Hello busy day! I hope spring break really is a break. Cause I need one!
I was up at 7am, and did the normal routine. Kids up, dressed, fed, coated, out the door, and to the bus. Then, at 8am, I mosied down to Andreas house for exercise. It'd been since MOnday that I last exercised, so it kinda kicked my butt. Just a little, though.
I sat and watched a partial episode of Oprah with Andrea (even though I don't like Oprah, I did like the episode - all about shoes and accessories), then headed home.
I cleaned on and off all afternoon. I did all the dishes, some by hand. I washed down the counter tops. I moved around the furniture in the living room, and swept really really good. I made 48 cupcakes, but didn't frost them yet. I also hard boiled 2 dozen eggs.
I showered, and at 2:50pm, Andrea came and got me. We took cupcakes from Veronica for her son Michaels class for his birhtday. Then, we stayed for the kids to finish up AQ, then came back home.
I got my kids fed and situated doing homework and chores, and headed for the commissary. Andrea followed behind in her suburban. We hurried and go all of our weekly shopping done, then headed back home.
I barely had time to get the kids to unload the truck, pull all the food into the kitchen counters, grab out the bagels and cream cheese and cheese slices and cotti salami, and assemble sandwiches. Joe was in his Scout uniform for tonight, and Jake and Tom had on their football stuff.
We loaded up in the truck at 5:50, and off we went. The original plan was for Captain America to be home, and take Joe to Scouts. But he wasn't, so it kinda put a kink in the plan. I took all the kids.
Jake's uniform didn't fit right, so he was supposed to talk to Coach about some smaller pants. I dropped the boys off at 6:03pm, and headed back to post. We went to scouts, and were 20 minutes late. But, they hadn't started yet. They were even slower that I was - hehehe.
I coudln't keep Jimmy in the room where they were doing Tiger cubs, because he was too nois7. Not a bad noisy, just playing with toys noisy. SO, I went to the room next door, and let him play with the other little siblings.
Captain America called at 6:45, and said that he was coming home, and could pick up Jim and Eme. So I walked them out to his car, and went back in for Joe's lesson. They were learning about music. They listened to 5 different songs, and tried to say how it made them feel. Most said they felt silly. Silly boys!
We were home by 7:15pm, and I dropped off JOe, and headed to Andreas house. We needed to grab a few things from the Jewelry Box for the party, but we had to hurry. I had to get Jake and Tom at 8pm.
So, we went, got a few things, and hurried to football. We were only about 5 minutes late. NOt too bad. Jake looked GREAT. He got a bigger uniform (oops about the "alterations") and smaller pants. He looked pretty good.
We came home, dropped off Andrea, got the kids to bed, and I started cleaning again. I did more dishes, Captain America frosted all the cupcakes, I made Egg Salad for sandwiches, moved ALL the chairs in the house to the living room (we now have seating for 20-21), made up the table for the paper products and punch, put a tablecloth on the counter, and am now blogging. Sigh. It's after 11pm, and I'm beat.
Of course, the dose of Niquil I just took may be contributing to that. My head hurts. And it's not a migraine. It feels like what a migraine starts out feeling like. Pressure behind my eye. But it doesn't develop into something else. I guess it's a Sinus Headache. I've been taking a decongestant, but I don't know how great it's working. Maybe if I hadn't taken it, I'd be dying? Who knows.
Anyway, I'm excited about my party tomorrow. I think I'll be fun. But mostly, right now, I'm excited about going to bed. Because I'm tired.
SO, in honor of my sleepiness, I'm quoting one of my FAVORITEST funny movies, "The Master of Disguise". Yeah, if you haven't seen it, you should - hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to downlaod the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on Mar. 12, 2010. Thanks again.
Love your stuff! You are amazing talented! I'm new digi scrapping and I want to use your masks, but can't figure out how to use them. Do I just put it as a layer over my photo and merge? any help would be great! Thanks!
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