So, wanna see my new stuff? But wait! I have my Halloween Packs on sale! Buy all my previously released Halloween stuff for only $8.00. That's only $0.80 a pack! Yeah, can't pass that one by, right? hehehe.
I was SOOO sleepy when I woke up this morning :) I need to get my timing down of my meds. I don't like being sleepy - hehe. I snoozed my alarm a few times, and ended up finally coming out at 7:10am to help the kids get ready. Luckily they were almost all the way ready. Such good kids :)
I got them on the bus at 7:30am, and wanted to go back to bed, but ended up screwing around on my phone for about 30 minutes. Yeah, maybe I was reading emails. I don't know. All I knew was that Captain America came home around 8, and had to be back to work a little after 9am. So I hung with him as he got ready.
And then, after he went back to work, I got on my computer, and started designing. And helped kids with school and bus and lunch and whatever else came up in between, but mostly I worked.
And here it is, 3:06pm, and I'm done. Thank goodness. hehe. I don't like sitting in front of a 46 inch laptop all day long. Good thing I designed 3 WordArt packs earlier in the week, or it would have taken even longer. I did make a calendar AND masks, both of which are EXTREMELY time consuming, so I know that's why it took me so long. So, note to self, don't make calendars and masks for the same week. Ha!
And, round 2 of blogging. hehe. It's 10:49pm, and I'm about ready to go to sleep. It turned out to be a really good evening :)
So I finished up with the computer, and then didn't want to do ANYTHING else. hehe. I texted with my friend Mandi for a while, and at 3:30pm, headed up to pick up the kids from AQ. I sat in the parking lot and checked my email, and had kids delivered and back home by 4pm.
AND, my hair is getting SO long. I like wearing it in a high pony tail, because I feel like a cheerleader. ROFL! And yeah, in high school, I was NOTHING like a cheerleader. Think HUGE band geek. Seriously... hehe.
And then I just hung out. Yeah, didn't cook dinner. I didn't have the kids clean. I didn't really do anything. hehe. I was pretty much fried from working. But that's ok. Tom and Eme played outside for a while, and Jake and Hunter played for a bit. Kids were happy. I was good.
And finally, at 5:45pm, we decided to get ready for Scouts. Joe's on-post pack was having a Campfire at Old Ft Bliss tonight. And all the kids wanted to go. Which I was kinda glad for, because it meant we'd all be together, but I was pretty much done with kids, so only taking Joe would have been MUCH easier...
I changed clothes and put on something yellow. Because yellow is the Cub Scout color. Yeah, it made sense at the time. hehe. My uniform is kinda big. Because, apparently, I'm no longer a medium. I'm a small. ha! That's gonna take some getting used to :)
Our Cub Scout pack has REALLY grown. There were a ton of people there. They had a flag ceremony, then the dens did skits, then we roasted marshmallows.
Anyway, someone else brought BIG marshmallows. The little one is really normal size. That one Joe has is TOTALLY on steroids, or something...
So we headed out to El Taco Tote. Because I love that place, and I hadn't eaten yet. And if I was gonna have to eat, then I wanted it to be something good. hehe.
Here's Captain America and I with our food.
But I ate my cucumbers, and my chips (yeah, I counted them as my crackers/bread), and my meat and veggies. SO tasty. And drank my Diet Coke. It's not Diet Dr Pepper, but it IS diet :)
And then we headed to the mall. Because Kohl's was having a 60% off sale on their sterling silver rings. And I just love jewelry, you know...
So we parked, and Captain America was showing me his glove box, and ha! I found drink holders. hehe. Yeah, I don't know why I thought it was so funny, but I did - hehe.
Aren't they pretty? Captain America and I had fun picking them out together. And, Veronica, you'd be happy to know that they were NOT from the Jewelry Box, and that I paid $14 a piece for them. And they're not gonna turn my fingers green. hehe.
So, yeah, ok, so I'm not ALWAYS working. Or wait. My blog IS my work, right? And my life is my blog.... Are you following me here... So, living my life IS working, so I'm ALWAYS working. Ha! See, I knew I could get that to fit. ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on Oct. 08, 2010. Thanks again.
I just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration to all of us.
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Thank you for the great word art. It will be perfect because I work 24/7. It feels like it anyway. Hee! Love it!
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