I woke up with my head cold no better. Sigh. I took some meds, and thankfully I slept in, so at least I wasn't sleepy. At 9:30am, we drove to Laurie's house and picked up her 2 youngest kids and brought them back to our house.
Laurie and her husband were in the US Virgin islands on vacation, and her mom was watching her kids. She needed to take the older 2 to a Karate thing, and didn't wanna take all 4. So we watched the little 2. Laurie and Spencer were supposed to be home last night, but because of a storm, their flights were delayed and such.
Anyway, the kids had a lot of fun playing at our house. Rowan is a year younger than Jimmy, and Kaytia is in Joe's class this year at school. The kids all played nicely together.
Me? I was wiped out because of this cold. I just mostly layed around in bed. Seriously. I felt like crap. I did manage to get these photos, though.
Captain America set up the Hot Wheel Derby track, and let the kids race. They all had a blast :)
Captain America woke me up close to 2pm and said that he needed me to help him pick up his truck from the shop. We didn't know when/how we were supposed to give Laurie's kids back. We didn't have her moms phone number. So I texted Laurie, and she said they were home, and to drop off the kids.
So Captain America and I headed to drop off Lauries kids, then proceeded to drive out to pick up his truck. We paid the dude, and chit chatted about the truck for a bit, then headed home. I, of course, missed the on-ramp to the interstate, and ended up driving a side rode for a while, but found my way eventually. hehe. Even thought I left before Captain America, he beat me home because of the little "detour" I took. Ha!
I debated going to the Relief Society broadcast tonight. See, my head cold was kicking my butt. I didn't feel good. But I really wanted to hear the message. And chat with some friends. What to do, what to do. I had one group of girls say they were meeting at the church at 3:30pm, and that I could go with them. The stake was having a service project at 4pm. Then, another group was leaving at 4:45pm, in time to make the 5:15pm dinner. And another group was leaving at 5:20pm, to make the 6pm broadcast.
I settled on the 5:20pm group and the broadcast. That gave me time to shower and get ready and still be rested, and not be gone too long. Laurie came and picked me up at 5:20pm, and we drove over to Tiffany's house. Tiffany drove over to the stake center. It was a nice chat during our drive.
The conference was wonderful. I especially loved President Monsons talk about "Not Judging". Really, we don't know what people are going through, or what all the circumstances are, or why people do what they do. We shouldn't pass judgment on them. I hope they have it up online tomorrow so I can listen to it again with Captain America :)
Captain America drove out to the Stake center and picked me up after the conference, and we went out to dinner. It was very fun. We went to Applebees, and I got my Shrimp and Spinach salad. Very tasty! Then, we drove over to the East Side and went to a $2 movie. Charlie StCloud. And I really liked the movie, too. Good thing I brought my jacket, because the theater was freezing.
I liked the movie a lot. It talked of moving on, and not living in the past, and starting over. Great movie :)
We got home around 11pm, and poor Jacob was freaking out because he thought he'd got bitten by a spider. I really think he just stepped on something. I had him put some ice on it, and sent him back to bed.
It's now 12:15am, and I need to go to sleep. I'm SO glad that I designed earlier in the day. Cause I don't think I'd be of much use, design wise, right now. LOL! Let's hope I feel better in the morning. And good thing our new ward doesn't start until 11:30am. Woohoo!
This is the 2011 LDS Primary Theme, in case anyone wanted to get a jump start on next year :) I'd gotten a few requests for it, so here it is :)
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Hi Bethany...just saying you look gorgeous in your yellow outfit! And adding my thanks to the thousands for the great WA you share!
Thanks so much for this one. I will definitely find a use for it. I'm glad you are feeling better.
This is a lovely creation. Thank you for your time. And yes, you do look really nice in your yellow outfit.
You look amazing! Great word art! Thank you!
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Bethany These are BEAUTIFUL. I found your site through craft cave. I'm don't currently have a calling in primary but you never know....
Thank you so much!
That's that blasted shirt i wanted to burn the last time you wore it! I haven't changed my mind about it either! lol
Hi Bethany!
Thank you so much for all of the great wordart. Would you consider creating one for the YW 2011 theme?
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