I was up at 7:30am, getting people ready. In that respect, the routine didn't change. I just had to be more quiet when I was getting ready. We were out the door by 8:30am, and to church in time to sit quietly for a few minutes before it started. I did pass out most of my invites to my friends at church. I'm hoping that lots of people come :) Should be a GRAND time.
It was Fast Sunday, so we got to listen to LOTS of testimonies. It was a good meeting. Lots of little kids, a few youth, a few adults, a nice mix of people. Eme even wanted to go up and give her testimony. She's such a wonderful little girl :)
One of the counselors in Primary wasn't there this week, AND our secretary wasn't there, AND no one had made up the conducting sheet, so I was winging it. I just grabbed a few kids to do the theme and scripture and prayer, and called it good enough :) I'm good with winging it :)
After church, we came home, and Captain America was up, cooking his lunch. I'm not used to seeing him until 2 or 3 on Sunday. It kinda threw off my routine. I usually get kids changed out of church clothes, feed them, feed myself, relax on the computer for a few minutes, then take a nap. Captain America was done with lunch, and wanted to hang out. Did I ever tell you that I don't like my routine interrupted? Does that even go with "I'm good with winging it"?? LOL!
Anyway, we ended up spending most of the day together. I didn't ever get my nap like I wanted, but it was a good day. I read a bit, made pizza for the kids, made carmel corn for evening snack for the kids, the family played Train Dominos together, which was a TON of fun, especially because I won, and we watched a family movie together.
Captain America also finished my Jewelry holder. Remember the one that I made for myself last year out of a cutting board?
See that big necklace in the center? Just for comparison, it's over on the right hand side on the new holder. See the size difference :)

Here's the new one - it's about 4x bigger than the last one. I just LOVE it. It hold ALL of my jewelry. I just LOVE cheap jewelry :) hehehe. Didn't he do a great job :) He even stained the wood for me :) What a sweet guy :) And see how he hung the mirror next to it too??? Thanks, hon!!!

This WordArt request comes from Nancy. She wanted to put this saying on a tee shirt. I thought it was SUCH a great saying. Perfect for teacher layouts, or teacher appreciation cards. Hopefully you guys like it too :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my new earring holder.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my new earring holder.

thank you...hm..I am a teacher:)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 14 post on Feb. 08, 2010. Thanks again.
Great word art! I always loved my English teachers :)
Your jewelry holder is so nice!!! I have a pretty big one but it's mostly for earrings, I have way too many, AND it's getting full! My pegs at the bottom for necklaces look lonely. I only have about 5 necklaces. I should get some tips from you - your jewelry always looks so nice on you!
This is perfect, I can't wait to use it. Thank you!
My daughter is a teacher. This will be so charming to use in a layout or card or gift wrap or something very personal and cool. Thanks for sharing!
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