I was back home by 9:30am, and helped Jake get on track with school. Jimmy and I hung out for a while, and we just spent the morning at home. I worked on my Oregon taxes most of the morning, and finally finished them up. First time I did it, I owed Oregon almost $100. Second time, I owed $70. Third time, I found a Military thingy, and they were giving us back $98. Sweet! Apparently, military pay can be deducted on state taxes, so I didn't owe any taxes, AND we got back what we payed in for State Taxes. Sweet. Now, to assemble all the parts, and send it off.
Captain America came home for lunch, and I was on the phone with the Oregon Tax information people in Salem Oregon, and I was on hold for almost 50 minutes. I just wanted the address to send my taxes too. Would it be too much to ask that you put the address on your website? Really? I didn't feel like paying $35 to efile my state taxes, so I just did it myself. But then, when looking for the address, it was NO where to be found. SO not cool.
I spent the afternoon reading, and Jake finished up school. My Visiting Teachers came over at 2:45pm, and we visited and chatted for a while. Kayley and I walked to the bus stop to get the kids at 3:30pm, and I brought back home Veronicas 2 youngest kids from the bus. She was at the school getting Michael (hers) and Tom from AQ.
15 minutes later, she took her, and left me mine. We did chores, and got the house pretty clean, then played for a while. Joe and Jim kind of worked on their room. Kind of. I had all the other kids clean their rooms too, and now my laundry room is EXPLODING with laundry. Sigh. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.
After what should have been dinner (Leigh, my next door neighbor, brought us over a chocolate cake, and we kinda had that for dinner, plus some soup and bread from my visiting teachers), I worked on the bills. I got my monthly budget for March all worked out, and balanced out February. It looked pretty good :)
Captain America had come home at around 6pm, and left shortly after for Basketball. He's on the units team. He called at 7 something, saying that the other team had forfeited, and that they'd automatically won. AND, since he was done early, said that we could now go to the outlet mall and get new shoes. Joe desperately needed a new pair.
SO, I gave directions to put the kids to bed, got Joe ready, and left with Captain America to go to the West side. We got there about 30 minutes before the store closed. We found a nice pair for Joe for $20 (after a 20% military discount). I found a pair of light hikers that I liked, and they were 2 for $50. I found a pair for Tom that would work (can you believe the child is 10, and wears a 9 in mens....), so we each got a pair for $25 (instead of $30), but after the discount, they were $20 each. Captain America got his, and used his "Shoe Allowance" fund. He needs new running shoes every 3 months, because of the amount of PT that he does.
We left the store a little after 8pm, and headed home. Joe told us that he was STARVING. Poor kid. We stopped at Burger King, and got him a Whopper Jr and a fries. He scarffed that thing down SO fast. So we got him a 2nd Whopper Jr. That kids doesn't eat often, but when he does... Look out! hehehe.

We headed home, and Joe was fast asleep within 2 minutes. He was full and he was tired :) We got home, I brought in all the shoe boxes, and Captain America put the sleeping Joe into his bed. Captain America headed off to bed himself, and I sat down to blog/design. It's not 11pm, and I need to make my freebee real quick, then I'm gonna read a chapter, then hit the sack. I'm sleepy :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Team Jacob: 236
Team Edward: 253
I'm just sayin'.......
Team Edward: 253
I'm just sayin'.......
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the DigiFree category today [09 Mar 01:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Love that toothless smile!
Thanks so much for the great word art. Your Joe is a little like my Spencer. Spencer is finicky about his food, so when he gets something that fulfills ALL his requirements, watch out! He'll eat nearly all that's prepared. LOL. For some reason I can't leave comments on 4Shared anymore ... or at least I can't figure it out ... so I'm sorry for not leaving comments every day. It's a PIT rear end (LOL) so I'll try to remember to come back here and leave thanks!
Hi Bethany! Thanks for the cool word art. Haven't been here for a while and it's nice to swing by and read up on your updates :)
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you for sharing. Cute photo of your son!
Thanks so much! Your word art makes me happy! :)
Thank you so much for this word art. I plan to use it on one of my creative cards this week. Will email you when I am done with it. God Bless n' Thank you again for sharing your talent!
Me again... I posted a card using this darling sentiment - you can find it here:
Jen's Blog
I really enjoyed using this, and have posted within my blog a link back to it, because I know my friends will enjoy it too!! Thank you again for sharing your talent!
TYVM this is so cool!
Thank you so much for sharing, it is really appreciated
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