I woke up at 10am, and Captain America wasn't in bed anymore. He was out with the kids. I snuck out, but the light was not my friend. And I left kinda sick. But my headache was at bay.
So I grabbed a banana, and went back into my room, and checked my email and such. I kept the lights off, and the door shut, and was ok if I didn't move around too much.
Captain America and Tom left for Tom's Football game at around noon. Yeah, the rest of the day was kinda a blur. I know I texted Hilary and Andrea a bit, and stayed in my bed for quite a while. Captain America and Tom came home at around 3pm, having won the Game. Tom was SO excited. Come to think of it, Captain America was SO excited too. hehehe. He was proud of those 10-11 year olds, and Tom in particular. He'd made a lot of tackles, and recovered a fumble, or something like that. Woohoo Tom!
I got a nice pic of Captain America and Tom together, but he has the camera, so you'll just have to wait - LOL
Anyway, Captain America hustled and got ready for the day Reenactment that we were all supposed to go on. I was feeling pretty nasty, so I decided to skip. I helped him get ready as best I could, and laid back down for a while. Tom and Eme and Joe were gonna go with him. Jake didn't really wanna go, and Jimmy was mostly well, but I figured that he could stay inside one more day. Poor streppy kid...
I did manage to call Verizon, and fenagle a new phone out of them. I told them that it was malfunction, and that the previous 5 phones, of the same type, were malfunction too. That I didn't want the Samsung Glyde anymore, and what were they going to do to fix it. They talked about flashing it again, or trading it out again, and I was like, "Nope, I've lost faith in the phone. I need a different one". I suggested upping my Contract date, like let me just get a new phone now, but they went another route.
They said that they'd give me a pre-owned, recertified phone. For $50. Well, i guess that's better than nothing. And it has a year warranty. And I can re-up my contract and get a new phone in November. Perfect.
So while on the phone with the guy, I talked him into waving the $50 fee, so it's totally free. Good. I shouldn't have to deal with a crappy phone for SO long :) hehehe. The new one should be here on Wednesday.
Hilary and Laurie came by to visit poor, sick me at around 4:30pm. Hilary brought me a Diet Doctor Pepper, and they stayed to chat for a while. Thanks, girls, for coming to check on me!
After they left, I went and did some work on my computer. I was supposed to be loading my store, but was losing interest real fast. So I hired someone to do it for me - LOL! I'm so bad :) Now I have someone repackaging my stuff, and someone else loading it into my store. Sweet! It feels like cheating - hehehe. More time for designing, right?
Here it is, 7;46pm, and I'm gonna get blogged and designed early tonight, so I can just relax and do nothing. Because nothing is SO good to do when you're sick ;)
This WordArt request is from Lexa-Rose. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

You know, one thing I hate about waking up at a certain time during the week is that on the weekends, when I can sleep in, my body is awake at the weekday time! UGH!
Anyway, how are you feeling? Hopefully better today! Let me know if you need anything! I may have to just go buy you a Sam's case of Diet Dr Pepper because it's just wrong you're drinking anything other than that! Hehehe
Love ya girl! Get better!
Oh and a Sam's case of Diet Dr Pepper does not equal Diet Dr Thunder (should they even make that). I mean a case of Diet Dr Pepper from Sam's Club! ;-)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Apr. 11, 2010. Thanks again.
just a thought...I hope that whoever you are having load your store is also part of the store! Because giving just anyone access to the back of the store, even if it's just your access is not a smart thing to do!
TY for the WA's all of the time Bethany. Just love your giving spirit.
Really leaving a comment to help you out on the migraine thing. I am .. or was .. or still am.. but don't get them as often... LOL.. a migraine sufferer. I just wanted to let you in on a tip. Drink.. drink.. drink... lots and lots of fluids. Honestly ppl will tell you water.. becuz caffiene beverages, milk and juices don't cut it.. but I disagree with that sort of. I say drink.. lots of a variety of everything.. but most importantly don't let yourself get dehydrated. You may feel like you drink plenty.. and that is not the source of your migraines... but in all of my years of suffering.. I have learned that most migraines ARE initiated by dehydration.. and it's all of the other triggers.. that only make them worse. Sooooo... lol.. what I am saying is.. if you get that sniggly little feeling of the migraine creeping in.. and you totally know the one I mean.. start to drinking.. and drink and drink. I find the fluid that helps best is actually hot teas.. green, herbal or black with your your headache medication (whatever it is you take for yours).. and don't wait for the migraine to get a good hold. Do this as soon as you feel it coming. Get to a quiet place.. take your hot tea.. and an extra couple of glasses of water to sip in between sipping the tea.. and pop that pill and if I have not said it already.. drink.. drink... drink!!! hahahaha
Trrrrrrust me.. this works wonders!!!! Would love to hear you tried it and you are doing much better with them!!!! :))
Cheers from Ontario, Canada!!!
DiAnna ;)
1st Annon -
Is this the SAME annon that was rude before?
@Hilary..no not the same and I wasn't meaning to be rude. I just hate for her to be taken to the cleaners by someone. There's just too much piracy going on these days to let just anyone have access to the back of the store. Sorry if I came off as being rude.
No worries about the girl who's loading my store. And honestly, if she took everything in my store, I'd be ok. Loading the products SUCK - hehehe. She's practically getting it all anyway :)
As long as she didn't "share", which I'm sure she won't. She's a good girl :)
Aww, this is so sweet! I can really use this, thank you.
takes me back a long time My sunbeam is now 32! This is so charming. Thank You.
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