Yeah! My party was SO much fun - total success. I was up at 7:00am, helping Tom with his Valentines. I'd printed them out last night, but didn't have time to cut them out. I cut them, and he attached them. Bonding activity, you know - hehehe.
The kids took their teacher cookies, and off we went. I came back, and started cleaning. I got Jake going on school, and Jimmy played in the backyard for a while. I did the dishes, swept the floor, wiped down the kitchen walls, and tidied up.
I started my soup at 10am, and it took a bit longer than I thought it was gonna. I tripled the recipe, and I think that's why it took so long. But it sure did smell good.
People started to trickle in at 11am. By the time my soup was cooked, there were 21 adults in the house, and a whole plethora of children. It was SO loud, but a good loud. We ate, and chatted, and laughed, and ate some more. There were desserts galore, a few sides, and 4 different kinds of soups. I totally forgot about putting out the salad (oops), so we'll be eating a bunch of salad over the next few days, I think :)
I had everyone put there name in a "hat", and did 2 door prizes. Funny, though. Andrea won one, and Leigh won one. hehehe. The girls all thought it was rigged - ROFL! I didn't even draw the names :)
At around 12:30pm, or 1pm, we moved to the living room, and started with the gift exchange. We started with Kayley, who picked a wrapped gift. The next person had the choice to pick a new gift, or take Kayleys. It went around the room, with picking and stealing and trading. Then, starting with Kayley again, we opened up the gifts.
There were a lot of fun presents. And some funny ones too. My favorite was the edible underware - ROFL! Let me tell you, a few of the girls wanted to duke it out for those - hehehe. The chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels were another big one. I took it first, but Leigh stole it from me. But I still ended up with some chocolate.
After the gift exchange, we played a game where people wrote on a notecard the most outrageous thing they'd ever done, then I read them to the group, and the group picked the one that was the most outrageous. That was kinda fun ,and we learned a WHOLE bunch about some of the girls - hehehe.
After that game, people started to trickle out. At 3pm, everyone had gone, and I went to pick up the kids at school. At the office, I filled out papers for the bus. It's gonna start on Monday, apparently. I got the passes for the kids, and the paper with the bus route. Should be good :)
We got home from school, and started to clean up from the party. We put the chairs back, gathered the trash, put the dishes in the sink, and put the food away. My kids really liked the left overs. At 6pm, I went with Andrea to take her kids to piano lessons, and we sat in the car and chatted.
At 7pm, I got back home, and Captain America was almost packed and ready to go on his Civil War campout. The kids were playing computer and hanging out, and after Captain America left, we started a movie together. I laid on the couch, and took a little nap. Just a little one, though. At 9pm, I made the kids turn off all the lights, and gave them the choice to either sit quietly and watch the movie, or go to bed. They all snuggled in on the couch.
I left Jake in charge, and headed over to Andreas house. I figured that since Captain America was gone, and it was "date night", I'd go play with Andrea :) We watched a movie, and I was home by 1am. So here I am, posting late at night again. I'm DEFINITELY sleeping in tomorrow. It's been a super long week.
So I found this saying at "The Perfect Title", and I just loved it. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like Valentine's parties.

it`s great, thank you
Can't wait to use this one!! Thanks Bethany :D
I'm new to blogging and I just started up my Digital Scrapbooking blog!
Let me know what you think!
Hey girl! Love the WordArt! Hubby and I don't do anything special for V-day. We are celebrating our 5 year anniversary on March 19! So we are planning on going all out for that. I hope your valentine's day is beautiful!
Thanks a lot Bethany! It sounds like your party was a blast I hop eou ave a fabulous Valentine's Day.
Thank you for this most charming word art. I love Valentine's Day, although it is a very low key celebration for us. Hearts, cupids, pink and red are not my favorite things, but come February, I love them. Must be mid-winter blahs. LOL So thank you for adding to my happy collection.
This is too funny. It is so me right now. Although we have no at- home children to point to, I never seem to get ahead of things (or even caught up with things). Always more to do than I have time or energy. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! Thanks so much!
this looks like a fun one to use! TYVM
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