Here's Toms, Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief Themed

Jim's is Ice Age Themed (yeah, I got tired of doing these, and you can tell by the lack of effort on Jimmy's - hehehe)

Kids were to school at 8am, and then I was off to Andreas house for my morning exercise. Jimmy and Jake stayed home, and played and started on school.
It was hard getting back into the workout after taking the weekend off. My legs and arms were burning again. I think it'll be easier tomorrow. I sure hope, anyway :) hehehe.
After working out, I came back home, checked on the kids, and got a call from my neighbor Leigh. She needed some "design" help. Her daughter's b-day party was this weekend, and she wanted to know if I could help design her invitations. SURE, I said :) I brought my laptop next door, and helped her.
He card was cute! It was movie themed, and she was pleased with the final result. I used a Movie pack from DeCrow design, and my Movie WordArt pack. Pretty handy :) Eme's gonna go to the party. On Saturday at the movie theater. She's pretty excited!
Leigh and I made the card, and chatted, and laughed, and had a lot of fun. She's pretty cool. She had a daughter a year older than Eme, a son a year older than Tom, a daughter in high school, and a son in college.
I came back home, and got kids lunch (albeit late), and got back on track for the day. At 2pm, Jim and I headed out to the store. I wanted to go to the Dollar Tree and get some decorations for the party.
They had paper doilies (10 per pack) in pink and white, and curling ribbons, and red heart garlands, and Valentine's pencils, and some streamers (red and white), and a few other things. I was SO excited. I also bought some 4x6 photo paper. 20 in a pack for a buck. Can't beat that.
I decided that since Walgreens wouldn't print my photos, I'd just buy and ink cartridge, and print my own. I didn't have time to re-design Valentines for the kids. This would be a tad bit more expensive (buying ink), but less time consuming. And time is money, right? That's the story I'm going with :)
I stopped by Walmart on the way home, and bought the ink. We got to the school just in time to pick up the kids, and played at the park. Jimmy was pretty excited about coming too. He usually stays at home with Jacob while I pick up the kids. It's good to get out every once in a while...
We were home by 4pm, and I got the kids fed for dinner, and we started printing out the Valentines cards. Eme's were already printed up, so she cut hers apart, and I cut slits in the card, and she put in the suckers. And wrote who it was to on the back in Sharpie. I got Joes printed, and cut, and suckered, and he wrote who it was to in the back.
I printed out Jimmys, and a few of Toms, and ran out of time. I had the kids put on their Scout Uniforms, and WARM coats, and we loaded up in the truck and headed to the Baseball Stadium. This year marks the 100 Year Birthday of the Boy Scouts of America. The local council was hosting a GIANT birthday party at the Baseball Stadium. Cake, fireworks, it was gonna be a BLAST!
Andrea and Veronica met at my house, and we caravan-ed there. I took the SUPER long way to get there. There's this highway that gets you there directly, but there's SO much construction around it, that it's HORRIBLE. I avoided it by going on a less main road, and it was SO slow. I just know that the girls thought that I was crazy - hehehe. Next time, I'm taking the construction way. I don't think my "long cut" saved us any time :)
We got there, and there were Scouts everywhere. We found seats by other people from church that we knew, and settled in. They gave us tea lights when we came through the gates, and they said it was for the candle lighting ceremony. We didn't have a lighter, but figured that we'd just go with it.
There were 3 or 4 speakers (honestly, I didn't know there were speakers. The kids just wanted the FIREWORKS...) which I paid no attention to. It was cold, and the sound system was glitching, and it was more fun to chat with Andrea and Veronica. Bad, I know. But it was SO noisy, no one could tell.
Right before the lighting of the candles, Captain America came. He had to stay late at work. Something about making up awards. He wasn't too happy that he had to stay late. People started lighting the candles, and then passed the flame to the next person, and so forth. Only problem was, it was SO windy, that they kept going out. It was really quite comical.
They dimmed the lights in the stadium, and we all sang Happy Birthday Boy Scouts, and blew out the candles, then the fireworks show started. I just LOVE fireworks. Seriously! They're my favorite. I love the pretty lights, and the big booms. Awesome!
After the fireworks, everyone started filing out of the stadium, and they had cake up at the concession stand, for free. There was a MASSIVE line for the hot chocolate (also free), but the cake line went real fast.
We lost Jake at one point, and some friends called from the parking lot saying that he was at our truck. We had them send him back inside. We reminded him about "what to do if you get lost". Do you know? It's not go to the truck. hehehe. It's stay in the last place you were. Just stop where you are, and don't go anywhere else. That way, people can look for you where you were.
We chatted with a few people from our Pack, and were some of the last people to leave. But the traffic was WONDERFUL - ROFL! WE drove home, put the kids to bed, and I hung up a few of my decorations for the party. Getting an early jump on things.
Captain America finished off Andrea's jewelry holder (her Xmas gift - just a bit late - hehehe), and then we both got to work on our computers. He had more work stuff, and I had blogging and designing. Here it is, 10:45pm, and I'm getting ready to go and read some more. I just love reading, did you know :) hehehe.
This WordArt request comes from Renee. I thought it was a great quote, and SO true. I just LOVE coming home. Home is definitely the place to be :)
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like your home.

I just HAD to share this CUTEST tag that a blog reader made for me! Isn't it adorable! It's from Susan. OK, admittedly, I don't know what you do with tags, but it's SO cute - hehehe! Great job, hon!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Feb. 09, 2010. Thanks again.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you so much!
Thank you for this lovely word art.
Absolutely the COOLEST Valentine's cards I have ever seen for kids! Never thought of making them like that with my kids (who are now much too cool to give them out!). LOL
Thanks for all the freebies. I discovered your page a few days ago and have been going backwards checking out and downloading stuff. I really appreciate all your hard work!
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