One more day closer to when my sister gets here!!! hehehe. Can you tell that I'm excited??? A live in friend, at least for a while :) Oh yeah, it's gonna be good - ha!
So I woke up today when Captain America got back from Recall Formation at around 7:30am. I was tired, but happy to see him. At around 9ish, I showered and got ready for whatever the day would present - hehe.
I drove down to Andreas house and picked up Ben (7) and Luke (2) and brought them back to my house. Laurie was there with Andrea and a few people from church helping her clean. The PODS were gone, and the housing people were gonna be there at noon to check everything off. I figured taking the kids would be helpful - hehehe.
So I brought them back to my house, and the kids all played nicely together :) Here's a few pics of Me and Captain America and Me before free lunch:
Here's Ben and Joe at Free Lunch. They're gonna miss each other, I think :)
Jimmy and I
We came back to our house and hung out for a few more hours. Amazingly, the kids started asking for food the second we got back home. What the heck? Do your kids do that? Sigh. I DID feed them - hehe.
Andrea had her final inspection at noon. And showed up at my house at about 1:15ish. They'd passed with flying colors! Not bad for having cleaned it and moved it herself! Good job, guys!
Anyway, we were gonna have a picnic at the park with us and her and Laurie and some other friends, but really, it was WAY too hot outside. So we decided to go to the pool. She didn't have a car, cause her hubby had it, and it had ALL of her stuff she needed. But between all of her friends in the neighborhood, we outfitted her AND her kids with swimming suits and towels and all the necessities for pool fun - LOL!
Now, I've gotta visually show you why it's better NOT to shower before going to the pool. See, I look nice after coming out of the shower and getting all fixed up. Sure, it takes about 30 minutes, but I look nice - ROFL!
Here's Laurie and Kari at the pool at our normal table :)
We were at the pool from 2pm till 5pm. It was really a good time. Leigh brought granola bars, I had a TON of water bottles and a watermelon, Laurie had sandwiches. They kids were happy and hydrated. hehe. The mom's played in the water too, so we didn't totally die from the El Paso heat. It was super hot today is all I'm gonna say :)
Andrea and I headed home at 5ish. We started on dinner, and her hubby showed up about 5:30pm looking SUPER tired. Poor guy. He sat on the couch and was instantly out. They had no home to go to, since housing had already been cleared. Andrea and I texted Veronica, who's out of town, to see if Andrea and family could crash at her empty house. She eventually texted back and said it was fine. Veronica is a sweetheart :)
We fed the kids and grown ups, and Andrea and I sat on the back porch for a few hours chatting. It was very nice and pleasant. I'm gonna miss her as a neighbor friend. Friends are one thing, but having a friend how lives only 7 houses away is something more :) Big hugs, girl!
Captain America came home at around 8pm, and Andrea and Ryan headed to Veronicas house at 8:30pm. Ben spent the night here with Joe, and the boys were having a blast :) Captain America and I headed out to Lowes to grab something for him for work at around 9pm, after the little kids had gone to bed. Jake and Tom were watching Dr Who, I think. Something on TV.
Here's Captain America finding the right piece of plywood.
Andrea and I headed home at 5ish. We started on dinner, and her hubby showed up about 5:30pm looking SUPER tired. Poor guy. He sat on the couch and was instantly out. They had no home to go to, since housing had already been cleared. Andrea and I texted Veronica, who's out of town, to see if Andrea and family could crash at her empty house. She eventually texted back and said it was fine. Veronica is a sweetheart :)
Captain America came home at around 8pm, and Andrea and Ryan headed to Veronicas house at 8:30pm. Ben spent the night here with Joe, and the boys were having a blast :) Captain America and I headed out to Lowes to grab something for him for work at around 9pm, after the little kids had gone to bed. Jake and Tom were watching Dr Who, I think. Something on TV.
Here's Captain America finding the right piece of plywood.
We headed to Circle K to get our drinks, then to Walmart for a few things. We're having a BBQ tomorrow with Andrea's family, and my family should be in town too. So we got some hamburgers, and brawts, and hot dogs, and rice mixes, and buns, and condiments. And popsicles. And a few other essential things - hehehe. Should be a fun time :)
So to find all the items we needed at Walmart took hardly any time at all, but to go thru the check out took FOREVER! Sigh. It took longer in line than it took to shop, and that's just not right. On our way out of the store, we found a few interesting things in the return baskets.
I'm wearing a Woody hat. hehehe
Also tomorrow evening I have a doctors appointment for Jacob, so we'll see how that works into a BBQ. And I have to clean my house and get ready for company. And I might go to a movie and lunch with Andrea since it's her last day in El Paso. Yup, I'm one busy girl....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
(be sure to stop by tomorrow for Busy Boy)

I really love your work.
I LOVE this one! I mean, I love them all but especially this one! Probably because I have a busy, busy little girl!
thank you!!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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