I woke up at around 7:30 or 8am, had breakfast, and got the kids fed. I sat on the back patio for a while, and watched the kids play. The little kids. The big ones were sleeping in. It was very peaceful, and I really enjoyed it :)
I texted back and for with my friends for a while, planning what we'd do for the rest of the day. Captain America had invited the Reay's (Andrea's family) over for dinner this evening, so I decided to open it up to a few more families. Plus I was texting my mom and sister, and found out that they'd left Ft Hood at 5:30am MY time. Oh crap. That meant they were gonna be here even sooner. So I needed to clean.
I took everything out of the downstairs bedroom, and vacuumed REALLY well. Then arranged stuff how I wanted it, and moved in Eme's toys. I figured that the little girls would have fun playing with them, and Eme was agreeable to it :)
But that meant that there was a TON of crap in the dining room. Sigh. I went upstairs, and helped Eme clean her room. It was trashed. We hung up clothes, threw away papers, put some stuff up for a while, and moved around the bed. Jim and Joe were gonna be spending the month in her room, so we needed to make room. We brought their toys up to Eme's room ,but but their Clothes out in the garage where they could easily access it, but where i could definitely monitor them. Little boys mess things up really quickly, you know ;)
Andrea texted and asked if I could take her to Time Warner cable to return her modem, and we could take all the kids to Free Lunch. But I didn't have the truck, cause Captain America had to take it to work. So I just took Andrea and Luke, and the three of us went, then stopped by Burger King and got burgers for the kids for lunch.
Andrea helped me clean my downstairs bathroom, and the kids helped me clean the dining room. Jake and Tom cleaned the kitchen, and in about an hour and a half, the house was clean enough. hehehe.
We left Jake in charge, and headed for the mall. Andrea needed her eyebrows threaded, and honestly, I did too. hehehe. Leigh came too! It was a nice, fun hour with the girls. We stopped at Old Navy real fast, and bought our older boys $2 tee shirts from the clearance rack. Gotta love that.
Here's Andrea with her threading lady :)
My sister texted and said that they were 18 miles from the Ft Bliss exit on i-10. Crap! We hurried and paid and headed back to post. We made it on post about 5 minutes before them. We waited at the Day Pass office, and helped my sister fill out the paperwork for her car, then headed to my house.
Andrea took her kids and headed to Veronicas house, Leigh headed home, and I helped my mom and dad and sister and kids unload. My kids were SUPER excited to see their cousins!
I needed to run to walmart to grab a few things for the BBQ, and my mom and sister came with me. Yeah, my mom doesn't like my hot truck so much. hehehe. It was 102 today, and my non-AC truck wasn't high on her list, I think. LOL
Anyway, we grabbed some more hot dog buns, hot dogs, plastic cups, cleaning supplies, Glad Plus In refills, and a few other things, then hurried home. I made it just in time to drop stuff off, grab Jake, and head to the doctor for his 5:20pm appointment.
We were home by 6pm, and started the grill. Leslie was letting me borrow her HUGE gas grill, so my Dad and I walked over to pick it up. We had most of the food ready to go by 7pm. And people started showing up at around 6:30pm. Not too bad.
We had burgers and hot dogs and brawts and rice a roni and chips and grilled corn on the cob and cookies and cup cakes and pudding. It was pretty fun. Here's a few pics from the evening.
I had a hard time figuring out my camera - LOL. My sister Madi, and me. Well, our heads...
My friends thought it was funny how similar my sister and I were in some ways. Same upper body, same chins, similar goofy faces - ROFL!
And here's some of my girls. Leigh and Andrea and Leslie.
And here's the guys. Captain America and Leigh's hubby, Greg.
We had my family (of 7), my mom and dad, my sister and her 2 kids, Leigh & her hubby and 2 kids, Leslie and her 2 kids, and Andrea & Ryan and their 3 kids. It was pretty busy.
At around 8:30pm, Laurie and her 4 kids showed up too. But Andrea was just leaving. Her family was driving to Idaho for a week of vacation, then off to Ft Jackson, SC.
Here's a pic of Andrea and I right before she left. I'll miss you, my friend. You'd BETTER keep in touch with me...... OR ELSE!!! You're not getting off of the friendship hook that easily! You know too many of my secrets - hehehe.
At about 10pm, everyone was gone, the backyard and kitchen were cleaned up, the kids were in bed, and I was ready too. I grabbed my computer, and Captain America and I retreated to my room. My poor dad wasn't ready to go, but since everyone else was going to bed, he went to the downstairs bedroom too - hehehe.
I have a doctors appointment at 7:40am tomorrow morning to see about my monkey nub. hehehe. Hopefully they'll get rid of it. I'm sure I'll be referred to some Monkey Nub specialist, where they're experts in cutting off extra large tailbones. hehehe.
And here's the other part! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Wow! You were busy! I haven't had a day that crazy in awhile, but I'm sure there is one just around the bend! ;) Thanks for the awesome word art, it's too cute!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [15 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
I love your word art and thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks for the word art!! :D
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