her wearing a protective "cough" mask. Apparently she'd been diagnosed with a weak strain of Swine Flu. What the heck??? Poor girl. She was on meds, so she was feeling better. We stayed and chatted with her for about 10 minutes.
When we got back to the Reays house, Captain America had gone in the Truck to look for me. He was a bit upset that I'd "ditched" him. Oops. We finally got all back together, and went trick or treating around the block as a family. The Reays had to leave to go to a different Halloween party.
Captain America didn't stay upset long. I think I was TOO beautiful as a green witch for him to be mad at me. hehehe. The kids got a TON of yummy candy, and we didn't even make it to Coronal row. Our neighborhood was good enough.
We came home, and they ate a TON of candy. So much that my tummy hurt watching them. All the while Trick-or-Treating, they'd come and give me my favorite chocolates. SUCH nice kids. Joe even brought me a baggie of chocolates that he'd saved out for me.
Ok, Ok, I know this isn't Faithbooking. Not religious or churchy in the least. But this is how I and my whole family feel today. We ate WAY too much candy last night. WAY too much. It's sad when you're kids offer you freely of chocolate, and you have to turn it down because you think you're gonna hurl because you've already ate WAY too much - hehehe. Believe me, I know. Not the worst problem in the world to have - LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. And yes, next week, we'll be back on with the Faithbooking Sunday WordArts :)

Thanks for this & the great blog train freebies!!! Love you work :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Nov. 01, 2009. Thanks again.
Always love your work ! Thanks for sharing.....you must have done something to cheer Brent up because in the photo you were not looking sooooo hot......
The story was hysterical though....thanks for sharing
I know what you mean about the sugar overload! Unfortunately, I forgot to buy CHOCOLATE for Halloween. Can you believe that? *Smacks forehead.* Thanks for the great word art!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 01 Nov [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 02 Nov [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).
Thank you very much!
Thank you for the great word art. It certainly fits what is going on around here today!!! :)
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