Yeah, pictures from yesterday! Here's Tom and Captain America, Tom giving us "V for Victory" fingers - hehehe

Another new week begins. Actually, technically, isn't the new week supposed to start on Sunday? Yeah, it's Monday for me. Sunday is the last of the last week in my book. How about you?
Sunday was good, but busy. Andrea had borrowed Captain America's church keys on Saturday for a meeting at the church, and didn't give them back yet, so he was calling me at 8am, looking for them. I was in the process of getting myself and the 5 kids bathed and dressed for church, so took a brief pause to text and call Andrea. Yeah, she was getting herself and her 3 kids ready for church (hehehe), and didn't answer the phone.
He eventually figured something out, I guess. He left for church before I even got up. And I got up at 7:30am. Poor guy works too hard :) Even on his day off :) But, I know we're getting blessings for our service :)
Anyway, headed to church, and got there a few minutes before it started. Late, in my book. There were 2 babies being blessed, and two baptisms from the day before, so there were a TON of extra people in church. Our rows were taken, so we had to sit WAY in the back. Sigh. It's noisy back there. I'm getting to church way early next week - LOL!
Anyway, Sacrament meeting was good, primary went well. I did realize that the singing time lesson I'd prepared was for last months song. Crud. SO, I had to wing it. But, it worked out pretty good. The older kids already knew the song, so that helps - ha! I'll just save the other one, use it later.
We got home, and the kids and I had lunch, then watched Shorts in my room. Funny kid movie. The giant booger monster was kinda nasty, but funny - ROFL! I wouldn't mind having a magic wishing stone sometimes, though :)
Captain America came home near the end of the movie, and finished it with us. He and I and Tom headed over to Leslies house (2 houses away) with the truck and trailer, and got an old dining room table and hutch from her. She'd gotten a BEAUTIFUL new table and chairs not too long ago, and was giving me her old one!!! It's WONDERFUL. Even better than the one that Joe broke. I made sure the child knew not to sit on it - ROFL!
SO, we visited for a while, then took the stuff home. She has an 18 year old that ships off to the Army in June after he graduates, and he came and helped us. SO nice that I didn't have to be moving stuff and carrying it in. THANKS!
So we moved the old hutch, and put the new one in. We keep all our DVD's in there, and transferred them from the one to the other. We built the table, inserted the 2 extra leafs, moved the old chairs and table, set the new ones up, took the bottom to the old hutch to the living room, took the top to the old hutch to the curb, and cleaned up. I rearranged the living room furniture again (hehehe), put the TV on the old hutch bottom, and straightened up a bit. Looked pretty good!
I folded 4 loads of laundry, and had Joe help me put it away. Since it was his clothes. hehehe. And some towels. Lots of dishtowels, actually. Jimmy had gone in his room earlier, and was sleeping. He got a good 3 hour nap in. Dang!
I made dinner, and we all sat around the big new table. Well, except for Jimmy, since he was sleeping. But it was nice to sit down as a family again. We chatted and ate and enjoyed each others company. THANK YOU LESLIE!!!
At one point, the neighbor dude from across the street and a house down came over to ask if he could have the top to the hutch. Come to find out, he and his buddy were from near where Captain America grew up. Small world, eh? We stood outside and chatted for a while.
Captain America went back inside, and I spotted our neighbor Leigh, and we chatted for a while. Back inside, and Captain America started packing for his week in the field. Some army thing they're doing. He'll be back on Friday. I know for some of you who's hubbys are home each and every night at the same time, having your man gone for 5 days would seem like a long time. Really, it doesn't seem that long. But I bet we'll all be really glad when "dad" comes home on Friday :)
We watched a family show together for about an hour, and Jimmy had woken up by then. He ate all of the corn from his dinner he'd missed, and Joe ate all the green beans, and Tom and Joe ate his meat. I guess Corn is better than nothing. He kinda woke up whiny, so I guess eating something is better than not.
We put the kids to bed at 9pm, and Captain America continued packing. I'm blogging, then designing, then gonna go to bed. I'm gonna spend a bit of time tomorrow cleaning and organizing. I tend to find more time to clean when Captain Americas gone. I think it's the "I miss my man" energy channeled in a positive way. Whatever it takes to have your house cleaned, right? LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

thanks for the great wordart
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Apr. 12, 2010. Thanks again.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [12 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
"After while, crocodile!" I know you're not old enough to remember THAT phrase, but it always comes to mind when I see "See you later, alligator" lol I think I'm giving my age away! :0) Thanks for the great WA - and yes, the week DEFINITELY starts on Monday!
Love the gator word art...thanks!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you so much!
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