Sunday was good yesterday. Captain America and Tom and Eme were off in New Mexcio camping, and Jake and Jim and I got up, got dressed, cleaned up the house a bit, and headed off to church. And it was Ward Conference. I didn't know at the time, but the Primary Presidency was supposed to be there at 7:15am for a meeting. Yeah, I didn't get that message. Later, I found out that our Primary President thought that it was 7:15pm. hehehe. Ooops. Next time, right?
Anyway, we got to church on time, and it was a nice meeting. For the special musical number, the Primary kids sang, and it was SO nice. They did a wonderful job :) Joe and Jim were SO cute.
The 1st Counselor in Primary was sick and didn't come to church, so I had to fill in for her in conducting. And the piano player just had a baby, but her sub was sick, so we had to limp through. It was an interesting Sunday, to say the least :)
We got home around 12:30pm, and started speed cleaning. We did the dishes, swept the dining room, hid the messes, and spot mopped the floor a bit. It looked pretty good when it was done. I put the leftover noodles in the oven with some parmesean cheese, and made up a salad.
Our new friends, the Perez's, came for lunch. Her hubby joined up with the army later in life, just like Captain America. She has 3 kids, one in 1st grade, on in Preschool, and a 3 year old. Nice, and super cute, kids. Danielle (the mom), is SUPER cool. Anyway, her hubby is gone for a month on a training, and since mine is gone too, I figured that we could spend Sunday afternoon together.
I remember when I first saw her in church, I thought "yeah, she's cool, I wanna be her friend". Do you ever do that? See people that you think are cool and wanna be their friends on first impressions?
Anyway, she was a lot of fun, and we fed the kids, and chatted till around 4:15pm. I'm DEFINITELY including her in some of the girls stuff that we do. Cause she's fun :)
We had dinner at around 5:30PM, and watched a family movie together. I did some more laundry, and straightened up the kitchen. I changed the sheets on my bed, and did more laundry. It's never ending, you know :)
Captain America and the kids got home just before 8:00pm. They looked tired, smelled like campfire, but also looked like they'd had a TON of fun :)
I sent Eme and Tom to shower, and sent Joe and Jim to bed. AFter showers, the older kids had time to read, and Captain America and I watched a movie together at home. "What Happens In Vegas". It's pretty funny. It was really nice to spend some time with Captain America, since he's been gone. Missed ya, honey!
So here it is, 11;18pm, and I'm almost done for the night. Next week, I'm sure, will be just as busy as the week before. They all seem to be - hehehe.
So, in honor of March being here already, here's your WordArt Freebee for the day :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for your blog, I read it every morning just to make me smile, and also to get a grip on how crazy a SAHM's life is, I am not the only one! Would love to see some art from the lyrics in Celine Dion's Lullabies CD. I was cleaning out my 3 year olds drawer and found it and it made me think of all the endless nights rocking listening to that. Thank you, and continues success! (P.S. My husband got a kick on seeing some of the boys sporting some Rams apparel-ouch what a bad season we had!)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 17 post on Mar. 01, 2010. Thanks again.
thanks for the great wordart
Thanks for all the great freebies you provide your readers. Your daily writing is always fun to read!
Keep it that way!
Greetings from Germany, Bianca
Hi Bethany, I did two layouts using your wonderful wordart but they say the file size is too big on Scrap Orchards, anyway, thanks so much for sharing this talent with all of us. Terry
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