After our walk, she and I went to Self Help for Housing, and got grass seeds for the backyard, and I got new batteries for my garage door opener. Sa-weet! I just love getting free stuff. Those button batteries are expensive, and I needed 4.
After Self Help, we swung by the commissary, and I got a few things. I'd just gone shopping on Friday, so I was pretty much stocked. Andrea got a few things too. We had, between the two of us, less than 60 together, so that meant we could go through the self check out. 30 per person. Yeah, it was kinda pushing it, but the lady was nice. We kept getting stuck, and laughed, and had a good time. Only the two of us could make the self check out a fun adventure -ROFL!
After we paid, and loaded up the groceries, we headed home. My garage door opener worked like a charm! Sa-weet! I got my stuff put away, and checked on the kids. They were doing great. Jake was clicking away at school, and Jimmy was happy. I stopped by Lauries for a few minutes to see her and Hilary, and stayed for an early lunch. Yummy chicken with a green salad and homemade ranch! Thanks, girl! LOVED it!
Headed back home, got lunch for my boys, and we re-arranged the dining room. I moved the 6 old chairs to the garage, and disassembled the old table and took it to the garage too. I swept up the floor, and moved the computer desks around to accommodate the big table. It looked pretty good when I was done.
I was so engrossed with rearranging, that I forgot about the bus. I had Jake run there and get the kids. Oops. Laurie was there, so they weren't without grown-up supervision :) hehehe.
Tom went to Michaels house to play (Veronicas son), and Bella (Veronicas daughter) came to our house to play. Jake finished his school, did his school, and went to Hunters house, then to the park (Hunter is Leslie's kid - 3 days younger than Jake). I took Joe, Jim, Eme, Bella, and Braxton (Leslie's other son - Tom's age) to the indoor pool. Hilary was there, too, with one of her daughters, Megan, for swim practice. We had a good time chatting, and the kids had a good time playing.
We left at 7pm, dropping off Kayley, who was there for Swim Team (Leighs daughter) at her house, Braxton at his house, Bella to our house to get her backpack from school, then Bella at her house, picked up Tom, and got Jake. Pfew! That was a busy evening!
I made pancakes for dinner, and we had them with bananas. Yeah, maybe not the best, but we were all tired. Put the kids to bed, and sat down to decide which quotes I was gonna use for my WordArt packs for the week. But texted Hilary and Laurie instead. I'm such a slacker. hehehe. My Facebook fans DID come up with a TON of good ones, though! Thanks, girls! I've got a TON of ideas now :)
So, it's 9;33pm, I'm almost done blogging, just need to design something real fast, and I'll be done for the night. Hilary put her kids to bed, and her hubby is all drugged up on pain pills from his Knee Surgery from last week, and she's coming over. We're gonna watch House Bunny. It's SO funny - hehehe. Not for kids, just saying... hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Apr. 13, 2010. Thanks again.
Wooow..loved the blog,and ur posts r and r great.Congrats! *Ü*
Thank you for the free WA. :o)
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