Anyway, here's a few more pics from yesterday. Here's Captain America and I right before we headed out on our date. Yeah, I'm just a tad enthusiastic about being out of the house - hehehe. I spent the WHOLE day at home. hehehe.
And right before the movie but after Verizon, we stopped by Academy sports so Captain America could buy some new cleat-y things to go on the bottoms of his cleats for Softball. Check out these FABULOUS zebra stripped rubber boots I found. Now, if I only lived somewhere where it rained...
Captain America and I had planned on getting up early and him working on his truck and me cleaning up the house some more, but when we finally woke up at 10am, we realized that wasn't gonna happen - hehehe. I did feel rested, though! LOL!
We had breakfast/lunch, then at around noon-ish, he headed over to Joe's house to work on his truck. I cleaned my room for about an hour, then I showered and got ready.
The USO was putting on a Sesame Street production today! My neighbor, Leigh, got free tickets for me and the 3 little kids. They were pretty excited about going. We headed up there at around 1:40pm, and Leigh was already there saving seats for us. The kids each got an Elmo spinner lighty upy thingy, and a bandana. And we got a DVD and some papers stuff when we went in too.
Here's Joe, intently watching the show.
At the very end, the characters sang near the audience, and all the kids rushed to hug them. Grover came over by our bleachers, and I let the kids crowd in. You can see Jimmy lovin' on Grover, but he's oblivious - hehehe.
So when it was over, we looked outside, and it was POURING. Whaaaaaat? This is the desert, right? Luckily they gave me a bandana, so I covered my head and made a run for it. Here's me, trying to get to the truck before my hair curled up - ha!
I'm trying to blog little pieces during the day, so that it's not such a long process at night. So here it is, almost 4pm, and I think I need a migraine pill. My shoulders feel tight, and that's one of my tells. I think I'll go work on my room for a bit longer and take some meds. After dinner, I think I'm gonna make Captain America take me out on a date again. Cause I'm getting spoiled with all of the dates. hehehe.
I wandered down to Andreas house for a while to look at her PODS. hehehe. She's moving, and they're using PODS. They have 3 to fill up, and be out of their house by Tuesday. Poor thing.
Anyway, on my way down, I looked at my purple bush, and everyone elses purple bush. Hmmmm.
So I hung at Andreas for about 20 minutes, and helped her reach a few tall things. I'm gonna miss that girl when she moves. But I know it'll be a good move for her family. And for little Luke. He really doesn't do well in El Paso...
So at 4:45pm, we got the coals going in the grill for dinner, and I sat down to design a freebie for y'all. Something Sunday-ish. hehehe.
Dinner was done by 5:45pm. Chicken thighs, rice-a-roni, and green salad. I skipped the rice-a-roni for myself, just the chicken and salad. Mmmm, it was good :)
Captain America came home around 6:30pm, and after he had dinner, cleaned up, and got ready for our date, we headed out.
We drove to the mall, and bought his vitamins, then walked around for a bit. We stopped by McDonalds and bought dollar sodas and had fun making fun of the guys who wore girl jeans, and the girls who wore things that they really shouldn't be wearing...
Like this. I mean, really...
We found $2.50 Old Navy t-shirts. Captain America and I and Jake and Tom and Eme all got one. We couldn't find any kid sizes. We figured we'd get them a "Faded Glory" shirt from WalMart, and call it good - hehehe.
We left the mall at 9pm, and headed to Wal-Mart. We needed Diet Dr Pepper. Cause we were out. And I don't wanna be stuck caffiene-less on Sunday. hehehe. Cause we don't shop on Sunday, ya know- hehehe.
Now really, should it really be this crowded at the check-outs at almost 10pm? I think not...
We were home by 10pm. We put the big kids to bed, then sat down to watch a movie together. Here it is, 12;44pm, and I'm almost ready for bed. Just need to add a few more pictures and I'm all good to go. Captain America is snoring next to me, so he's already asleep. hehehe.
So the WordArt I picked for today is a scripture from the July 2010 Visit Teaching message. I thought it was a nice scripture, and a nice thought :) Teach our children the right and correct things. It will help them, and it will help us :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [11 Jul 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Your purple shrub looks like a butterfly bush---that's pretty much how they look. I don't know what your neighbor's bush is, but it's not the same thing, so don't feel bad! I know what you mean about FB, but keep on bloggin, I need my Bethany fix!
Thank you so much for you word art. I love to see what you have come up with each day. Thank you
AZK is right. If you cut your butterfly bush back in spring and feed it, it will get bushier, but it won't ever look like the other bush which is something else- not sure what either. Thanks for the wordart- beautifully done.
The neighbor's bush looks like lavender to me, we have a lot of lavender that grows around here and even some lavender farms! The bees LOVE the lavender! I'm not sure what your bush is, but if the other ladies think it's a butterfly bush, they're probably right. All I can verify is the other one is lavender. is a lavender farm close to where I live. Look at their photo gallery and your neighbor's bush looks pretty much like theirs. Thanks for the word art, too!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
That purple bush is amazing! I wonder if we can get them in Australia.
With that girl wearing all the pink. I couldn't find what was wrong. Someone needs to spell it out for me lol
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