Baby 3
Baby 4
Baby Games 2

Child Spiral
Children 2

Grunge Cluster Children
Masks Baby

Word Strip Baby
Hey girls! How's your Thanksgiving Weekend going so far? Mine's been pretty good :) I slept in until 8ish, and grabbed my laptop, and laid in bed some more, checking my email. My mom called about 30 minutes later, and I gathered up my stuff, and snuck out so I woudln't walk up Captain America.
We chatted for about an hour or so, then I decided to see if Andrea wanted to go on a walk. I was feeling "fat" after Thanksgiving, and she agreed to go with me :) We took Luke and Jimmy, and walked for about an hour. Good time, good time :) I SO love walking with friends :)
I came home, and everyone was awake. We got a snack, cleaned a little bit, and kids got some more free time. Computers, TV, coloring pages, cars, whatever. They were having fun. I actually had some time to design today, and did a new WordArt pack.
We'd tentatively planned to go to a movie a 2pm. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was playing on post. So it's only $2.00 per person. The kids, though, seemed fine with what they were doing at home. So I took a shower, and decided to skip it. I texted Andrea, and asked if she and Mom (her mom in law, but we just call her mom - LOL) wanted to go and see 2012 with me. Captain Americadoesn't like Natural Disaster movies, but they're my FAVORITE!
They both agreed, and we were at the theater by 2:45. OMGosh, it was a WONDERFUL movie. SO much disaster. RIGHT up my alley. It was a PERFECT disaster movie :) Andrea and mom and I sat there, tense, the whole time. I just KNOW that I'm gonna be sore in the morning. And I really like that it wasn't a "man made" disaster. Like "The Day After Tomorrow", where man caused Global Warming, and the world ended. This was a total NATURAL disaster. Anyway, SO cool. Go see it, you'll like it :)
I got home at 5:30pm, and got dinner made. Taco Turkey soup. Mmmmm. I used 1 large can of Tomato soup (proabaly 2 little ones) and one can of stewed tomatoes (basil and garlic ones) and one can of chicken broth.
Pour all the cans into a large pot. Heat over medium. Add cut up turkey chunks. I don't know how much. It was about 1/2 of our leftovers. Quite a bit.
I added 5 cut up tortillas (little tiny short strips) and 1/2 a small brick of cheese. Heat till bubbly. Serve with sour cream and crushed tortilla chips. OMGosh, it was good :) Even the kids ate it - LOL!
After dinner, I helped the kids do their chores, and cleaned Joe and Jim's room. Dang, those boys trash the place fast. It looks great now. I went in my room, and cleaned it too. I had a ton of laundry to put away. And stuff to put away. I spend all day cleaning the rest of my house, and don't feel like cleaning my own room - LOL! Do you guys do that?
I put the kids to bed at around 7:45pm, and sent the older ones to their room to read. We've spent a lot of time with electronics this weekend, and I'm looking forward to a "no computer" Sunday day. One of these days, I'm gonna follow that rule too - LOL!
I worked for what seemed like hours on my sales and links and ads and such, listening to the Audio book of New Moon, all the while. It's amazing how much you can get done, while listening to a "book on tape". I think I'm gonna have to do that more often. It's just kinda hard to blog and pay attention at the same time. But all the mindless work, perfect!
At 9:30pm, I noticed that Laurie was on Facebook, and seemed a little sad. I told her to go put her kids to bed, that I was coming over around 10ish. hehehe. See, I'm so bossy. LOL! On the way over, Lesile texted me, and wanted to know what all the police/ambulance guys were doing on our block. I noticed them as I was driving to Lauries. Who knows what was going on, but 4 MP's were definitely searching a car. How scary! It was only 3 houses from mine.
Laurie and I sat and chatted for a few hours, never actually getting around to watching a movie - hehehe. I hope she had fun. I know I did. I SO love hanging with my girls. Thank, Laurie, for making my evening fun! I'll come and hang out anytime!!! I went home at 1am, so a Sunday afternoon nap will definitely be in order :)
So I ran across this quote while searching for something churchy AND Christmas. LOL! I thought it was perfect :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
4shared (not sure why 4shared is having issues....)
Score! I got those 3 items in my wish list that you put on sale today, thanks! (Sadly, I forgot to come back and check out with the other one from yesterday before the price went back up--oops--busy day!) Thanks for the freebie word art, have a great Sunday!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Nov. 29, 2009. Thanks again.
We went and saw 2012 last weekend. I agree with you -- it was a FUN disaster movie. Thanks for the word art, as always you are spot on and very inspirational!
Thank you Bethany! bahaha I see my friend Lulu has been here before me!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 29 Nov [LA 02:00pm, NY 05:00pm, UK 10:00pm] - 30 Nov [OZ 09:00am]).
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
I love it! So true! Thanks!
Thanks for the word art and the reminder! May God Bless You Abundantly!
Thank you so much for sharing :)
Love this! thank you!
This is such a beautiful quote - I'd never heard it before, but am so glad I have now! Thanks for sharing your work.
Karen from Moscow
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