I was up at 6:50am, getting ready for the day. Captain America informed me last night at 11pm that because his Commander wanted to go with his wife to her Prenatal checkup, that Captain America would need to go and cover a meeting in the morning. And wouldn't be able to drop Jake off at his TAKS testing. Which messed up my plans for the morning. Sigh.
SO, I got the kids on the bus at 7:25am, printed out the driving directions to the TAKS location (about 25 minutes away), drove a copy down to Andrea (she said she'd pick him up after the test), gather up my 2 kids (Jake and Jim), and be on the road.
Mapquest kinda took a round about route, but we finally found the place. We had to wait around for a few minutes before the teacher got ready, and we left Jake. BUT, I only had about 15 minutes to get back to post and get Jimmy dropped off at child care. Sigh. It wasn't gonna happen.
I texted Laurie to tell her to not left the van leave without me, and hurried. I dropped Jimmy off at child care (and there was only 1 person working there, so it too FOREVER), and headed for ACS. I was about 10 minutes late. Or was it 15. Either way, I felt bad. I HATE being late, you know...
We started off on our tour of El Paso. It was actually pretty good. We drove to the hospital, then headed through post, to Biggs Field, then to the East Side. We stopped at Fallas Parades!!! And it was a fancy one :) I didn't even know it was there. I got a thick, puffy, red coat for $2.00. I thought it was for $5, but when I looked at my receipt, it was only $2. Woohoo! I also got some black pants, and a khacky colored shirt. I'm wearing it tomorrow :)
Next stop, Krispie Cream. Yeah, not good for my diet mindset, you know. BUT, I didn't get one or eat one. I just saw at the table with Laurie and chatted. About that time, Andrea texted me and told me that when she took Luke to the doctor, they xrayed him and found out it was pneumonia. They were gonna hospitalize the poor child. I feel so bad for Andrea. She's had to deal with SO much sickness in the past few months. Big hugs, my friend!
It did put a kink in my plans, though. She was supposed to pick Jake up from the TAKS test in an hour or so. I texted Captain America, and told him that he'd have to do it.
Next, we loaded back in the van, and drove to down town. They had cheap stores ALL over down town. Who knew. Because it's SOOOO close to the boarder, the trade down there is a bit different. Vendors everywhere. I'm definitly gonna have to go back when we have more time. We spent an hour down there browsing. They had some cute shoes that I wanna go back and look at.
Anyway, while downtown, I got the call from the TAKS people that Jake was done. I called Captain America, and he said that he couldn't get away for an hour. WHAT? I felt SO bad. I just had to call Jake and tell him to hang out till Dad could get there. Luckily, the teacher accommodated him. I guess I didn't really have another choice. I did feel bad, though.
After downtown, we loaded back in the van, and headed back near post. We went to Dominics Italian restaurant for lunch. The same on that Andrea and I went to with Leslie for the babyshower a while back. While there, Captain America called and said that he'd finally picked up Jake. Poor kid!
At lunch, I got the seafood salad. No dressing. It had a TOn of cheese on it, though, so I knew it wasn't all the way on the diet. Close, though. I can have seafood, and lettuce, and tomatoes, and cucumbers.
After lunch, we headed back to post. I picked up Jimmy from child care, and headed home. Jake was home when we got there. I had about 15 minutes before I had to walk and meet the kids at the bus stop.
We came back home, and I needed to hurry up to CYS to register the boys for Football before it closed. I left Jake in charge, and told them to do their chores. I said that when I got back, that they'd win a prize if their chores were done nicely. That always help - hehehe.
I got to CYS, and there was a bit of a line. Eventually, it was my turn. I was happy to learn that I got a discount for having more than one kid in football. Jake was $60 and Tom was $48. I saved $12. Not too bad :)
I came back home, helped the kids finish off their chores (or most of them), doled out the prizes, cooked some whole wheat pasta spaghetti, dished it out, had the kids get ready, grabbed some warm jackets and water, and headed out the door.
I dropped off Emeline at Lauries house. Eme gets to go to Activity Days (8-11 yr old girls) tonight. I took Kaiata (6) and Phearson (8) with me to play with my kids. LIttle bit of a kid swap. LOL!
Jake and Tom practiced football for an hour, and Joe, Jim, Kaiata, and Phearson played at the park. At 6:55pm, I got the little kids loaded in the truck ,and got Jake, and headed to the church. I dropped Jake off for Scouts, and headed back to football. Luckily it's under 10 minutes away.
Tom got to stay the whole time, because his leader is Andrea, and she's in the hospital with Luke.... We got back to the field at about 7;20, and the kids played for the rest of the time. I sat and designed for a while. I'm SO glad that I brought my laptop. I got 3 WordArt packs designed. Productive evening :)
At 8pm, we loaded up, and headed home. Laurie was supposed to bring Jake and Eme home with her, and I was keeping Kaiata and Pherson at my house. After Scouts, she'd drop my kids off at my house, and pick up hers.
Well, she shows up at my house at around 8:15pm. Joe had already done his homework, and the kids were still playing nicely. Eme comes in the house, and I'm looking around, and I'm like, uh, where's Jake? She gets this panicked look on her face, and says "OH CRAP!" and darts back out the door. She'd forgotten him. LOL! Poor kid was ditched twice in one day - hehehe.
I could have gone and got him, but she wanted to go. He was home at around 8:40pm. I heard from Captain America, and he said that he had Staff Duty, which is where they guard the building all night long. Till like 9am the next morning. He wanted me to bring him some snacks.
After I got the kids all to bed and asleep, I gathered up the snacks that I had in the house, then headed to the shoppette for more snacks. Then to the Brigade headquarters to where he had duty. He gave me a little tour, and we hung out for about 10 minutes. Then back home.
Joe's Cub Scout pack is having their Pinewood Derby tomorrow, and I forgot until around 4pm. I don't know how it slipped by me. The committee chair asked if I'd do the awards, so I sat down and designed some. They're pretty cool..

Oh yes, we ask this question ALL day long. Either because I'm tired, or I'm just ready for the masses to go to bed - LOL!
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the pNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

ty so much for all your freebies..they are much appreciated..loves ya
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the DigiFree category today [04 Mar 01:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
It's a lovely freebie, how ever did you get that done while so tired?
And... Why didn't you just go to your bed?
I should think... we here could skip a day of freebie, but you can't skip your sleep! You're always so busy, take care of yourself too ok?
But... Thank you! I sure LOVE it.
And you're right... Sometimes it's bedtime for the kids, because the parents need it to be. LOL.
thank you!!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Love this one Bethany! With a very active 3 year old I am asking myself this by about an hour after he wakes up from his nap! LOL
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